4-min walk from Exit C, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
The American restaurant offers a corner for kids to have ice-cream, cookies, and candies. Children can have fun at the play corner too. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (59)
Level1 2018-02-14
We have been to B&B before and had good experiences. We wanted to have dinner here last Friday and called the restaurant to make a reservation on Monday; the staff who answered the call took our reservation without informing us the restaurant is closed for licensing renovation. She even confirmed that we can have our preferred seat. Showed up with guests on Friday night only to find out the restaurant is completely closed, causing trouble finding another venue last-minute.It was careless to take our reservation under the circumstances. If the restaurant's reopening schedule changed, the staff should at least call and let us know the day before. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-01-16
Many new restaurants opened in Kennedy Town and it is quiet during the weekend. Attracted by the entrance with the warming decorations. The staff have no smile on their face, service was slow and they seemed impatient when you order. Blueberry PancakesWas expecting more for HK$100+ pancakes. The pancakes was thin and nothing special. Served with blueberry sauce (over sweet) and vanilla ice-cream. Anyone can make this pancakes at home! LatteThe cup is cute in tiffany blue color with a small piece of cookie. The foam is very creamy but I cannot taste any coffee at all.Overall, the environment here is relaxing and ideal for families with kids. However, they need to improve their service and quality of food. Will not come back again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-01-03
難食到一個點,又冇牌,到時食到死似尸都唔使負上法律責任,叫我地重點幫襯,你當我地d 食客係老襯咩,食食下火足又冇消防設備,叫左勁耐都冇,d 野又凍,持牌人仲要冇禮貌,都唔明做咩重要開門,https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/realtime/article/20180102/57645772 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-29
呢間餐廳令我最surprised嘅係室內環境真係好有外國氣息!入面好寬敞,甚至有休憩嘅地方比小朋友玩樂;而且中亭有個PizzaKitchen,門口又有個drink island,可想言之呢間餐廳佔地幾咁大。我最鍾意佢個Ribs!一來好抵食,半份先200幾蚊,價錢同一碟意粉先差唔多,但個份量多到我以為係一份!二來真係好好食,肉質好腍好腍,輕輕一推開就可以將骨肉分離,Soft到放入口會溶化,而且完全唔乾,口味好濕潤,燒烤醬好入味,滲透每一吋肉裡頭,呢個ribs真係暫時我食過最令我印象深刻嘅一個。Side dishes有薯條同沙律,同樣貫徹美國菜嘅特色,就係份量好多!另外再叫咗個香蒜蜆肉意粉,呢個蒜香又唔係太濃,味道稍為清啲,不過配合蜆肉食係合理嘅,唔需要太多調味,以蜆肉嘅鮮味為主導,加啲車厘茄味道,整體來講好Fresh,而且蜆肉相當多,並無偷工減料。最後order咗個農場Pizza,呢個就令我有少少失望喇,因為無一種令人印象深刻嘅味道,每樣ingredient嘅味道都唔突出,芝士味都唔太濃郁,所以下次應該唔會叫pizza了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-11-08
今朝睇新聞才知道餐廳是無牌營業二年咁耐,一路都靠付罰款蓋住…… 沒牌……食了出什麼事誰保障……其實這家餐飲集團的食物一向都不箅做得十分好,只是價格不算太貴,用氣氛撘夠。同集團的 jasper 及 K-Town 都如是。 幫襯過一次,便沒有下次。用同樣的價格,寧願幫襯獨立經營的餐廳。Just learned that from news this morning, the restaurant running without business licences....OMG! Don't know how can this happens in Hong Kong. Whom is going to take responsibility if any food poisoning happens?Not a big friend of this restaurant group. I find most of places just ate once then don't want to go back. Price is reasonable for the environment, but food are so so. Especially there breakfast. For the same amount the charges for, I would prefer to spend on these small single owner restaurant. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)