9-min walk from Exit A2, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
07:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
07:00 - 02:00
07:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level2 2015-02-28
今晚太太約了舊同學食飯,一個人晚上九點後唔知食乜好。原本想過老麥或即食面,但太太早咗番屋企,所以佢倍我去揾食。港島半山晚上九點後一直沒有什麼選擇,但大半年前左右開咗間茶餐廳叫《飯廳》,雲吞面试過唔錯,今晚試牛筋墨丸河,水準以上,尤其墨丸,幾有咬口,值得推介。以後九點後唔駛擔心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-11-23
參加完婚禮,係HUNGRY到手振的情況下是但搵間餐廳食算 見到下午茶餐牌推薦蜜糖叉燒脆豬,就2話不說咁ORDER左一份 個包舊叉燒真係好大,而且軟淋淋的 但無咩味道可言,好似一件無落過調味的肉咁,不過堅大舊 而跟餐的奶茶又水得濟,唔合格,有待改善 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-11-02
路過見掛出嚟嘅燒臘檔好似唔錯就試吓~環境:坐得幾舒服,唔會好迫夾。多人得嚟又唔會好嘈,唔通西半山啲食客斯文啲?嘩哈哈~ 同坐得超唔舒服嘅水街周記比,真係舒服好多。衛生:滿意,枱面、餐具同擺餐具嘅櫃桶都幾乾淨。因為我好易會腸胃不適,所以我都幾睇重衛生。食完都冇事,ok。服務:侍應服務有質素,多謝前多謝後,落單都溫馨提示蒸飯要等耐少少先上到。比起上個月食翠華,成個場唔夠人手,想搵個人落單都難要好得多。今次嘅標題係「中伏」,所以我刻意寫啲我滿意嘅嘢先。食物:作為一間食肆,食物質素始終係最緊要。選擇種類都幾多,一般茶記嘅嘢有,雲吞麵又有,沙冰都見幾多人飲。是日先上燒味飯,要咗燒肉同燒鵝。如圖所見,燒肉啲皮未食已經甩晒出嚟,啲皮亦都唔脆。燒鵝都有啲硬。呢個燒味飯最致命嘅地方係啲飯,又「鞋」又「卓」,同埋啲燒味雖然都落咗唔少味精,但啲肉都係冇味嘅,有味都係來自個酸梅醬。另外要咗個籠仔蒸飯,因為見多人食就試吓。一樣啦,飯都係嗰啲飯已經唔想食,呢個籠仔系列標榜冇味精,我好開心,但見到個肉餅我就有啲驚,因為標榜冇味精啫,唔等於你可以唔醃肉啩?!啲肉白到~ 成個肉餅嘅味就係靠土魷,可惜份量唔多。個飯本身佢都已經加咗豉油,不過都係冇咩味~ 對於食飯冇飯味,食肉冇肉味,食物本身原味都欠奉,就真係幾耐人尋味。枱面有調味架嘅,但係相信醃嘅味同後加嘅係兩回事。呢兩個飯,正街潤匯比佢好食太多。價錢:二人同行,$103 落樓。咁嘅價錢,食啲咁嘅質素,對唔住,冇下次。行返落正街,更平,更好食嘅選擇,大把。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Had a super local hangover breakfast with my girlfriend here at Canteen. I have always wondered if it's ran by the same one situated in Princes Building in central as they seem to sell same kind of stuff eg roasted BBQ pork / chicken etc, and have similar decor. Anyways - it was Sat 11am and the place was packed already. We had to share a table with another mid-aged lad, HK style. The place is not spacious but not entirely unfortable. We shared a set which included a croissant, fried eggs and a soup macaroni. And I ordered an extra milk tea. The food is ok and is what you expect from a local joint, while I was delighted to see them trying something different - croissant rather than a regular plain white bread to accompany the fries eggs. The eggs were flavourful enough and so was the soup. I found the food quality similar to those I tried in Tsui Wah if you know what I mean - better than average. Milk tea was silky enough. One thing I am surprised is that their services are quite friendly and attentive for a hk style cafe. When we entered we were greeted with smiles. We were trying to look for utensils and couldn't open the drawers next to the table. The manager spotted our difficult right away and helped us. Will return again - probably for another quite hangover meal with some ABCs.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-08-31
不久前發現呢間般咸道新茶記,終於趁星期日有機會一試佢地既早餐整體格調不錯,杯形燈罩幾有特色~ 但係可能牆身較硬唔吸音,所以比較嘈。 新式茶記呢種價錢唔算貴。牛角飽好夠鬆脆,真係唔錯。隻蛋都煎得啱啱好,但蛋味較淡。牛麵實在濃味得濟,麵條唔太淋,挽回番少少分數。整體來講算係唔錯,雖然食物普普,但假日食早餐比較在乎舒適~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)