Cafe Deco - Overlooking the exclusive boutiques of the newly opened Skymart shopping mall and the expansive Level 6, the bar is a perfect spot to enjoy a cocktail while literally watching the world go by. The bar also features a unique high top table made from teak and metal, which resembles a propeller from an old plane - a design concept developed to suit its airport setting. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Oyster Italian cuisine Pizza
Review (11)
Level2 2017-12-16
等了一陣就可以入座。待應們很有禮貌。點了 egg benedict 。第一次上的是 hard boiled egg! 退回再煮過也好不了多少。這樣簡單的食品也煮成這個樣子,真叫人失望! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-03-17
今日Friday出去揾食…同同事騰入尼T1禁區內嘆Lunch, 見尼間環境算吾錯又可以望住外面停泊o既飛機…感覺特別寫意…啊!! 商務套餐…頭盤三款任選…本來想要沙律及三文魚壽司…落完單冇耐, 女侍應生轉頭話Sushi哩個冇做!!!...ok……咁問Soup of The Day係乜東東湯呀今日?!...佢…答吾出, 查手帳又揾吾倒, 跟住再走去問佢D同事…先知係忌廉磨菇湯!!!... 跟住女侍應生再覆述一次我地頭盤要乜...頭先主菜又點左乜東東……牛扒要7成熟又記錯5成!!...單係點菜, 已令我覺得侍應生好似魂遊發夢咁呀….!!! …好吧! 就當佢係新手…又或者今日吾在狀態啦…唯有!!頭盤忌廉磨菇湯吾算係打到好濃稠充滿磨菇蓉果隻…如果要形容, 質地較似稀身o既罐頭忌廉湯…帶少許碎菇塊…味道ok…最好係因為夠滾熱…而兩片naan bread又熱又脆身, 吾錯!到主菜呀!安格斯牛扒5 oz. 伴薯菜…都涼了些!!...件扒肉質雖嫩但係全熟的…gravy黑椒味過濃, 有點嗆!!...整體冇乜驚喜!!蕃茄長通粉…賣相吾錯, 同事話味道可以, 通粉軟度適中…餐茶點左杯Cappuccino …拉花欠奉而且杯邊泡沫似焦燶咁…賣相已打左折扣!!...味道嘛…都吾要求o羅…最後問甜品係乜…一樣答吾出…冇得揀o既…係Tiramisu (應該係錯版!!)…但實在吾係令人起舞o既tiramisu耶!!! …望落都硬硬o既一件…入口好重o既雪櫃味!!...質地令我想起沙灘拖o既鞋底!!! …試一啖就放棄啊!!粗略望過o既餐牌…每每好多菜式都百多近兩百或以上更貴…在國際機場內嘛, 食份西餐就當要收這個價錢不為過…但這服務同食物質素…只可以話係”失禮”…咁囉!!我地哩餐有埋折扣, 收HK$370…吾會再尼!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-12-20
別的餐廳滿座 唯有到這吃下午茶 因為特別餓 選了個雞湯鮑魚拉面 別有一番風味雞湯帶有很濃的味道 把全隻雞的精華都浸透進去湯那邊 這就是精髓但反而鮑魚沒有新鮮感 算是普通之作品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
由於個 lounge 超多人,我又未食早餐,所以嚟呢度食個 proper 嘅 lunch。但喺啲嘢食嘛嘛哋之餘(個 egg benedict 太熟,咖啡衰過 starbucks),啲嘢拎到埋嚟好似山泥傾瀉咁(egg benedict 隻蛋跳樓,蛋糕上嘅朱古力又跌出界),service 又衰(我覺得大家樂 Cafe De Coral 啲人仲有禮貌過佢哋 Cafe Deco)。收咁嘅價錢(全單三百元),啲 quality 仲衰過翠華,冇下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-10-18
襯住末上機,就來依度舒舒服服嘆個早餐先,見依度既Egg Benedit個賣相幾好,就叫一個嚟食同埋叫多杯English Tea。依度既Egg Benedit利用多士做包底,上面有一塊煙肉同水煮蛋,配合埋荷蘭汁。個荷蘭汁好香,唔算太Heavy,真係好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)