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Review (6)
Level1 2014-08-25
This is the DRINK that makes me to open the OR account, i have tried so many iced drinks in HK but this Coffee base has so much taste and no watery at all.  First of all, coffee aroma is great and have a smooth full-bodied taste.  so Smooth u wouldnt notice any ICE, and so rich and creamy! And amount of syrup is so balance.  And the staff is lovely and sincere :> continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-24
I had been meaning to try the coffee at Zambra for a while, as I have seen the bags of beans in a few locations and it looked interesting.BAD DECISIONSo, for the everage Hong Kong price of about $35, I got a caffe latte.  It came to me very quickly from relatively friendly servers.  After adding my sugar, I took a sip and my face puckered up like I had sucked a lemon.  I nearly spat it out.The coffee was super bitter and yet managed at the same time to taste of nothing.  Amazing - almost a miracle.  There was no real coffee flavour and it was mouth twistingly bitter.  It has to be the worst coffee I have drunk in HK.  That's saying something, because (while there are good places), there are a lot of terrible coffees to be drunk in this city.Needless to say, I will not be returning.   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-02
自從 Cafe Zambra 撤離灣仔之後,就沒有再光顧過這個品牌了。在對面吃漢堡包的時候發現了這 Zambra 的櫃位,當然不可以放過這個機會,所以吃完之後便過來喝咖啡。這裡有自家的 blend,單品咖啡也有,見到外籍咖啡師姐姐在忙著,我也懶得太多要求,要杯普通的 Americano 便好了。在吧位看著她工作,感覺更 cozy。其實出來又不差喎,沿用舊店的咖啡杯款式,咖啡油脂樣子不俗,濃濃的夠甘香,不算酸,好喝也醒神。店員(甚至連超市內的嬸嬸)的禮貌可是非常之好的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-02-24
I have recently fallen in love with this coffee bar which is situated at GREAT in Pacific Place. Not any other Zambra, but this one in particular. In fact, coming here on Sunday has become my weekend ritual and I do it religiously. The first time here I tried cafe latte. I was impressed by its layer of perfect foam. The bubbles (if you can notice any air bubble) cannot be finer and this helps the taste and smoothness of the drink. The expresso beans gives out a balanced flavor without being too bitter, yet leaving a light and fragrant after-taste. Gaining confidence after drinking this five-star latte, I ordered an expresso. It came with a caramel biscuit, which I find very useful as the expresso has a strong bitter taste towards the end.This last weekend, I decided to try their blue mountain. I thought it would be served french press, but it was done expresso. I guess it's my fault for not mentioning how I wanted it The coffee is totally worth the value, I drank half cup without milk and half cup with milk. Both were delicous. I'm thinking of trying Kopi Luwak one of these days, it's quite steep, around $200+ a cup, but I am confident that at this shop and with its barrista I would get the best experience in coffee drinking... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Zambra在香港有三所分店,之前試過灣仔的總店及尖沙咀的Coffee Corner,還記得在總店的經驗只是麻麻,反之在尖沙咀的小店反之不錯,但感覺都只不過是好,而不是突出,但今天的經驗都真的教人振奮。在金鐘的分店都是如老尖的分店一樣,只是一個有數張吧座的Coffee Bar,但已經是要比尖沙咀的那一間大得多了,至少部咖啡機體積更大,而且又有兩部磨豆機,但基本的裝潢也很類近,又是一筒筒垂直裝咖啡豆的擺設,這個方法在Barista Jam都是如此,這可是儲存炒過的咖啡豆的其一最佳方法,足見此店其實是有料的。此分店用的咖啡機比起其餘兩店的更棒,是用了源於一九零五年在意大利起家的Victoria Arduino咖啡機,就連Holly Brown也有一台,設備精良,看來不錯,但是我今天喝的咖啡其實不關它事。皆因本人一坐低,就見到店家正在Promote麝香貓咖啡及牙買加藍山,前者一杯二百元,後者五十五元,前者收費合理,後者簡直就低於市價,二話不說,即着店員要了杯藍山,店家可應客人要求,用Espresso機沖煮咖啡或用French Press也可,本人雖然喜歡喝意式咖啡多一點,但要喝高品質的單品豆,當然選了French Press。店員預熱了French Press壺,同時也預熱了之後用來盛咖啡的杯子,之後即磨咖啡豆,店家用了二號磨豆機來磨豆,一號機剛好在Espresso Machine旁,二號機則相反,看來是兩部機調校了不同的研磨度所致,慷慨的店員沖的這杯咖啡,也真的用了不少咖啡豆,磨出來的粉相當多,之後店員加了熱水,然後跟我說要待上三分鐘左右才好喝,可見此店的店員真的細心。在等喝之時,也聽見咖啡師跟其他客人談起藍山,此店其實有一款咖啡豆名為Blue Mountain Blend,聽店員說是用了廿五個巴仙的牙買加藍山,再加上七十五個巴仙其他非洲高原產區出的阿拉比卡豆,而本人喝的,是百份百的牙買加藍山,也很快的過了三分鐘,店員來幫我壓下咖啡粉,我杯咖啡就可以享用了,杯咖啡真的好熱,那個杯盛滿了咖啡之後是燙手的,對版!都是先嗅一下這杯咖啡,是真的很清秀的咖啡香,不是如喝Espresso般那麼Striking的Smell,嗅起來柔軟中更帶點近乎花香的味道,那咖啡表層有很薄薄的一層油脂,是咖啡豆炒過之後,被熱力由豆內到了表層的油脂,為咖啡增添醇厚的膠質,喝了一口質感豐潤有漿力,酸度低而帶來近乎果漿的香甜,咖啡味道不濃,但收尾紮實,殘留在口中的芳香有近乎香甜的感覺,真的很是好喝,記憶中上回喝過的單品藍山,是在岡田咖啡喝的,那次的表現其實已經很不錯,但今回更是比那次更棒,味道雖沒有那邊的濃,但個收尾更完滿,完全正正是藍山咖啡的精髓。再度值得一讚的是店家用的這個French Press壺,用了Pyrex超耐熱的玻璃來製造,非常適合要用上過九十度熱水的規格,再者那個Press的瀘網真的是一點兒咖啡粉也沒有漏,在壺邊近乎沒有丁點的咖啡渣,真的想買個回家慢用呢!另外也提一提跟來的一塊曲奇,入口香脆而有一陣薄薄的焦糖味,感覺用來下咖啡都算不錯,畢竟本人一向朝早喝咖啡都是要有曲奇相伴的。邊喝咖啡都跟店員談咖啡,說到了本人在菲律賓喝過的疑似Kopi Luwak,慢慢的喝,喝完就結賬回家用膳,在回家之後,即都近喝畢近一個小時,口內還有着一份咖啡清幽的甜美,這個餘韻真的是比起喝Espresso的回甘有過之無不及,知道什麼是齒頰留香嗎?來喝一杯牙買加藍山吧,令人滿足感爆燈,可能要找天再來試試Kopi Luwak及Espresso等咖啡才行。所以某天後,又重臨喝咖啡,是次只是輕輕的喝一杯Espresso,用了此店最基本而大路的Blend “Northern espresso”,今回由一位香港人女仕沖煮,看上去杯啡是不錯的,濃稠而深棕啡色的Crema,嗅起來也蠻富焦香的感覺,感覺是很Dark Roast的感覺,所以店家說這是Medium to Dark Roast的豆,我是有點懷疑的,又或可能剛好這一批豆真的是Dark Roast了吧。喝一口Espresso,果然Body很重喝起來那香味及醇度也很實在,這本來是不錯的,可是在結尾中帶出頗為明顯的苦澀味,不是Espresso應有的香甜,不知是否店家Tamp得太大力了,因為我睇住那店員按壓的時候,真的是用了整個人的力來壓,可能真的是有丁點Over-Extracted,又或是店家的咖啡豆由於是重度烘焙,稍為不新鮮的重烘焙豆,是很易出事的。所以本人有理由懷疑,此店是日的咖啡的瑕疵是歸究於這兩點了,不過總括而言,都是要要之前在灣仔總店的經驗要好,所以值得重新評估。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)