One of the best burger stores in Hong Kong, it offers signature items including American street-style burger and creative combinations, e.g. Foie Gras Burger and Wagyu Burger are both worthy of the hour-long queue.
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Awards and Titles
Best Western Restaurant (2016)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
同以前一樣咁好食前幾個月經過幾次都見到冇開,以為執咗笠,點知今日見到開返,即刻叫咗個芝士漢堡try try,個bun、芝士、薯條同以前一模一樣。個漢堡對我黎講就熟咗啲啲,同感覺到牛味比以前濃咗,個人就喜歡生啲。好鍾意食呢度個bun,外軟內脆。差唔多食完有人過嚟問下覺得點,傾開先知開返無耐,雖然換咗老闆,但供應商同個配方冇改到,啲牛就變咗安格斯。宜家啲服務態度同以前比好咗好多,希望可以keep住係度啦,嗰陣時以為執咗笠都覺好可惜。
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📍Burgerman #大角咀🏆經典芝士漢堡+薯條🍟(9/10)經典款最緊要塊漢堡😝 安格斯好重牛味 見到中間仲紅紅地唔會overcooked🤩 薯條熱辣辣超正✌🏻🏆鵝肝安格斯漢堡🍔(9/10)鵝肝好香😍 一咬啲油香味出曬黎👍🏻 漢堡亦煎得好juicy💦 配埋蕃茄生菜🥗完全冇油膩感❤️🏆BBQ/水牛城雞翼(9.5/10)叫左兩款雞翼都係即叫即炸🍗外脆內嫩✨好入味☺️ 水牛城辣度岩岩好🔥BBQ超級惹味🤤 唔食辣必食❗️兩款都大推‼️仲要店主好nice😆 俾埋手套好細心💕 #支持香港小店💪🏻
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突然見到burgerman 重開(懷疑係易左手), 即刻叫左個最貴既黑川和牛漢堡餐回味下, 點知一打開個盒, 見到同以前已經係兩回事, 個漢堡普通都不得了, 和牛漢堡一d牛味都冇, 同以前完全唔同, 只係一個非常普通既漢堡, 甚至覺得老麥既安格斯都比佢好.至於薯格, 炸得太過, 食落去只係食到油炸感, 食唔到薯仔, 唔敢食食完驚熱氣死.一句講晒, 同以前完全唔同, 百幾蚊一個包, 完全唔值. 以前burgerman 都算係我食過最好食既burger, 依家非常失望.
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係朋友介紹嘅食過好多次的確係要分享一下次次都係一樣水準佢嘅漢堡包真係冇得輸好Juicy嘅牛扒沙律菜又好番薯薯條都係一樣好出色今次就試吓洋蔥圈,我就覺得普通咗啲,但係都係好好食嘅反而番薯薯條,我覺得好甜呀好好食囉,唔會好似啲人咁朔晒油平時食通常都係平日嘅lunch抵食好多假期就貴少少啦,因為始終冇餐但係都會一直支持,因為好食次次都係攞走其實堂食都OK 㗎,環境舒服乾淨值得推薦,不過認識我嘅朋友我都已經分享晒😆
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I have bought 2 burger sets which cost me $184. However it's worse than a McDonalds hamburger. The taste was brend and even the meat was not good too. I don't know why, but it seems totally different with last time. It just one to two months before, how come the change was so huge. It just take away food, no service can be received. Overall its not worth to buy anymore. Not next time for me.
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