4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This India restaurant is located in Central. It provides a variety of Indian cuisine and desserts, such as the Paan Gelato, Rose Phirni Tart, Lotus seed Kesari Kulfi with Saffron honey glaze, Gulab Jamun and Rasmalai which are all rare to see in other restaurants. It also provides Indian vegetarian dishes. continue reading
Additional Information
Fine Indian Cuisine at Lan Kwai Fong
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (44)
Level4 2024-08-10
🥰 重慶大廈 “7E 咖喱王” 轉咗 老板, 質素不穩, 自此尋尋覓覓, 今日嚟到 “朋友嘅印度朋友” 推介嘅 Carat. 餐廳位於中環蘭桂坊, 酒吧格局, 坐高枱食咖喱, 氣氛錯唒.🥢 午餐Rmb128, 包括前菜 印度烤雞 Chicken Tikka, 主菜 正宗印度咖喱 Murgh Kadai, 甜品, 凍奶茶. Murgh Kadai 其實係 瑪莎拉雞, 雞肉滑溜, 咖哩帶蕃茄味, 香料層次複雜, 撈飯食一流. 🤗 Carat 地理位置有優勢, 食物質素過關, 但環境唔襯食咖喱囉. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-24
I had organised a lunch meeting that turned out to drinks after.The crew were great. We talked about how quiet LKF has been, in particular, over the past 12 months.For four Asahi pints, four cans of soda water and two bottles of white wine, the bill was USD 240 or HKD 1,879.The white wine cost USD 12 or HKD 90 at the shops. The wine was priced at HKD 598.I made no fuss when paying but it is only fair I also contribute facts. I will not avoid this bar from now on.For those who would venture here, stick with beer. P.S. The owner also owns the bars next door so its safe to assume its the same tactic. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍位置:近中環站 D2 出口,由皇后大道中往蘭桂芳走大約十分鐘,在馬路的一旁。🏠環境:開放式門面,設半露天的座位,不過當日有維修工作加天氣炎熱,還是住在室內。而室內呈長方形,座位分佈左右兩邊,是靠牆的藍色卡座,盡頭是酒吧及二人枱,整體簡單舒適。🤵🏻服務:人手下單,收取加一。🍽️午市:提供套餐,包前菜、主菜、餐飲和甜品,不過我們想選擇自己喜歡的,沒有點套餐。🥬脆辣秋葵 $98秋葵切塊再炸,炸粉帶有印度香料和微新辣,很香口,伴有薄荷醬可解膩😌。🥘印度傳統炭燒香料咖哩雞 $138上菜時就嗅有炭燒香,圓大塊無骨的咖哩雞,燒得不乾身,肉質保持嫩身😚,而調味很夠,雞肉是十分入味🤤,不需點醬都好吃。🧀自家製茅屋芝士球+濃香蕃茄奶油咖哩 $128賣相一流,橙色的咖哩內有方形的芝士🧀球,口感好像豆腐☺️,味道有淡淡的奶香,第一次這樣的炸芝士,一點膩感也沒有,而咖哩甜中帶辣,配烤餅吃更棒😋。🧅蒜香烤餅 $38🤣不用多講烤餅了,這是他們的傳統食物,保持水準,而且蒜香特別惹味😋。🍹Sweet Melody $78配以🍓士多啤梨果肉的特飲,口味酸酸甜甜😚。🍹Virgin Mojito $78🌿薄荷和香茅的份量較多,清新解滯😙。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-28
[ Carat Fine Indian Cuisine ]無咗口罩令後蘭桂坊一日比一日熱鬧,今次經開有間印度菜好似幾好食,又有得飲酒,即管試一試啲嘢食先😎✿ 旁遮普邦烤焗茅屋芝士球🧀🧀 薄荷醬 (四件) $148著名嘅印度小食,由馬鈴薯、芝士和香料等烤焗而成,配埋特製薄荷醬,中和翻香濃芝士味,不膩口😋😋✿ 招牌天多里乳酪香料烤雞 (半隻) 🐓$128雞肉經過特殊嘅調味同烤制,變得非常香嫩,而乳酪&香料🧂增添咗獨特香氣,非常有印度風味😆✿ 馳名牛油蕃茄咖喱雞 $138味道香濃,口感豐富,因為加入咗椰漿,燉煮後嘅雞肉變得嫩滑入味,呢個汁啱哂配搭薄餅或者飯,超夾!✿ 原味印度薄餅🫓 $32薄餅烤至兩側金黃色,鬆脆可口,最適合沾咖喱汁食🥘🥘✿ Berry Black🫐🫐 $78由藍莓、黑莓糖漿、檸檬汁🍋、菠蘿汁🍍、紅莓汁混合而成,口感好獨特,非常健康又美味嘅果汁,莓味比較重。總結🫦地點方便,位於熱鬧嘅蘭桂坊,好推介約埋朋友嚟飲番杯再食下野,店舖印度菜好適合港人口味,可以一試。✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿Carat Fine Indian Cuisine地址:中環德己立街29號榮華大廈A座地下A號舖電話:21110491✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
蘭桂坊街道附近偏向酒吧多,過往覺得酒吧餐廳偏向售賣酒精為主,食物質素參差.但今次喺蘭桂坊試咗嘅印度餐廳卻洗去之前謬誤~酒精選擇多可以直接享受一頓印度餐,唔使轉場嘅情況下非常方便😚🍸音樂類型唔會太嘈雜,靠背嘅高身吧枱坐得舒適,燈光柔和唔會太陰.而另外一題,廁所亦非常乾淨✨👍🏻因為大部份酒吧餐廳都唔係😏大家應該想像到作為飲酒傾偈嘅地方,又鍾意食印度嘢嘅人~依間確係不二之選~而且星期日有平價午餐都不過$90,中環區嚟講確係難得~但我地貪心為食鬼們都係想單點試多幾款菜式🤪然而全部都香口惹味,酒精亦完全滿足到大家要求🍸濃度極高~🔸Chicken Tikka Angara 🐔🌶️($138)用紅辣椒片醃製的炭烤雞肉,並用正宗印度香料調味.雞肉外皮濃厚炭香及香料味,而雞肉一點都不鞋口,內裏非常嫩,極度惹味!必叫✨🔸Paneer Makhani ($128) 用肉汁烹製的自製奶酪🧀️配上奶油番茄🍅芝士球質地較硬身,咖喱沒有辣度反而有偏醇厚奶香微酸蕃茄味,毫不油膩🔸Goan Fish Curry ($138)來自是印度面積最小的一個邦Gao嘅美食,用奶油椰子醬和印度香料烹製的鰈魚片.香料味特別亦香濃加上尾隨椰香,魚肉微炸肉質嫩滑,如果唔想食太多肉🐠建議試試依款✨👍🏻~🔸 Garlic Naan($38)食咖哩必叫烤餅!即叫即製~新鮮熱辣!香噴噴蒜蓉味外皮脆身🤤有一定厚度內裏軟熟🔸Pina colada($128)傳統Pina colada 椰香味濃而且唔會偏甜,有後勁嘅酒味~🔸Black Hole($138)份量大大杯,一飲已感受強烈酒精~毫不吝嗇😆👍🏻如果唔飲得就要小心勒~個人愛酒非常滿意! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)