Restaurant: Café de Coral (King's Road)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

4-min walk from Exit B, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (176)
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Vegetarian dishes available during lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
一哥火鍋 一哥焗豬扒飯 一哥糯米雞 上海排骨菜飯 干炒牛河 四寶飯
Review (11)
Level2 2024-04-16
香港快餐店其實間間都唔好得幾多, 差就一定的, 明明堂食, 就整個外賣盒嚟, 證明員工心不在焉, 不過算啦都係照食啫, 但係啲飯就淋bet bet, 仲有啲水響度嘅, 估計愛嚟裝飯嘅殼都浸咗好耐水㗎喇, 張單明明寫咗加飯, 但飯仍是很小, 睇嚟佢都唔會你睬了, 隻鹹蛋仲係變壞咗嘅, 唔食得了, 呢啲pk餐廳加小小野咩都同你計錢, 加半隻鹹蛋又要三蚊, 而家比件壞蛋比你又唔會退返錢, 總之香港餐廳執笠係自己攞嚟嘅, 有時間我都選擇去深圳食好過. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-19
話說我成日穿過東匯坊出入鰂漁涌圖書館,次次都要經過大家樂。講真,好多年已經冇堂食過大家樂,但我就留意到呢間晚市都易搵位、乾淨,呀公呀嬸食果啲野都好幾味咁,呢一晚就決心試下打邊爐。。食物:打邊爐都有幾款可以揀,我就用電話app揀左有牛有豬果款($72),揀豆乳雞湯,另外加$7將米線轉烏冬。後來店員通知,烏冬已賣晒,可以退錢,我廢事袋散紙,叫佢轉其他野食,佢就比左三粒餃子我。打邊爐來來去去都係果幾樣食材,冇話邊樣特別好味,係最後果碗米線吸晒湯的精華我覺得好好味。今時今日晚市黎講,七十幾蚊竟然有咁多肉,又可以體驗烚下烚下的滋味,都算係咁。店員服務又幾好!。有待改善的地方:我一個人食,食食下發現冇比紙巾,又冇匙羹,最後唯用靠自己的筷子功啦!。補充:太古城中心果間係冇打邊爐,要食就要黎呢間或者去太安樓。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐冇落過大家樂打邊爐啦!趁今晚阿媽都得閑就帶埋佢落樓下間大家樂食返啦。阿媽叫咗個穀飼牛、豚肉鍋豬骨湯底,凍檸樂。呢個餐附送嘅係菜盤同米線。我就食雙份美國穀飼牛鍋沙嗲湯底、凍檸樂。呢個餐附送嘅都係菜盤同米線,不過我就加錢將米線換做讚岐烏冬同埋額外火鍋料拼盤。嚟啦嚟啦送到嚟啦!我份拼盤有一隻餃子、一粒肉丸、一塊炸魚餅、少少菜、幾條芝士腸同一碟仔炸魚皮。準備好小弟祕製嘅醬汁~~立即開打啦!肥牛麻麻地,乾咗啲老咗啲。跟住就係落啲拼盤嘢啦!總體嚟講都算ok,最後啲菜都新鮮嘅。最後嘅最後一定係佢啲烏冬啦!臨尾一定係用烏冬嚟收尾嘅。沙嗲湯底嘅烏冬都冇話唔正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食飯食到咁嬲就真係第一次,一定要等多d人知。😡是咁的,琴日阿媽生日,去完海洋公園已經勁攰,諗住去大家樂快快手打個邊爐就翻去,去到餐牌上面明明寫住又點知落單果陣又咩都無,話無豬肉無烏冬,咁好心你就唔好掛個牌出黎啦,算數咁咪頂硬上,食牛食米線,要個沙嗲湯又稀到係清湯咁,點食啊,唯有自己加調味料,都算,咁個d配料就同食開無咩分別啦,食食下要加湯,出面d壺就無曬水,叫距refill 翻距就俾左兩杯滾水我,你話笑定喊好,翻翻埋位就見到最嬲果下,見隔離位岩岩有人座低打邊爐係有烏冬同豬肉,真係燥左,呢間大家樂係咪連食咩都要睇人賣?食飯都要食到一肚氣😷仲要一開始係無人執枱,全部枱一係有人一係就係其他人食完後的餐具,叫左起碼20分鐘先有人求其抹下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-20
係我心目中黎大家樂, 大快樂呢d快餐店食嘅只有西多士, 紅豆冰同炸雞脾😎😎😎識食來呢度食下午茶當然係食呢幾樣喇! 晏晝餓餓地, 黎呢度嘆返個下午茶先😆皇道炸雞脾配紅豆冰, 呢個組合真係無得輸😎👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻炸雞脾真係好好食呀~~~炸粉唔會落得太多, 雞脾肉食到佢地結構, 一咬出嚟係見到一條條絲既組織😍😍😍 食落唔會太干下午茶食到炸雞脾真係人生一大快事! 喔依西~👍🏻❤️配埋個紅豆冰真係...肥死😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)