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Review (66)
Level3 2012-01-25
行開尖沙咀,居然見到Cafe Key West搬左去i-Square,見佢地lunch set 都唔錯,所以咪試下囉!個餐湯係Mushroom 湯,味道就真係麻麻地,唔夠磨菇味,而且太稀。但佢地餐包係牛角包,反而唔錯我就揀左牛扒,味道一般,不過不失反而我男友要嗰個三文魚扒配芒果沙沙就唔錯,個汁酸酸甜甜可以中和三文魚的肥膩感呢個商場人流唔太多,要揾食可以考慮嚟試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-01-01
同舊同事食飯相識於intern 時, 唔經唔覺已經識左五年了同事仔成功由CPA 轉做lawyer, 實在可喜可賀是晚當事人一手包辦選擇地點同食物基本上一到就食得, 岩晒我呢d 無啦啦臨放工先黎忙到無晒mood 既懶人Dinner set 有餐湯同包包做前菜, 主菜同餐飲每張table 叫兩個set 就會再送甜品 (好得意既arrangement 喔~)好快就有熱辣辣忌廉湯不過個包包就好硬唔好食又唔似麥包、又唔似法包。。。唔知係咩!!我地同樣叫左個有 "recommended" mark 既意粉So-called 大蝦得個殼係大, 入面基本上係無咩肉意粉幾好食架, 不過食到成個咀唇墨汁咁黑唔知個甜品係咪因為送既原故, 質素比較遜色Pancake厚皮都不行=.=蠻不錯的一餐, 真係恭喜晒成功轉行!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-10-26
Cafe Key West - 原來都有任點全食既甜品buffet....$68 蚊, 有機會都會試下~ 是日dinner 係 什果沙律, 新鮮好味, 而且仲有紅莓, 奇異果等等....唔係 cheap cheap 咁比罐頭生果, 真係好好味~另外再額外叫多件 tiramisu, 由於無咩酒味, 芝士味都比較淡...所以我覺得麻麻地... 不過只係加十幾蚊就有... 尚算可以!!(因為朋友們都叫set, 所以我先可以加甜品.... 我既沙律唔係餐來的 ) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-10-12
So today I came to Cafe Key West for lunch. It was my first time in isquare, and she told me that this was a nice place with good food, so I thought, why not. I thought that isquare was surprisingly quiet for a mall situated in such a crowded location, despite the fact that it was a weekday. The cafe was quite empty when we arrived so there was no need to wait for a table. Since me and my friend don't eat meat but eat fish and seafood, we decided to order the only two things we could eat on the set lunch menu and share it : an octopus spaghetti with some sort of Japanese sauce and linguini with clams and mushrooms. At $56 and $58 respectively, with a soup and coffee or tea. There was also complimentary water, with waiters who actually remembered to refill your water regularly which was good The soup arrived with a croissant. It was some sort of vegetable soup - not my favourite, but it wasn't too bad, I finished it. However, I must say the croissant was atrocious! It tasted like a stale croissant, maybe I am accustomed to the delicious croissants I eat in cafes in Paris, but it was horrible. The pastry wasn't nice and flaky or crispy, it was hard, dry, and didn't have that delicious aroma. So I had to dunk it in my soup to make it taste a little more edible. Then the pastas arrived. The octopus spaghetti I found a little sweet, and I mean a little very sweet. The sauce was some sort of fusion Japanese style thing, and it wasn't bad but it wasn't amazing. The pasta wasn't overcooked (thank god) and I thought that the capsicums and onions in the pasta were very sweet which was good. There was also these strange orange strands of something on top of it as garnish, but I wasn't too sure what it was. It reminded me of shrimp antenna thingys. I thought the presentation was nice though.The clam and mushroom linguini, on the other hand, I really liked. I thought it was delicious. The spaghetti itself lacked a little taste, but eaten with mushrooms or clams it was fine. The clams were full of flavour, however there were only 6 in the whole plate. There was also some greenish with it, I think it was garlic and pesto? It did give it an extra kick. True, it is very unitalian (Italian speaking! Definitely completely different from the traditional Spaghetti con Vongole) however I liked it. The linguini was cooked al dente, which is just the way it was supposed to be, however the dish lacked presentation and was just, quite simply, a plate of linguini. I was expecting some horrid tasting coffee, but I was shocked to taste decent coffee. With the creamer, it tasted very good, I was AMAZED as I was expecting instant coffee. It was a great way to end the meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-09-18
很普通的一份燒豬仔骨未想到可以做到肉冇肉味,燒冇香味,汁冇汁味•••••一絕很難可以說服自己再食一次。其實見裏面冇咩人,一時貪方面所以領野••••失敗。但coffee就可以。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)