Additional Information
Cartson's ( 車仔)代表著我們對昔日香港的懷念。儘管儘管當時生活艱難,沒有高科技的輔助,卻有更多的時間與家人共聚,享用一頓簡單而直接的美食。食物不必奢華,但其味道讓人感到幸福。這種獨特的情懷正是車仔麵所能帶給你的滿足!
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 11:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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今時今日要在銅鑼灣區找到間車仔麵真的不容易,基於租金物價等因素下,想找到間有誠意些的更是發夢。。。日前睇完<食神> 剛好見某雜誌介紹這裡,就馬上想來試試地點: 屬於後街,但算方便,就在一蘭拉麵左右。環境: 以白色為主,乾淨"企"理,光猛,地方算寬敞,收銀同半開放式廚房帶點懷舊氣色,有型格燈色配襯,附合一間簡潔且特色車仔麵的風格,不是街坊式,睇得出有用心經營。终於到食物: 本人叫了一個最基本的組合,清湯底、粗麵、瑞士雞翼、咖哩魚旦、牛腩、白蘿蔔。牛腩好味,香滑入味 。雞翼正常,不會太淋或太乾,不過唔係好瑞士,不如唔好刻意話係瑞士仲好。咖哩魚旦的咖哩就幾好,可惜魚旦真係無咩魚味。白蘿蔔GOOD,無渣,清甜。友人叫了他們的招牌推介之一"使鬼旦"車仔麵 (適合有選擇障礙或心多的人) " 當中包括麻辣湯底(可選大、中、小辣) ,粗麵、魷魚、豬皮、牛腩、椰菜。跟餐送飲品1款: 自家菊花茶、薏米水、酸梅湯。魷魚、豬皮都唔錯,爽脆。 椰菜都新鮮,不會煮到有淋有黃,剛剛好。當中最要講一講是聽聞是自家RECIPE與本地面廠每日鮮製的麵條,假設粗麵不是行貨,(事實上以觀察所得,粗麵麵條似是自家製) ,可惜不知那方便的偏差,我估計是煮的時間未夠所致,粗麵好像沒有煮透,有點過硬,缺乏蛋麵的煙韌。如果辛苦用自家配方又做得不好,倒不如外講有品質且可減底成本的麵更化算。其實他們的選擇也很多,單是麵條都有6-7種(罕見的如空心米線),湯底都有3款(清湯,麻辣,蕃茄),配料有超過20款,除常見的種類,更有一些台式和馬拉式的特色配料 (魚肉春卷、鹹魚肉餅、台式肉燥、南乳豬手等等)。服務: 當時人客不多,服務都唔錯,員工有禮貌,HELPFUL,不過可能新手,舖面的幾位年輕人有少少生手和怕羞,而那位疑似老闆的男士整天板著臉,把他們嚇得誠惶誠恐,如果老闆可以多一分笑容,氣氛會輕鬆點,這一點顧客是感受到的! 幸好見老闆細心調較冷氣,可見其親力親為!另外喜歡他們貫徹車仔麵傳統以畫紙仔的形式落單,讓客人能清楚選擇。但他們卻以快餐店式睇號碼自取,這令人費解,有些客人又不需自取,情況有點亂。第一: 人不多,客人已經要自己出去落單(唔緊要),仲要再出去自取,樓面員工有何用? 第二: 人多時,一個人時萬一出左去取麵,回頭座位無左點算?整體這碗車仔麵”食送”的量是合理,算多,但麵的量偏少,如果男仕們會唔夠飽。指定套餐式車仔麵約$60有找,包飲品,自選組合(如3種配料),約$50以下。以車仔麵來講算中價,從店舖種種可見老闆有野心,但車仔麵始終定位不能太高,希望這間有心的車仔麵可以堅持下去,期望有進步空間。
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The last time I had great cart noodles were from HAPPY NOODLE in Happy Valley but sadly that closed down.Now there is Cartson's Noodle which is going to be great because it is opened by two really cool people who have a touch of Western influence over it.The restaurant is really modern and chic and the logo says it all!Designed with thought as well as incorporating the Chinese characters of Cart noodles as well as a pictorial of a real cart.It features a TOP VIEW of a boy pushing a cart (on the left) which is also part of the Chinese character of the word CAR and the squares represent the the cooking segments in the cart!!The interior is chic, no more grubby tables and uncomfortable environments.You can choose to sit at the tables or the bar table.The bar table makes the joint looks spacious.Beneath the bar tables, there are hooks for your bags.To order, you tick what you want, go to the counter and pay then wait for your number on the red display.Ordering sheets:There are four combos and my favourite one is the premium combo 2 because it has all my favourites.Or you can choose a lighter option.The are three broths:Angel: tomatoCartson's secret: mala spicy soup with various spice levelsDevil: fragrant spicy tomato brothThe angel means not spicy while the devil means spicy.The counter:Loved the bright plastic bowls for kids ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Squid ink noodles :The presentation of this was just amazing!!Jet black noodles contrasted by the bright orange squid skewers and the leafy green coriander leaves.The noodles are not black, but covered in so much black squid ink that it has this strong squid taste. Whoever has this will get black lips and a black tongue!!Anyway, the noodles are definitely worth trying.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Premium cart noodles:I chose this because it had everything in it that I liked from pork knuckles, meat patty, fish roll, onsen egg.I thought the fish patty was the best because you don't often find it in noodles shops as a topping.For the noodles I chose Chinese buccatini because it draws more soup.The soup was lovely with a strong tomato base and spicy tones to it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Tofu with cumin:I loved the tofu because the coating is different to the usual fried tofu.It tasted the same as the Japanese Agedashi tofu which is lightly dusted with potato starch or cornstarch and then deep fried until golden brown.The one here had lots of cumin giving it a lovely flavour and reminds you of Xinjiang cuisine.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Condiments:Even though you don't really need it, the sauces were also tempting and creative.XO sauce with salted fish and the spicy pickled vegetables which were great complementing anything.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Grilled items:As well as noodles, they do great grilled items, great with beers which they plan sell later.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Prune drink:I don't normally order this but it was not too sweet and the smoky taste was not that strong.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★On my next visit, I am going to try the noodles in sauce with seacucumber and ducks feet.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $2XXService: goodYummy factor: greatSweetness levels: OKMSG levels: NoneNapkins provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎
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舒適車仔麵本身非常熱愛車仔麵,可能是童年回憶,又或者是貪它豐儉由人。路經這間新開張的車仔麵,開頭以為係一間西餐廳,細看餐牌下才發覺是一間車仔麵。食物質素不錯,湯低ok不重味精,蘿蔔無渣夠甜。還要讚讚那個一口煎肉餅,原來肉餅都可以配車仔麵,可以再試。 可能新開張人流不是太旺,啱晒我可以響度打發吓時間上吓網,唔似得出面食完就嗱嗱淋要趕人走番枱。後來發覺原來還有串燒,可惜六點後才供應。唯有下次帶埋愛人再來品嚐。
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睇雜誌見過新介紹,經開銅鑼灣嚟試試⋯蕃茄湯底一飲覺得好足料,無味精,抵讚!叫咗4餸:1.咸魚肉餅:好香口,有驚喜2.魚肉春卷:同南記有得比3.牛筋:超入味,夠啉4. 魚旦:雖然唔係有乜特別,但收銀員因為見到我大住個肚,即刻話我聽魚旦本身係辣嘅,使唔使轉唔辣,好細心,即時加分我叫咗通心面缐 ,第一次見有呢種面。第一啖食覺得硬咗D,但原來浸多陣就啱啱好(第三丶四啖)。最後我飲哂d 湯,仲淨番d餸同面因為太多食唔哂. 總括而言食物質素唔錯,分量偏多,環境舒適,值得再來.
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