Restaurant: Café de Coral

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (176)
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Vegetarian dishes available during lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Opening Hours
06:30 - 17:30
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 17:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
一哥火鍋 一哥焗豬扒飯 一哥糯米雞 上海排骨菜飯 干炒牛河 四寶飯
Review (6)
Level4 2021-02-11
不過不失的早餐$25烚蛋套餐抵,有雞蛋餐包香腸,主食方面可以配麥皮、雪菜肉絲米粉、火腿扭扭粉,送熱飲早餐而言尚算豐富無可挑剔員工手腳都好快不過我去到的時候已經沒有蘿蔔糕,唯有一定要叫餐包去到的時候剛好沒有通粉,所以等了一會兒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-10-15
服務不錯而且工作人員手腳快不過食物本身就會令人失望外賣蟲草蒸雞飯,飯量OK不過雞得果幾件,而且好多骨又有雞翼尖買,成件事好dry不過三十幾、四十蚊個飯都冇什麼可以渴求 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-07-24
今天想吃個平價午餐,奈何公司附近選擇不多,便光顧了這間過去多年來,積極避免光顧的連鎖快餐店之一。一打開飯盒,一陣醋/喼汁味湧出來!味道來自豬扒,吃了一口再不想吃了。肉燥有肉碎,有冬菇粒,有豬皮。是的,車仔麵那種豬皮,味道該是飯盒內最好的了。最終只吃了一半肉燥及飯。禁不住馬上用午膳時間寫食評。如細項評分出現🌟,那絶對是天大誤會⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
當日同幾位同事+1個新同事聚餐,我地去大家樂(只限外賣)吧..堂食0係隔黎有個像飯堂的鋪位,約坐到40-50人左右吧~我地霸左一張長的餐桌,比起bar枱闊身得多,大家也有少少吊腳的感覺..加上坐左上去又好難推前張椅...幾麻煩..放腳的位置只有張椅的左右兩側.. ....再1次強調,仲之好麻煩...又無職員過黎執野....本身想自己清理ga..但係飯堂個rubbish bin又滿晒....... 在場只有穿著鮮綠色Tee的衛生署職員執野....我點左1客台式魯肉大碗飯 $29 (配熱檸水)個飯球佔左個碗1/3,份量不太多...肉片很多肥肉..有少少部份好像未熟似的.. 魯肉粒食落幾多油...... too bad.........仲有鹽酥雞,又是大家樂一款油膩又貴的大碗飯......菜的份量實在太少了.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-07-28
六月下旬‧晴往機場試菜,先到這裡集合,早來了,就先喝一杯熱咖啡。其實這裡的咖啡也不錯,雖然苦,但幾香濃,即沖的賣11元半,也可以。買的時候以為要「立喝」,但隔離原來有位坐的,還幾企理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)