Review (23)
Level4 2024-11-13
科大開放日,走完所有講座,本想來個下午茶。奈何餐牌全都變為晚餐了!!!晚餐價格也很優惠抵食,唯有Early dinner。在自助機付款買飛後,找個靚位慢慢享用。焗豬扒飯  及 凍蘋果綠茶  小米點的。叉燒燒鴨飯     瘦叉,照計很健康。可是天氣乾燥,叉燒乾爭爭,要比牙力咬呀咬。粉紅色叉燒外層不太甜,沒有焦焦香味,底味欠奉,總覺得尚欠一款醃料呀!燒鴨  瘦叉欠油脂,幸好有燒鴨。撕出鴨皮,自製燒鴨皮壽司,沾上酸梅醬。不過鴨肉真的很乾 又咬呀咬。   卅個大洋,不能要求太多。  用餐後要自行返還餐盤。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-15
今天剛巧在香港科技大學辦點事,有點肚餓,便去飯堂食下午茶。下午茶的套餐甚為多選擇,有粉麵的茶餐,亦有炸雞堡、燒味飯粉麵等等,價錢十分實惠。我叫了熱狗不用$30。但尺寸非常大。本身熱狗有茄汁和芥辣,但我不喜歡,所以要求服務員走汁,他也非常好人,順應我的要求弄了一個熱辣辣的熱狗給我。👍🏻香腸很好味,不會過鹹,麵包是鬆軟的,這個熱狗算是合格,再加上蕃茄,簡直錦上添花🥰薯條好脆飲品,我選了凍檸茶+3.7, 茶底香,夠冰凍在大熱天喝十分消暑餐廳的風景很美,望着大海吃着美味的熱狗和冰凍的凍檸茶也是一件賞心樂事!🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
幫襯咗咁多年大學canteen, 質素係點,心入面都大概有個譜點知一嚟到,又突破咗我對大學canteen 嘅認知首先,貴,唔係個個餐都貴嘅,但真係有啲餐同出面茶餐廳咁貴然後,非常唔好食,牛油多士韌,問有冇得走油,啊姐話冇。雞扒似食緊臘肉,有啲油益味。番茄湯淡到咩咁,餐牌仲好意思寫升級版有牛粒,一粒牛都冇......唉......唔知道喺科技大學嘅同學平時係點樣揀餐,可能佢哋識揀會嗌到啲好食啲嘅嘢嘅…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-28
Went to HKUST for congregation today, got some time in between so went to this Canteen for tea time. Price is very cheap, tea only costs $24 with drink. We order a Fried Chicken Wing + 碗仔翅 and a Peanut Butter Red Bean French Toast. Chicken wing and the sharks fin are normal, not too bad but not too hot as well. French toast is definitely worth a try with it being freshly made in the kitchen, the bread is deep fried nicely and red bean on top is sweet too. Overall a good snack to have for Tea continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-25
之前上完堂就去左lg1canteen食飯,我就叫左個口水雞飯,而燒味部條龍好長,都等左大約10分鐘先攞到個飯。個飯就$38,仲跟個湯,都算抵食。而份雞佢比左雞腿我,所以啲肉都幾滑,而個汁我個人就覺得有少少辣,同埋好油,但係就好夠麻辣同好香,用黎餸飯都好適合。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)