In Lane Crawford continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2013-09-11
Cafe Costa在IFC的Lane crawford內,老實說位置比較難找,原來門口在一堆化妝品專櫃後面,我和朋友就在前面走過了也沒有發現到,真的是一額汗。是日約了一個好朋友聚舊,所以一早預訂了去High tea,當日是星期六直接過去也不用等位。這家一直標榜環境和情調,果然不假!服務生安排了window seat,因為天氣熱就選擇了室內的,如果不怕熱和吸煙的朋友可以坐室外,環境應該要更好。點了一份Tea set for two,上桌速度很快呢,只需要5分鐘,是一早已預備嗎?Tea set 是典型的三層架,驟眼看食物外觀及水準都挺不錯。最上層是英國鬆餅,本應是最不會失手的部份,它就讓我們都失望了。第一它烘烤得太乾、就是你掉到桌面上會硬到有聲音的那種。第二之前看其他食評都有看到有提子乾、但我們眼前的是原味,還好的是有2款果醬。中層是2種口味的Macaron、甜度適中;藍莓cheese cake,蛋糕屬於軟身的、不算很正宗但芝士味很濃喔;還有2個原味的忌廉泡芙、不過不失。最下層是鹹點,4款不同的三文治。包括有蛋沙律、煙三文魚、芝士火腿、水牛芝士,老實說是好吃的但這些款式功夫實在不用多,整體感覺有點隨便。最後和朋友各自點了一杯Cappuccino,很香、比例調得不錯,可惜沒有拉花。總括來說質數在水準之下,整體有點太隨意,種類也很普通,主要是配合環境,如果想要在繁華的中環區找個地方坐著聊聊天也是個不錯的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-23
好耐冇打食評喇, 話說早排比較忙, 多 data entry... 而為左繼續我既飲食生涯, 不惜付出時間金錢 join gym! 為既就係...食!!!甘果日星期六, 下晝放工同老虎去 IFC 做占, 做完我以為一身鬆 誰不知老虎肚餓, 如果你有睇過 少年 PI 既 Richard Parker, 你就知老虎肚餓可以有幾甘惡 而我地占前, 其實只係食左個 sandwich為左唔做佢既下午茶點心, 我急急腳打去附近酒店問有冇 tea, 但當然, 哩度係香港, 星期六下晝 - 你唔係 3 個月之前 book 定既你都唔洗旨意有位啦.. 唔緊要, 我地誤打誤撞, 行左去間叫 Cafe Costa 既餐廳, 老虎肚餓, 唔講甘多我即刻衝入去一心 lum 住叫 Costa 應該同 UK 既 Costa Coffee 價錢差唔幾, 點知一打開餐牌, 大鑊.. Tea Set (for two) 約 268 + 10%, 中環 IFC 黎講唔太貴, 服務招呼幾好Observant 既 desmond 留意倒 Waitress 耳後有個迷你公仔紙, 但態度 very good, 而且都好有禮貌 入黎果陣同 Reception 位靚仔哥哥要求坐近窗邊, 都完全冇問題 叫左 Tea set 之後 Tea and Lemon Tea 都好快到 Typical 三層 Tea Set 架高層:Chocolate fudge cake (rectangular) - 我平時好鍾意食, 但哩個就賣相麻麻地(坦白講, 加埋 D Cream 似美X $3 舊果 D)Mini Lemon Tart - 望落 dry, 但食落算幾 juicy, 有 RASSpberry, stallll啤梨, 同 burrberry, 正.Cheese cake - 一般, 老虎話係 japanese style, 我就真係冇 mud 同感 :S中層:Salami 4 塊 - 鹹, 冇感覺Serrano Ham w/ Melon - 賣飛佛, melon 都幾新鮮, 占後食真係 refreshing Scone - 硬到似石仔, 老虎即鬧... 我就..不予置評低層: 煙三文魚放上片青瓜 - 食材 OK, 誠意 and 技巧 0 分迷你 Sausage Roll - 算幾香脆, not bad!Mini Quiche Tarts - 個人口味問題, not a big fan of quiche.. and 偏油膩, 皮又唔鬆 間餐廳唔大, 而 seating 都幾有 privacy, 岩晒我同老虎撐抬腳 (鬧交都冇甘瘀啦)文ey for valueness: 5/10, seating, service 做得幾好, 但食物有代改善, 可能 afternoon tea 麻麻? 個 tea 有少少 hea 既感覺, 而且中環 IFC 餐廳林立, 競爭好大架, add oil continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-11-11
Isola was full for lunch so my friend and I decided to go next door to get the same ambience. Big mistake! The view is the same but the food and service was so disappointing! Nothing special about the food. For HK$240 a set lunch, one can get a much better deal somewhere else, and that's BEFORE serviceis factored into the equation! The staff seemed to be operating on a chinese local restaurant mentality. They had no subtlety, they interrupted our conversation several times, and in a very intrusive way. One staff even tried to take away my food when i still have half of it left!! What kind of training did they get? Did they realize this is not a local dai pai dong and customers are not expecting a dai pai dong experience for that kind if money? Where is their concept of dining experience? Just don't be fooled by the view, the overall experience will be very disappointing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-12
今年生日正日老公竟要忙碌返工+開會,真慘.. 為此,一家三口決定提早兩天預慶,剛好那天又是農曆生日,妙! Cafe Costa位於IFC的lane crawford內,藏在化妝櫃裡面,頗為隱蔽,不過也是因為這樣,環境顯得更有情調,很迷人!偌大的落地玻璃加上無敵璀璨維港美景,令媽媽想起多年前在樓上H one的生日飯。不同的是H one消費相當高,貼近酒店餐廳水平,這裡卻很抵食,合共消費只$688;如此的平,其實是因為爸爸醒目訂了Travelzoo的團購啦!二人餐包紅或白酒一支,是晚由老公拍板點了來自意大利的紅酒,甜酸味很平衡,頗易入口,風味不錯。雖然兩口子最後飲剩了半支之多,有一點浪費,不過在如此美景下舉杯享受了,開心過,已很夠了。 大家先以鮮製雜錦麵包籃開胃,拌以意大利油醋上檯。麵包質素正常,當中有款質感特別軟的,留給寶寶吃了;後來他很吃完,再向店方要求來多一件(指明給寶寶),侍者也欣然送上,服務很貼心! 很搞笑是寶寶不止自己吃,間中又會請爸爸吃的,好慷慨啊~~~ 爸媽的頭盤也上檯,開餐了! 雖然是團購,食物款式及水準都很不錯,首先是香辣吞拿魚沙律配檸檬汁、鮮橄欖、水煮蛋、四季豆。吞拿魚熟度很理想,既有鮮味又夠嫩滑,配以繽紛豐富、新鮮清爽的配菜,十分開胃! 另一頭盤是香煎鵝肝配焦糖鮮雲呢拿泡沫汁、杏脯、松樹果、紫包心菜,鵝肝雖不算香馥味美,但值得欣賞是煎得脆口,配菜也很特別而有心思。之後是每日精選餐湯,當晚為蘑菇湯,頗為足料十分香口呢!來到主菜,款式也一樣的吸引無比,首先是Seafood bouillabaisse 蕃茄紅花燉海鮮,裡面包括大蝦、蟹肉、魷魚、大蜆、帶子、鮮魚,用料新鮮又豐富;不過高湯味雖鮮甜,卻不太夠濃厚,未把這款美食的精粹發揮出來。另一款主菜是慢烤羊扒配紫包心菜、水瓜柳、鮮橄欖,羊扒是剛好的五成熟,嫣紅的羊肉嫩得十分誇張,微帶羶香是出乎意料的美味,好吃得二人嘩了出來! 甜品是Blueberry cheese cake,份量適中,簡單得來味道不錯,旁邊那小堆忌廉尤其香甜迷人!飲飽食醉的一晚,十分滿足開心,可見團購也有機會買到物有(超)所值的東西。至於正日的生日飯,就容後再記吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-08-29
Tried the following from the 3 Course lunch menu:Entree: Sausage with tomatoes and mushroom. This came in a warm tomato based sauce - ingredients were fresh and the taste was quite ordinary - I think the pasta like sauce was too overwhelming.Main: Salmon fillets served with mashed potatoes and asparagus. Surprising the best part of the dish were the sides (potatoes, asparagus and the sauce), as the salmon didn't have much taste to it.Dessert: Strawberry gelato - could not taste the strawberry flavour but it was a refreshing end to the heavy meal.Overall, like many other restaurants at IFC, the environment surpasses the food quality. However this place is more reasonably priced compared to others, and the seating is comfortable for both business meetings and catching up with friends. The view is great too on a sunny day! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)