Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
法式白酒煮蜆意粉 法式香煎鵝肝伴安格斯牛柳 法式龍蝦 雪糕窩夫 燒原隻德國咸豬手 藍草莓芝士餅
Review (15)
Level2 2010-10-26
路過深井, 無意間見到有間cafe, 見幾乾淨同d 野食o岩口味就入去一試.前菜係磨菇湯, 味道淡, 要加番鹽先夠味. 但d 菇都ok 好食. 之後有沙津, 清清地都幾開胃.叫左一個雪花牛(7 成熟), 但係過左火, 我諗8成半都有. 口感唔太似雪花牛, 份量都比較少, 唔夠食. 如果compare 一般牛扒, 口感都幾好. 甜品方面, 係自家製綠茶紅豆蛋糕, 清淡而蛋糕都夠鬆軟, 不錯不錯 ~~ 環景方面, 坐得都還舒服, 不過洗手間就有d 恐怖..... 勁多煙頭冇人理 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-09-14
一家人專登揸車入去深井試新野,見到之前既食評話ok,所以試下呢間cafe more。由於位置不顯眼,所以打去問exact location,點知俾人點,行左去另一邊! 跟住再打去問,個waiter d 聲氣就麻麻地。入到去,ok 靚,不過睇完menu,d choices 好少又貴,不過算啦,費時老人家行來行去,因為之前已經白行左一趟!無咩選擇下,係6款dinner sets中叫左5款及1個chef's choice,Salad: 等左好耐,先有chef"s choice 既沙律,d 沙律醋落得太多太酸,我媽同阿嫂試左少少已經食唔落口。Soup: 跟住又等左好耐,先有湯 (又係無得選擇,得一款意大利雜菜湯),又濃又酸,似用茄膏開湯,完全唔好飲 !! Main Courses: 又係要等好耐。先來chef"s choice既牛扒,阿哥第一反應話好難食,d汁好咸! 跟住係我點的鴨胸,又係好難食,超硬,d藍梅汁又怪怪的。猪扒又係好硬,又乾,不過d 蘋果蓉source都幾特別。蘆魚,我無食過,不過屋企人既反應麻麻。燒春雞,我無食過,媽咪話ok。銀魚汁雜茹意粉,我都無食過,但d味好腥,我同阿爸都聞到,不過阿哥阿嫂頂得順。Drinks: 叫個時已經講得好清楚,佢又覆岩我,最後都係出錯左野,不過佢都換番俾我地。Desserts: 5個ice-creams (雲呢拿味)同一個抹茶蛋糕,大家都覺得最好食係呢個。不過個waiter 無check 清楚,一開始拎左6個ice-cream俾我地,無俾個抹茶蛋糕,兩次錯野! 埋單6個sets要HK$870。好唔抵,我係中環lunch食過cenacolo 6個人都唔駛HK$700 (當然lunch平d,不過人地d 材料及好味程度,要我俾HK$1500 都值)!總體而言,差!!! 差到連我咁懶都認唔住要寫食評!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-06-07
今日係老公生日, 本來一切都安排得好好, 見食來食去到係kcal 同裕記, 呢間新開又有幾多好評, 就去試下, 點知... ... 環境深井啲餐廳間間大小都差不多, 入面只夠攞6, 7張枱左右, 個環境就可接受啦, 啲價錢比我哋食開的一間貴2-3成, 我哋諗住生日, 都無乜所謂啦.選擇佢個menu 可以散叫的得好少, 主要有兩張set dinners 的餐單, 一張平啲( 5-6 款, 最貴大約$120), 主要係意粉呀, 飯呀嗰啲. 另一張係所謂的chef's menu, 由140- 250 不等, 就係多個菜沙律, 同菜式係無飯意粉嗰啲菜式我哋叫左chef's menu 入面,2個set, 一個係t骨牛朳配燒汁,另一個份薄荷羊柳配香橙三文魚.1. 由沙律講起, 個雜菜沙律預左係嗰啲啦, 但落左勁多油, 又有啲甜甜地, 酸味好淡... 食完碟底係無沙律汁, 只係有好多黃色的油.. 2. 跟住有洋蔥湯同2塊法國包, 啲包係熱嘅, 牛油唔係硬嘅, 呢個係全餐除要加錢換的cheese cake 外 唯一覺得尚可接受的. 可能我一路都不太喜愛洋蔥湯啦, 呢個我就不比太多comment. 主要都係覺得咸囉 (可能洋蔥湯都係咁, 我唔識欣賞)3. 主菜-- 係講之前要補充一樣, 就係居然主菜真係得主菜, 係無得間跟飯、意粉嗰啲... 可能我見識少掛 a> 薄荷羊柳配香橙三文魚 (7成熟) &178只可以話放到入口,唔會太老囉. 但絕對唔值呢個價. 啲羊柳係無so 味, 但同樣亦無其他味 (咸味、香草味、羊味...), 個薄荷汁就溝埋cream, 都係太淡, 無乜薄荷味份量方面, 個大大的碟面, 只有三塊橙肉, 兩件細羊柳, 同兩塊三文魚, 配菜就係薯蓉一pat啲薯蓉份普通開水溝粉嗰啲.b> t骨牛朳配燒汁 (7成熟) $178我老公好不幸地叫左呢個, 係好大塊嘅牛扒 + 薯菜. 成碟最好食係啲菜囉, 因為就咁焗就得.塊牛扒不夠熱之餘 (食左兩啖己凍哂) , 仲要外面老,入面血, 又無牛扒香味, 又un, 要做到咁, 可能比整靚塊牛扒仲難.... 啲燒汁又係一啲味都無, 唔求香味勒, 只求有少少咸味啫, 都無...可能我哋唔識欣賞啦, 但花園餐聽啲扒好食過佢十倍八倍囉. 仲差過椰x 閣, 大x樂嗰啲貨色.好失望. 呢個時候, 我哋已經決定無下次, 點知, 仲有正嘢...c> 甜品跟餐嘅係杧果蛋糕, 望就ok, 點知一食.... 感覺係佢比緊啲隔夜蛋糕比我哋囉. 平時食蛋糕係鬆鬆軟軟, 又有少少水份架嘛, 佢嗰啲係明顯抽乾水, 好似隔夜蛋糕嘅感覺, 杧果顏色又深, 好耐無食過咁嘅質素嘅蛋糕.我見呢度食評話藍莓芝士蛋糕好食, 就加$15 要左, 呢樣嘢係唯一一樣覺得好食的食物. 可惜, 累積左咁多難食嘅嘢, 令我哋都不能好開心咁食個cheese cake. but 下次可以淨外賣cheese caked> 飲品未試過飲品都要評, 無辦法...凍檸茶有色無味, 早知叫凍檸水好過.至於佢一開始比杯茶, 雖然有檸檬味, 但水喉水味好勁, 差過pizza 嗰啲水咖啡就茶餐廳貨色. 服務有禮, 但客人order 完, waiter 送來時仲要問邊位嘅就唔夠pro, 嗰時都係得4枱客 (全部二人組合) , 我哋又得兩個人, 希望個waiter 能改善一下. 附近的餐廳起碼唔會order完又問返邊位叫乜啦價錢唔值. 如果係70-80 蚊一個餐, 我都會比 "ok", 但以接近200 的一個餐來講, 真係好唔得. 位置唔好, 又比同區貴, 仲要難食, 希望老板有所改善, 如果唔係都幾難係深井生存落去. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-03-14
First timer to the restaurant, we felt like eating something western but couldn't be bothered going out to our normal dining spots out of sum jeng.We ordered two set meals:Ribs with fat fries &Peppers wrapped with chicken the ribs i thought was alright, bit too dry though had lots of fatty bits. they had a side of gravy with the ribs, but the sauce they already had on the ribs was different to the gravy? that i don't get, but it was great for dipping my fat fries i guess. meal was very original.peppers with chicken was alright, bit too original as well I though, nothing special, personally i thought the vegetables on the side was more delicious.soup: was so so, didn't even bother asking us what soups there was to choose from. Drinks came with our meals, you'd thing at a 'cafe' they'd make reasonable coffee right? wrong. its was bad, drank two sips, didn't even finish it so that was a bit of a let down for me. also the meal came with dessert, they gave us a scoop of black-sesame flavored ice cream, bit weird for my liking to have after a western meal.atmosphere would've been great for couples wanting a romantic evening, but due to the fact that they had an Indonesian store behind their restaurant and seeing it was a Sunday, all the family maids came out to play and sang karaoke really loud..... Very disappointing for such a nice store location, nice and discrete.Customer service was appalling!! didn't get much attention at all, we were outside waiting to be served, asked for the menu but the waiter told us to get it ourselves!Would definitely not recommend to friends to try this restaurant. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-02-28
今日係老公生日,之前試過佢哋嘅藍梅芝士蛋糕,真係超好味!於是特登去訂一個同老公慶祝生日!為咗俾個驚喜佢,試吓問問Cafe More可唔可以幫我送個蛋糕到隔離餐廳!貼心嘅老闆竟然一口答應!除咗老公有驚喜外,全枱朋友對個蛋糕都讚不絕口!好多謝佢哋噤貼心嘅服務! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)