Overlooking a glorious sea view of Stanley, the restaurant is furnished in a white and red colour scheme where intricate Victorian-style fleur-de-lis-patterned wallpaper is juxtaposed with red velvet upholstery and black wrought iron railings and ornate lighting.
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Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Sun.-Thu.: 上午11時30分至晚上11時
Fri.-Sat.: 上午11時30分至凌晨1時
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
有時離開一下市區,都赤柱走走,人也精神點來到這裡,叫了個甜點Panna Cotta(奶凍),賣相非常精美,奶味香濃,口感棉滑,不太甜,再加上雲呢拿的香味,配上一杯咖啡,盡享悠閒.
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週未的赤柱大街,擠擁著不少旅客及市民,更有很多可愛趣緻的小狗,如果我也有養狗的話,也想每星期到來跟牠耍樂。旁邊的餐廳坐滿了客人,吃東西的、喝酒的、聊天的,氣氛熱鬧。這天選了Café de Paris作午餐地方,走到二樓的餐廳,感覺就像是走到另一個世界,嘈吵的聲音完全消失,只聽見我們踏在地上的腳步聲。這裡的裝潢很像我在巴黎蒙馬特區所吃晚餐的餐廳,眼前洋溢一片濃烈的法國風情景象,黑白色的方格瓷磚地板,充滿著維多行亞風格的白色印花牆紙,配襯深紅色的餐桌布,格調鮮明。坐在黑色鐵捲花的圍欄窗旁,望著赤柱的全海景觀,柔柔海風吹送下,真的很享受這優靜又舒適的時光。看看餐牌,週未也有午市套餐供應,價錢為$158,包沙律或湯,主菜及甜品,如跟House Wine的價錢是$188,二人點了一份套餐及另選一份沙律。點餐後,法式麵包先送上,麵包拿上手不算燙手,帶微暖,外層脆身,內裡較硬身,味道上普通,入口帶麵粉香。午餐的頭盤是Salad with Aloe and Grapefruit,新鮮沙律菜配以清甜蘆薈及微酸的西柚果肉,清新又開胃,可惜份量不算多,吃得有點意猶未盡。另外散點的Warm Goat Cheese Salad with Walnuts and House Dressing,$85。長條形的羊奶芝士,外層炸得香脆可口,內裡芝士軟綿,芝味濃郁但羊羶味不重,伴有沙律菜解膩滯感。底層是由紅菜頭汁製成的一片薄喱,少許微甜,加上開心果粒的沙律醬汁,味道不錯。 主菜有羊及三文魚兩款選擇,男朋友選了他愛吃的羊,Roasted Lamb Shoulder with Maderia Sauce,羊肩肉份量頗大,羊肉鮮嫩,羊羶味不太重。而那Maderia Sauce就是由Maderia Wine煮成的醬汁,帶少許微甜,最適合用來跟肉類如烤牛肉或羊肉,把肉的鮮味進一步提升。到甜品是Homemade blueberry cheesecake,跟餐的甜品份量當然不會很大,一小件的芝士蛋糕,看看表面已知芝士層打得不夠幼滑,幼滑度不足外,口感亦偏軟稔。味道上,芝士味夠濃郁,但藍莓味十分薄弱。而薄薄的牛油餅底層滲了雲尼拿醬,味道很甜,如醬能置於碟旁或另上會較好。除了跟餐甜品外,甜品餐牌的選擇不太多,只有四款,而且款式都不太吸引,所以沒有再另點來吃。快將吃完這頓飯的時候,客人也都不算多,與樓下整條坐滿客人的赤柱大街有很大對比,相信大家還是較享受熱鬧的環境吧。但置身於較高的位置,看著旅客及途人於海旁興奮地擺著不同的姿態拍照,小朋友開懷大笑地奔跑玩樂,小情人手牽手在閒盪著,於寧靜中看著一幅幅不同熱鬧畫面的情景,感覺是蠻有趣的。但下次再來,也要試試坐路邊的高桌椅用餐,跟他們熱鬧一番。
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周末賦閒在家,正要浪費了一天假期之際,想不到兩位朋友突然遠道而來赤柱,與小弟吃晚飯,地點選了大街上的 Café de Paris。小店位於熱鬧的赤柱大街上,但徐徐登上二樓餐廳,環境截然不同,寧靜而格調高,還有附近美利樓之夜景,非常浪漫。 由店名已知小店主打法國菜,但當然還有其他西餐可供選擇。我們一行三人點了兩個主菜及一客小食,加上飲品及甜品便成了是夜的晚餐。 Sea Breeze:未吃東西,先點杯雞尾酒。Sea Breeze 用上伏特加配西柚汁,再加上小紅莓打製,顏色鮮紅艷麗,味道略帶甜酸,清新可口,雖吹不到陣陣海風,但配上美麗夜景感覺也佳。 Roasted Duck Breast:近十片煙鴨胸鋪在薯茸上,賣相可取。鴨胸味道與一般的相若,肉質算是嫩滑,也不太油膩;薯茸味道則不重,質感較實在,份量也充足。整體不算很突出,但也不差。 Chicken Linguine:雞件肉質一如想像般粗糙,與中餐的嫩滑成一大對比,反而作為配菜的露筍青嫩爽口,味道更好。Linguine 煮得軟硬適中,口感一流,加上忌廉磨菇醬汁異常香濃,滲入意麵中令味道更見出色。 8oz USA Rib Eye:肉眼扒不算很厚,要求半熟下,也能做到外層微焦,內裡還帶血紅,肉質很嫩滑,處理得不錯。但食材本身質素不算突出,故牛味欠奉,味道較為普通,加上配上些乾乾硬硬的薯條,作為全晚最貴的菜式,質素反而最一般吧。 Vegatable Salad:隨牛扒附送的沙律,蔬菜鮮嫩可口,配上清新的沙律醬汁,用作中和牛扒的肥膩,也為缺乏蔬菜的一餐添了些健康原素吧。 Brownie:Brownie 的朱古力味不算十分濃郁,但正好中和香草雪糕的甜,而且一熱一凍的對比,令口感更突出;配上薄薄甜餅、朱古力棒及草莓等,令賣相也添了不少分數。 以西餐而言,整體質素不算突出,反而有點普通,但單是吃環境氣氛也值回票價。加上入夜後的赤柱酒吧街人頭湧湧,這裡卻能獨善其身,人客不多也令店員提供更為貼身的服務,作為 fine dining 之地方,這裡做到了。
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今日即興入赤柱, 一到埗立即衝去食Lunch見到呢間個環境同seaview都幾靚 諗都冇諗就上左去公眾假期人依然唔多 好舒服叫左兩個set lunch 一個係牛扒一個係魚包餐湯or沙律, 主菜同埋甜品價錢係158+10% service charge食完簡直覺得中伏個牛扒唔特別仲要韌(我叫既係medium) 魚仲鹹到出汁唯一可取既係個磨姑湯最好笑係我地見到seaview檯有人走左 問個waitress可唔可以轉檯 佢話ok點知轉個頭有個captain之類既上左黎 同佢傾一傾 然後reserve左張檯唔俾我地轉咁我地只好乖乖地坐係原位食埋算但係佢地上菜又慢 我食完maincourse之後等成3個字個甜品先出現 (甜品係雲呢拿布甸配士多啤梨雪糕, 唔係要立即整ga喎!!)環境係就係好 但憑唔值既食物同服務態度翻兜機會一定係0呀
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http://jason-bonvivant.blogspot.com/It is very hard to find a place in Hong Kong where you can relax and enjoy the day without close encounters with traffic, buses, air and noise pollutions! I guess one possible areas is Stanley. I went in for brunch in the afternoon before meeting up a few friends for dinner there. It was indeed a hot and humid day but at least the sun was out. Among the many patios and restaurants along the Stanley Main Street, I picked Cafe de Paris because its bright yellow exterior, a sharp contrast with the rest nearby. I am glad I made the right choice.The interior decor is very clean and simple which I like. It is vastly different than the one located in SOHO. One thing I have to point out in particular is how this place is absorbed by natural sunlight which gave me a very peaceful and comforting feeling. In addition to the sunlight, the view overlooking the Stanley beach front is another reason which I think I made the right selection, at least in terms of the environment. Before moving onto the food part, I have to say that this place has excellent service; the female staff that served me was very attentive, friendly and pleasantly talkative as well.There were many choices to order because you can order items from the Pickled Pelican located downstairs. They belong to the same group apparently and share the kitchen to a degree. However, it would be weird to have fish and chips at a French restaurant right? I hope they only allow this during lunch / afternoon hours.(1) Beef and Mushroom PieAlthough it is weird to order American style food at this place, I did anyhow because I wanted fries for some reasons. Among the selection of pies, the friendly staff recommended this one to me. The fries were good, very crispy. The pie itself was not as good as I expected. The puff pastry top was not as puffy as I hoped and the beef inside was more like soup then stew. The beef briskets were fair, but it was too chunky for a soup and too chewy for a stew.On a positive note though, considering the environment and service, this is indeed a nice place to chill and relax on a Statuary / Sunday afternoon if you want to get away from crowds and noise.Likes: * Excellent Service ! * Great view and environment (during the afternoon that is) * Love the natural sun lightDislikes: * Pie wasn't really a pieOriginal Blog Post (more pictures): http://jason-bonvivant.blogspot.com/2009/06/cafe-de-paris-stanley.html
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