1-min walk from Exit C1, Whampoa MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
08:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2024-04-20
We used to buy the all-cheese big bread from this bakery in Aeon. This time I wanted something new. This pizza bread with burdock and bacon looked attractive. Very crunchy sliced burdock and baked with cheese, however I couldn’t taste the bacon. The salt rolls here were $9! It’s such a good price and I couldn’t resist to get one. They have several flavours: black sesame, original, flaxseed, and one more (which I couldn’t recall). Yummy and buttery! I think I would try out all the flavours next time, with this unbeatable price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🙈每逢星期三aeon 週三特價日黃埔都會特別多人,🤣今日就特登去咗買麵包,因為有啲款要星期三先有㗎!😆❣️食完味道超有驚喜,價錢仲要超抵食,最平一個都係$6,💓推薦推薦!❗️.黑芝麻綠茶紅豆包 $6 👅8.5/10💚麵包好軟熟,有淡淡的綠茶香味,🥳紅豆餡都比得好足。至於黑芝麻就剩係得上面幾粒,🤣完全唔關佢事。.香軟芋泥包 $6 👅9.5/10💜麵包同樣軟熟,入邊有好多好濃郁嘅芋泥餡,😍超濃芋頭味,個包由頭食到落尾都有芋泥!❗️食落亦唔算太甜。.紫薯麻薯包 $8 👅9/10💜麵包入邊有好多紫薯餡!😍紫薯味好香,默書仲要可以拉絲。🙈雖然麻薯好軟熟,但係就略嫌有啲少。🤣.吉士奶黃麵包 $8 👅7.5/10💛奶黃餡幾香,🙈可能因為本身唔係奶黃麵包fans,🤣覺得佢相對其他麵包就有少少失色。.整體而言🫶🏻麵包款式多👅,價錢亦都好抵🤣,性價比超高啊。超級推薦大家星期三可以去買來試吓!❣️🙈不過大家記得逢星期三去aeon都會特別多人,大家可能要排一陣隊先可以俾錢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-14
呢嗰間野勁難食今日比第二次機會佢都係咁難食食完仲搞到我毆胃酸然後個胃脹左一日 等咗六個鐘都仲係好唔舒服反胃 仲要食胃好嬲呀 仲要一啲都唔平!收銀仲要勁慢真係好難食!好差 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Aeon逢星期三減價日真係特別多人😹勁多人買包 呢間幾好食 搞到我想試曬佢-麻糬波波($10/3)淨係食左朱古力味🍫大大粒 壓扁左少少醜樣無影相😂好煙韌 朱古力粒粒份量個個唔同🍫不過朱古力味道唔算好出 但口感好好🤤-Oreo軟包 ($6)佢有餡嘅包全部都好好食啲餡好豐富 而且味道都好濃厚但反而包烘過就乾身左d 一般般😹-極醇湯種軟包仔 ($18)食落都幾軟身 同埋幾煙韌👍🏼🥳味道上就冇咩味如果唔係即日食 之後一定要烘返佢如果唔係你會覺得唔好食😹最鍾意用黎夾碎蛋沙律或者吞拿魚沙律😋"尾圖 最入邊嘅係未經過烘焙的樣子"-仲有好多包都好吸引‼慢慢試☺️--Cantevole紅磡黃埔天地第5及6期AEON Style地庫太古康山道1-2號康怡廣場南座AEON地下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-02-24
每逢星期三都會黎買包希望有一日可以試曬全部包啦😂上次寫完提子鬆餅食評今次試吓依隻 十字咖啡包 ($5)聽個名覺得超級特別 而且個樣好靚仔自己唔飲咖啡 但係好鍾意咖啡陣味☕️所以對個包嘅味相當有期望Size 係正常有料包嘅size不過攞上手勁輕身急不及待 即刻試味...點知...摸落去已經feel到個包質感唔好佢又未至於好硬 但係唔知點解乾乾哋咁 一啲都唔軟身 完全唔係麵包口感一來已經冇麵包香味 二來真係一啲嚼口都冇 咁輕身可能因為多空氣然後明明係咖啡包 但係一啲咖啡味都冇😭 上面有朱古力粒嘅 但係反而令個包太甜 個配搭好奇怪一個字 伏我作為包控好少可話包難食 但係依個款真係唔好食一定唔再買依款不過其實佢依間麵包店普遍啲包係好食嘅 我都食過好多其他款啲大麥包真係好食 只係今次依款唔掂另外佢每逢星期三都減價好多包款都 $5個 係幾抵嘅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)