Exit C3/ E1, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (64)
Level4 2015-07-06
All seats were in open area which was located at a corner beside escalator. There was no waiter always walking around and not many diners. Therefore, I felt more cozy here than eating in closed area and busy eateries. It was good for gathering or sitting for a long time.We ordered Mushroom Risotto $80 and Four seasons pizza $85. The portion of risotto was a bit small than my expectation. I didn’t expect this portion in such eatery which diners need to queue to order and pay money first. Oh, I forget it is situated at high rent shopping mall. On top, there was hard cheese which was a bit bitter. The risotto was gentle creamy. Except for the mushroom was less than enough, it seemed to me that the mushroom was cooked independently then mixed with risotto as final touch because there was no mushroom flavour in the sauce. It was the main failure in this dish. On the other hand, the risotto was not fully cooked and a bit hard at centre. Though it was authentic Italian way to cook risotto which made the cheesy flavour not fully penetrated into the rice. For me, try once was enough but it was still better than four seasons pizza.Four seasons pizza which each portion contained artichokes or black olive or cooked ham or mushroom. Basically, there were Mozzarella, tomato and oregano on the pizza but Mozzarella was a bit meant . The crust was thin, crispy at the boundary and a bit chewy at centre. For the portion of artichokes and mushroom, I felt the taste was too subtle. More salt should be added to enhance the flavour. The taste of the rest portions were average. Perhaps it was authentic Italian pizza which I did not accustom to eat gentle flavour pizza.My friend bought a bottle of beer. I forgot what brand. It was my first time to see a slice of lemon was put onto the beer. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-02
買完飛等睇戲,唯有搵間餐廳飲吓嘢hea吓啦!漫無目的噤搭上長扶手電梯就見到呢間環境唔錯嘅cafe就入咗喇好多都係食tea set,但無耐前先食飽,所以都係要杯Paspuccio,其實即係Espresso溝埋鮮奶、朱古力同焦糖!俾完錢就搵位坐喇,唔講唔知原來梳化位真係好睇唔好坐一坐就成個人崁入咗噤,太軟太唔好坐 Paspuccio到喇,靚靚嘅拉花相信係用咗焦糖漿做拉花未攪亂就試咗啖,飲唔出有朱古力味,有啲苦唯有攪亂噤靚嘅花,但效果不變,味道不甜偏苦仲有啲酸味唔知係咪沖嘅時候沖太耐,有啲走走地味所以就算加番啲朱古力、奶泡同焦糖漿都搞唔掂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-21
本想到朗豪頂樓食,但很多餐廳都執笠了...這些年都未試過這cafe, 這次總算有機會一試。忘了名字~賣相有趣!上面的cream是凍的,幾得意,但味道一般。很一般的沙律...菜幾爽,但真的很一般...炸過龍,有點硬...芝士味不足,要連埋沙律的芝士碎一齊食,感覺滿足點...3個字:真的不好食。皮厚料少,幸好有白汁搭求...還以為這cafe有什麼料子,可以在這裡迄立不例...如果可以重來,我選擇其他餐廳... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
因為考試前夕所以請了半天假準備, 其實一點準備都無行下食下又過左半日考試前吃點甜食提神知道朗豪坊Caffe Pascuci 可以靜靜咁坐下點了一份Cake SetMousse Chocolate + Cappuccino  $57先到 Cashier 付款,隨後服務員會送食物到面前無奈等了十多分鐘先送上枱,當時亦非繁忙時間只有三數張枱的客人這方便要檢討一下。小妹選坐沙化位,其實內寵幾舊,枱與枱之空間感很小,坐得唔係幾舒服。接著Cappuccino比預期大杯,奶泡偏稀,唔香唔滑,咖啡也偏酸全不合意。所以要了一杯暖水仲淡一下味蕾。Mousse Chocolate: Mousse幼滑,空氣感十足,朱古力味不算太過香濃,甜度適中,有點黑森林蛋糕的影子 至於那半棵士多啤梨,毫無新鮮感可言,好似放了半天無人問津似的,感覺不好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在兒童節當日,到了旺角「朗豪坊」覓食。此 Café 近年成為我的摯愛,一來它自成一角,人流沒有那麼擠迫;二來它的隔離會有人表演 live 唱歌,氣氛不錯。「希臘沙律」,我超歡羊奶芝士的咸香味,令整個沙律的味道立體化。「雜果乳酪杯」,非常健康的選擇,士多啤梨新鮮,配乳酪食味很 refreshing continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)