Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Alcoholic Drinks
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level4 2014-11-16
Cafe Loisl is a Viennese coffeehouse that serves organic coffee and Viennese specialty drinks along with homemade cakes that are made fresh on a daily basis. This little gem is located near Po Hing Fong and I stumbled upon it after visiting Cafe Deadend one time. The cafe has a few small tables on both inside and outside while the remote location guarantees peace and quiet. Even on a weekend, it wasn't too busy and I saw people reading and working in the cafe. Aside from the tarts, I was told that all of the cakes were made by the owners of the cafe. Wiener Melange ($36) - I ended up trying this Viennese drink that is similar to a cappuccino with 1/3 espresso, milk and froth. The coffee flavor was mild but overall the texture was velvety smooth. Green Tea Sensation ($48) - I'm not a big fan of apple strudels in general so I decided to try the green tea cake instead which looked very pretty. The green tea flavor wasn't that strong though while I was more impressed by the icy apricot layer which tasted refreshing like a sorbet. Verdict - I enjoyed the relaxing and quaint atmosphere at Cafe Loisl and would come back to try more of their Viennese drinks and desserts. Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/supertastermelFollow me on Instagram @supertastermel continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今早起床,一臉憔悴,看著鏡中的自己只有嘆息。算了吧,出外走走,來到了半山的Cafe Loisl﹗ 相對上次前來,店子的室外位置更舒適了,很是喜歡﹗ 看到上圖店內的男士嗎?他就是這裡的店主,是奧地利人,今天他穿白裇衫很好看:)上次前來已是兩個多月前的事,想不到,店長Adam竟還清楚記得我上次點了那兩款咖啡,見我選擇室外位置,更主動借我蚊怕水,實在沒法不感動﹗ 就聽從Adam的推介,點了Mocha(HK$40),輕柔動人,很喜歡,而且這裡的咖啡都是organic的,太好了﹗聽說藜麥Quinoa這Super Food很久了,一直沒機會試試,難得這裡的早餐有 "Quinoa Summer Salad" (HK$65),便點了﹗Menu上的簡介寫著 "Tri-Color Quinoa Grains with Fresh Green Salads, Cucumber, Avocado, Red Bell Pepper & Tomatoes on a Tamari-Ginger Dressing"。一吃下去但覺非常新鮮非常refreshing,爽脆的蔬菜加上軟綿的牛油果和juicy的蕃茄,還有質感煙韌的Quinoa,沒有怎麼刻意調味之下已吃得我非常滋味,最適合剛病癒的我,讚讚讚﹗很欣賞這裡每張桌子上的花兒。店主也許不會相信,這小小的心思,會叫人多麼的心動。花和咖啡,總叫我難以抗拒吧 : )太喜歡這個半山之上的小小角落,一個人靜靜的呷著咖啡,想想事情,翻出快要遺忘的回憶好好細味……多美麗的一個早上。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-10
. 之前也想來這間咖啡館,但一直還是在裝修,看見有人寫了新食評,就知道已經重開了,還知道有朋友在這間店工作,所以一定要第一時間來。一直也很愛到coffee shop的我,尤其喜愛中上環區的,因為覺得那裡環境優雅,而且咖啡有一定的水準,今天與友人來到,要走上很長的樓梯,才找到,起初不為意是這間,因為看相片是有室外座位的,可能裝修後就沒有了。我點了最多人點的Wiener Melange(HK$34),我認識那名咖啡師,因為就是我以前的同事,他問我知不知道我order的那杯是什麼,原來是latte和flat white取得平衡的一杯咖啡,咖啡師打的奶泡非常綿密,咖啡香氣剛剛好,本人不喜歡酸度太高的咖啡,這杯很適合我,友人叫了凍mocha和一件朱古力蛋糕,我嘗了少少cake,不錯的,不過吃久了會覺得甜了一點,所以我沒有再吃下去,不過來到中上環區的coffee shop,我也只是想喝一杯好的咖啡,游閒的過一個下午,不單只品嘗咖啡的味道,還要好好品嘗咖啡室帶給我的感覺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-12-19
星期六的下午 偶然來到上環一間全港只此一家的奧地利cafe沒想到下午兩時多 這裡竟然還有少量座位環顧四周 光顧的大都是外國人 分外給人一種假期的愉快心情首次光顧 沒有抱著什麼大期望只知午餐還沒有吃的我倆此刻肚餓得很我們左挑右選了好一會還沒下決定要點什麼幸好服務員並沒有吹促終於 我倆各點了自己喜好的咖啡和三文治分別是 Wiener Melange 和 Cuppuccino以及 Salmon Sandwich 和 Ham Sandwich其實 Wiener Melange 跟 Cuppuccino 是相似的咖啡兩者不同之處在於Wiener Melange較為多奶creamy一些喜歡奶的朋友可以不妨一試sandwich方面 味道確是不俗 是典型的那一種味但我倆一致認為salmon那款較為好吃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It would be a nice relaxing lunch with my friend if not for the poor service.I ordered an omelette and found two pieces of hair (2x) in it.  Normally I would be forgiving if the waiter would apologize, but instead he took my whole unfinished dish including the sausage and salad and only returned with a new omelette.  I guess he was too busy putting on his headphone and sitting at the next table for a nap that he wouldn't care much about the service and food hygiene.  If it were his break time, perhaps another waiter would be more attentive instead.Food was otherwise pretty good:- Omelette all day breakfast - sausage was good.  Salad was a bit bitter for my taste- Peach pie - not bad.  A real delight with my coffee- Melange - Austrian coffee, I think this is quite similar to ordinary coffee and could not really tell the difference. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)