8-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station
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Opening Hours
17:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
17:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
本身同朋友慶生食完生日飯,跟住走咗去附近飲杯嘢。我就嗌咗杯Heores嘅Pilsner🍺,朋友就叫咗cocktail - Daiquiri🍸。其實兩杯嘢都幾好飲,環境又唔錯,幾好feel~•俾錢嗰陣都冇特別去check單,諗住我哋枱面都係得兩杯嘢飲⋯落單同收錢都係同一個人,咁就應該唔會有錯⋯點知俾完之後發現⋯⋯俾人收貴咗百幾蚊⋯😡🤬🤬明明我哋冇食過chicken wings同sausage,竟然收咗我哋錢‼️‼️‼️•雖然今次係朋友請飲嘢,佢就話冇所謂⋯當買個教訓同請舖頭嘅人飲嘢,但係我今朝起身真係越諗越嬲‼️😤決定不吐不快‼️‼️ 點返轉頭幫襯啊‼️‼️‼️•2024年最大靈異事件🫠👻🎃💩👿
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Went to this bar with my colleagues after the reception party. .I shared a bottle of Prosecco with my colleagues. It was fresh and bubbly with a pleasantly sweet flavour, making it easy to take in. We ordered Fries and Chicken Wings to share too. The Fries were soggy and tasted bland... However, the Chicken Wings were much better. It tasted slightly spicy with a crunchy exterior. One of my colleagues ordered Coke for themselves, but complained that it was quite watery....The air-conditioning was malfunctioned that day, so we felt super hot. We asked the staff to turn on the fan for us for several times, but our request was ignored for the first few times.
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環境:朝早餐廳夜晚酒吧,餐廳中間有大大個霓虹燈牌寫住keepbusy stay chill,絕對係餐廳最吸晴係打卡位.夜晚我地主要飲野傾計,叫左cocktails chill 下🥰全部都係職員特調.Cocktail 有咖啡熱情果柚子Cocktail同黑松露winshysour Cocktail 兩種.咖啡熱情果柚子Cocktail上面有一層細緻豐盈泡沫,入口先有咖啡甘香,再慢慢滲透出熱情果柚子嘅清甜果香,好易入口☺️
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又臨近weekend🤟🏻想去chill唔一定去中環嘅!可以考慮比較恬靜少少嘅落腳點🤭🤭是晚同友人食完飯仲有講唔完嘅話題!反正第二朝唔使早起身🤝🏻轉場繼續啦!適逢呢度星期四有busking🎸氣氛好好!經過就入去坐低啦🎶. ✨Christmas Fantasy $138Whiskey + 咖啡酒 + 以分子料理方式製成嘅薄荷朱古力泡泡🍫調酒師話靈感嚟自某咖啡連鎖店嘅聖誕限定版特飲!厚實泡泡面層加有可可粉作裝飾!底層濃烈酒精混搭咖啡香!好特別嘅期間限定😎😎.✨House Wine $95LOMA NEGRA CHILE 2022 (MERLOT) 入口溫和🍷葡萄味道香醇順喉!.✨Bird Wings $88炸雞翼熱辣辣!卜卜脆!一路飲一路食香口嘢!一流!
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放咗工梗係要chill下啦,唔想同人迫,靜靜地同朋友食下snack飲下酒就最好啦。今次試咗busy bird 嘅double A5 “Miyazaki”wag you burger 同埋smoked salmon salad, 再加左支les calcalres Pinot noir 嘅白酒.最推介嘅係和牛Burger ,呢兩層A5 和牛,睇相都見到一d都唔惹少,兩塊都好厚好juicy, 和牛味好出,肉質嫩口。麵包就好脆,新鮮出爐食係最好嘅。煙三文魚沙律適合做前菜,沙律清清哋,配合埋三文魚,健康又唔油膩。而les calcalres嘅白酒我覺得好適合女仔飲,尤其是係啱啱喺雪櫃拎出嚟,味道甜甜地,香醇得來帶有果香味,好易入口。而且,佢可以一杯杯order, 如果驚飲唔晒一支酒,就可以試吓les calcalres啦。最後,餐廳有好多打卡位,喺門口都可以影到靚嘅相。餐廳仲歡迎寵物同couple friendly。
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