Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 17:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 17:00
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (22)
Level4 2022-07-29
Attention 💖🌺 lovers! Pan Pan🥞👼🏼 got just the place if you’re in need of a weekend afternoon tea to chillax with your girlfriends!.Price :$268 +10% pp (incl. tea/coffee, selected drinks half price)Quality : 👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳Recommend : 💖💖💖Service : 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️(Ratings out of 5).OVERALL:  has 2 outlets in HK ( & The Peak), Pan Pan 🥞👼🏼 checked out Camellia Garden at The Peak, it’s surprisingly not that crowded even on a weekend & their service is super attentive (servers are more than happy to help you take many photos & good at it!📸). It’s nice that they’ve a terrace area overlooking the plaza & mountains, but not advisable to dine out there due to summer heat 🥵 Also, they may consider having a more coherent soundtrack as they jumped from Adele to EDM to Westlife which could affect the overall vibe😂🎧DISHES:🥪Savoury - in general they taste better than expected & are flavourful. Personal fav was the creamy shrimp croquette 🦐, pretty tasty & fried well.🍰Sweet - beautifully curated, all sweet items are definitely on a sweeter side🍬 Those pink cream puffs are for sure instagramable 🦢!🍪Cranberry & Almond Scone - only available option (no plain ones), it is served hot but the clotted cream could be better, it is unlike the usual ones with thick & creamy texture, this one is more foamy/thin🤔, also couldn’t really taste the almond.☕️Tea - there’s a selection of teas (and coffee/special mocktails), worth mentioning is there’re hard sugar cubes resting at the bottom of the pot, but they melt super slow & does not make the tea that sweet. Interesting! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Camellia拿鐵 $48抹茶拿鐵 $48Camellia Latte Green Tea Latte 嗰杯Camellia Latte味道同普通latte一樣 抹茶嗰杯都幾好飲 但如果濃啲就更好啦🙈Both lattes were very smooth, however I hoped that the green tea flavour could stand out a little more. 手撕雞凍素面 $108Cold Shredded Nangoku Chicken Somen 我覺得呢個好好食!同埋$108有咁多野真係好值😍 個麵清清地幾開胃 配上嫩滑嘅手斯雞真係好好味!There were many components for this dish so it was pretty worth for its price. The cold somen was very fresh and cooling, perfect match with the tender hand shredded chicken. 日本明太子素麵 $148Japanese Mantaiko Some 佢地個明太子醬超濃郁😋 但係可能因為太creamy嘅關係 所以食到尾有啲滯 但如果鍾意明太子嘅我覺得一定要試!Their mentaiko sauce was so creamy and thick, it covered all of the noodles so well so each bite you took would be filled with creamy goodness. At the end it got a little too heavy but it was anticipated. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-02
襯而家冇乜遊客,平日放假上山頂行下都不失為一個好節目山頂除咗可以欣賞下香港景色,仲有山頂廣場行下街食下嘢見到呢個招牌都已經覺得好fancy,應該好啱打卡入到去仲有花花牆同好多花花背景俾你任影,平日下午冇乜人,想點影都得佢嘅粉紅下午茶最出名,有咸點甜點,本身以為呢啲下午茶得個樣,點知味道好有驚喜,英式鬆餅拎嚟時仲係熱,咸點豐富,甜點有心思,食食下都覺得好飽,真係可以慢慢食慢慢坐兩隻天鵝最搶鏡,鬆餅放喺珠寶箱立即高級咗加錢叫嘅dirty都好飲,凍奶同熱咖啡分明,唔會一拎嚟就混合咗,飲到有層次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-13
最近有朋友推介這間餐廳的下午茶十分美味,所以今天我便帶另一位朋友來品嚐一下了,最後果然沒有介紹錯,這份下午茶基本上每款食物都非常出色,是一份值得推介給大家的下午茶餐廳在下午時段只提供兩款的下午茶,並沒有其他食物選擇,分別是 $488需要提前預訂的「花語山丘」(兩位用)和 $99的炸物「Afternoon Tea Set」(一位用),今次我們便選了「花語山丘」【花語山丘】$488鹹點分別包括了香草牛肉卷、紅菜頭三文魚脆籃、脆炸芝士球和迷你菠菜酥。脆炸芝士球混合了一些蟹肉忌廉,所以感覺上就好像品嚐沙律卷一樣,口感很 Creamy,讓人口舌生香,回味無窮至於三文魚的味道則咸咸香香,配上紅菜頭後味道幾清新的,而牛肉卷和菠菜酥都非常酥脆香口,外脆內軟,內裡的餡料亦咸香四溢,有滋有味,大家都吃得津津有味,不亦樂乎甜點分別包括了伯爵茶忌廉泡芙、 紅桑子乳酪杯、 迷你芝士蛋糕和紅寶石朱古力卷。芝士蛋糕的口感一點也不膩,是我品嚐過最出色的芝士蛋糕!不過朱古力卷便不太嚐到朱古力的味道,反而士多啤梨的味道更為濃烈一些,而且蛋糕質感亦非常鬆軟可口,甜香四溢,美味得讓人陶醉其中,吮指回味忌廉泡芙雖然包含了大量忌廉,但是口感依然甜而不膩,美中不足的是乳酪的味道有點酸溜溜,可能現在並不是紅桑子的當造季節吧【Peach Oolong tea】$24這份英式下午茶只包括了最普通的咖啡/茶,其餘的花茶/調製咖啡統統都需要加錢,這份香桃烏龍便需要額外加 $24,但個人認為它的味道並沒有什麼特別,和普通茶包泡出來的味道差不多【檸檬茶】套餐包括朋友選的檸檬茶便不用加錢了,而且賣相比我點的香桃烏龍更漂亮,下次我都是點普通茶算了【鬆餅】全場唯一比較遜色的食物便是這份鬆餅了,由於質感有些「痴牙」,所以吃的時候有機會會黏著喉嚨,幸好它的份量十分少,吃幾口便沒有了價錢方面,花語山丘 $488,Peach Oolong tea $24,餐廳設有加一服務費,原價是 $566,但現在山頂廣場有消費優惠卷,最後兩人總共 $466總結來說,今次下午茶的食物非常出色和美味,是我品嚐過最高質的英式下午茶,而且餐廳的環境亦非常寧靜舒適,即使今天是假日的下午,卻依然只有少數幾枱客人,最適合和朋友在這裡慢慢聊天 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-07-06
見到pink pink 的high tea,女仔又點會唔心動。所以約埋朋友一齊上山頂嘆番個靚靚下午茶。原來餐廳星期一二是休息日,我們就唯有約星期三吧。餐廳在山頂廣場1樓,牛扒店的旁邊。餐廳佈置滿是粉紅色,周圍有很多花作裝飾,很重的少女味。餐廳外面還有一個可以影相的地方,餐後不妨去打卡。餐廳主打的high tea 叫“永恆之愛” “Always in love with you”Set for one 每位$268 ,二人即是$536。下午茶配茶,咖啡或果汁朋友點了蘋果汁,我就點了伯爵茶。伯爵茶是用一個有雀鳥裝飾的玻璃壺盛著,很可愛!下面還點著一個小蠟燭,茶就不易變凍,很細心!High tea 當然不少得鬆餅。鬆餅是用玻璃盒首飾盒盛載,賣相很精緻。這家的鬆餅是小紅莓杏仁英式鬆餅伴紅桑子果醬及得文都忌廉。鬆餅鬆軟,帶有紅莓味,不錯。兩層雀籠內的是鹹點和甜點。鹹點有三款,煙肉芝士撻,蘑菇酥皮盒,鮮蝦忌廉薯仔條。這裡的鹹點很不錯。鮮蝦忌廉薯仔條微脆,內裡的薯蓉加入忌廉和蝦,味道很好。蘑菇酥皮盒外層很脆,蘑菇餡料也很香口,和酥皮很夾。煙肉芝士撻的芝士味很出。三款都很好。甜點有五款,茉莉花馬卡龍,玫瑰荔枝奶凍,紅石榴流心芝士餅,伯爵茶忌廉泡芙,紅寶石朱古力雲卷。甜點中最好的是玫瑰荔枝奶凍,這個奶凍玫瑰味和荔枝味都十分香濃。另外是伯爵茶忌廉泡芙,泡芙做成天鵝形狀,而且是粉紅色,賣相極美。忌廉帶有微微的伯爵茶香,甜而不膩。其他的甜點就太甜了,尤其是馬卡龍。整個下午茶都十分滿意,餐廳環境優雅,座位舒服。食物賣相精緻,食物質素也不錯。想和朋友去嘆一個英式下午茶,這間餐廳是一個不錯的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)