Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 20:00
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Review (76)
Level4 2024-05-05
這間店位於time square. 座位數量唔多,供應旦糕、咖啡和牛角包等輕食。Tiramisu 這個tiramisu 很細件,但旦糕口感濕潤,而且幾creamy, 質地幼滑輕盈,帶少少朱古力味和mascarpone cheese 風味,味道唔太甜。Coconut latte椰子咖啡有輕輕的甜味,淡淡的椰子味,口感比較薄身,唔太creamy, 泡沫比較少,但整體味道都ok. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2023-06-27
早前,趁1月8號前尚未通關,班大軍尚未殺到嚟香港,絕對是 Shopping 的好時機,同時,亦為新年作好準備,買定新衫、新鞋、新手袋、新銀包過新年!恰巧!我在時代廣場買了一對二千多$的鞋,恰巧是時代廣場 Promotion;俾錢時,靚女 Sales 提醒我到時代廣場 customer service 換領 Coupon,簡直是 shopping 的意外收穫呀!  消費滿 $1,500 可換領 $50 + $100 美食劵、$100 購物劵 有見及此,我上時代廣場官網看看有哪些餐廳惠顧滿 $100 可用 $50 美食劵 起初,我打算幫襯 Lady M,但是排長龍,我便放棄了! 位於4樓的連鎖 Cafe <Caffe Milani> 相對少人!店內座位不多,勝在跟 Lady M 差不多商場景觀!Menu供應:麵包、甜品、咖啡...等 先付款落單,隨即店員會給予一個電子裝置,等待閃亮後,便可取食物!栗子牛奶咖啡 $45 short甘中帶甜,香滑順喉! 配上一片曲奇餅!煙肉蘑菇蛋批 $36中間的蛋焗得恰到好處,配合煙肉帶出鹹香及提升味道!蘑菇增添口感,批身亦見鬆化可口!柚子綠茶蛋糕 $48質感軟滑濕潤,口味清新不甜膩! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I was searching for a cafe to get in some caffeine and to snack on, seeing this from Time Square escalator, without a doubt I walked towards it. Seeing their pastry and cake varieties in fridge, my mouth already started drooling. Seeing most of the guests were trying their sweets, I decided to give their savoury goods a go! The simple ham and cheese croissant sandwich may sound boring but it was served neatly. Croissant neither collapse not too brown after reheat. It kept its height and golden brown colour. Cheese was just melted without dripping all over the croissant which sometimes made it a mess. Croissant didn't cave in after bites. It was flakey and buttery. It was light but not heavy. Cheese gave a slight saltiness while ham boosted with its savouriness. Combining all it was a delight. Mushroom danish was delicate. Pastry was crispy and flakey, but it didn't break apart after bites. The mushrooms were mixed with bacon parts which tasted umami and savoury. The mushrooms well balanced the saltiness and heaviness. Pastry size was just right that it wouldn't end up too heavy. Coffee here was served with sugary raisin cookie. Cookie was a bit eggy and sugary but perfect to pair with coffee. Coffee wasn't a disappointment, roasty and nutty. It was a pleasant place to have a break in the city. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-12
呢度既蛋糕無花巧既外表 但味道真係贏好多 特別系d栗子芝士朱古力開心果 d味道好香濃但五會過甜 gelato都係好正滑得黎好香濃 感覺就係用料靚同足料 每一款都好好食 令人停五到口 同埋都有層次 有d有少少酒香 更加好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去到Caffe Milani食個lunch,見到呢度有個4-course lunch menu,$138就有湯、沙律、前菜同埋主食,仲包咖啡/茶,另外可以加錢要甜品或者gelato,都幾抵食~最impressed既係跟配既沙律仲有幾款!果日嗌左三個set,三款沙律都係唔同既~有凱撒沙律、粟米羽衣甘藍同埋甘筍沙律,另外餐湯都好有誠意~係南瓜湯,甜甜地同埋都濃稠👍  1⃣️海鮮羅馬厚薄餅(跟餐配意大利茄醬手工肉丸)($138) 無論主食同埋前菜都各有六款可以揀,個薄餅批底厚而且鬆軟,面頭有蝦、芝士、魷魚圈、蜆等等既配料。前菜肉丸有三粒,食到粒粒肉粒既質感,配上酸甜茄醬,幾開胃。另外仲有配咖啡,可以加埋奶,咖啡仲有配上曲奇🍪  2⃣️香草醬青口意大利扁麵(跟餐配巴馬火腿伴蜜瓜)($138) 青口有幾粒,仲有啲煙肉粒,都幾creamy,creamy得黎唔會太膩。前菜揀左巴馬火腿伴蜜瓜,有兩件,蜜瓜夠甜,配上鹹香既火腿,好食。  3⃣️香辣煙肉意大利麵(跟餐配檸檬白酒煮青口)($138) 少少辣,有啲蕃茄仔,加上啲肉碎,有少少似肉醬意粉既味道,但係感覺輕盈啲😋前菜青口味道淡淡地,幾有鮮味。  4⃣️菠菜雜菌千層麵($88) 係蕃茄汁做底,千層麵中間夾滿菠菜、蘑菇,仲有啲芝士🧀️  5⃣️玫瑰牛奶咖啡(跟餐+$18) 玫瑰味道唔算出,係latte香濃咖啡入面帶輕輕既玫瑰味,如果玫瑰味道再多啲會好飲啲。  6⃣️蜂蜜柚子綠茶蛋糕(跟餐+$28) 呢度既甜品全部都好精緻,一定要試下!蛋糕鬆軟有茶香,中間食到啲酸酸甜甜既柚子jam味😄  7⃣️開心果吉士千葉酥(跟餐+$28) 呢款好好食!酥皮夠脆,中間開心果醬好滑而且開心果味幾香濃。 8⃣️Gelato(開心果)($48) 個開心果味gelato開心果味好重😳啖啖都好似食緊開心果咁😂真係好正!  9⃣️Gelato(咖啡)($48) 咖啡味會甜啲,都好食,但係冇開心果味既咁驚喜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)