2-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
It uses fresh ingredients to serve Australian cuisine, such as signature brunch and seafood items, which are good to pair with wine to level up the enjoyment. It is a nice place to enjoy meals under a relaxing vibe with classical and contemporary themes interior design. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 21:30
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
10:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay EPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Spicy Crab Pasta Soft Shell Crab Burger Duck Leg Confit Beef Tartare
Review (35)
Level3 2025-02-20
同男朋友苦惱緊情人節去邊食飯,因為唔想俾人湯,結果朋友推介左依間好有氣氛嘅餐廳,就算係情人節都唔會特別貴,$280/1位,每人各1 starter 1 main 加指定甜品,真心抵食!🥰🥰🌼spicy crab pasta 🦀🌶️推!賣相非常吸睛😍唔太辣,天使面索曬汁,蟹肉同蒜香味都好夾,如果再多啲蟹肉就更加完美!🌼fish and chips 係好食嘅fish and chips!! 特別欣賞佢嘅炸魚,好厚肉一啲都唔腥,炸粉又薄又脆,唔錯!🌼Burrata水牛芝士一啲都唔膩,配埋石榴汁,酸酸甜甜好好味😋側面四舊係類似椰菜頭嘅蔬菜,唔係洋蔥,配搭幾得意。🌼Laksa mussels 超級驚喜嘅喇沙青口,喇沙味好濃郁,青口新鮮,但唔算好大舊,不過用嚟點喇沙真係好好食!🌼Toffee ice cream 就係拖肥雪糕,口感比較偏軟心,鍾意硬身啲嘅雪糕嘅話可能未必鍾意,例如我就麻麻哋🤣🎀 Catch. (西環)📍西環西營盤第二街9-10號地舖☎️36899530 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
由於👧🏻嚟緊會同屋企人去旅行,唯有同👦🏻提前食情人節大餐❤️!今次就揀咗位於西營盤嘅Catch,一間好有vibe嘅西餐廳。而家餐廳推出咗一個優惠,逢星期五至日 3-Course Dinner每人$280!本身食物已經夠好食,而家仲有優惠,值得一試呀!➡️3-Course Dinner已包括任選appetiser, main同dessert,部分食物需要另外加錢。🌟Oysters (+$90)餐廳提供新鮮靚生蠔🦪,入口creamy可口,蠔肉飽滿結實,海水味濃,鮮味十足,值得推介!🌟Laksa Mussels青口喇沙份量頗多,青口size就唔算好大隻,醬汁比起平時食嘅喇沙麵湯底更為濃郁,鹹鮮味同酸味都幾突出。配料就有生芽菜、芫荽🌿、乾蔥等,生芽菜嘅清爽口感同草青味令口感同風味更為豐富。旁邊仲有兩塊Pita Bread🍞 ,可以攞嚟送醬汁食!🌟Pulled Chicken Drumstick由於👧🏻唔食生蠔,👦🏻就額外叫多一個小食比👧🏻!唔好睇個名就以為佢係炸雞/手撕雞,其實佢係一個雞鎚形狀,混入手撕雞、芝士、薯蓉等材料嘅炸物。薯蓉混入雞肉碎後幾有口感,混入芝士🧀令到味道不單調。配埋綠色莎莎醬同煙燻沙律醬嚟食,成個組合新奇有趣得來又好味!🌟USDA Ribeye (+$100)用上美國頂級肉眼扒,揀咗五成熟,生熟程度符合預期幾粉嫩,肉味濃郁,雖則介紹內寫咗有用芥末嚟醃牛肉,但都唔算好食得出(個人認為係好事,唔會用醃料掩蓋食物嘅原味)。配料就有薯條同西班牙紅椒醃洋葱。薯條係原個薯仔🥔切幼條,外脆內綿滑。🌟Spicy Crab Pasta香辣蟹肉天使麵絕對係呢間餐廳嘅皇牌食物之一,簡單地用咗大蒜🧄、檸檬皮麵包碎🍋、少量辣椒🌶️作調味,並沒有大大舊嘅蟹肉,而係蟹肉拆至一絲絲,完美地同天使麵混入,入口每啖都係豐盈嘅蟹肉同麵。🌟Triple Chocolate Jar朱古力🍫甜品底層係Chocolate Brownies,中間係朱古力慕絲、頂層係Cream加白朱古力脆粒。Brownies 係介乎於Cakey同Chewy之間,朱古力慕絲唔算太甜,而白朱古力脆粒就係整到甜品增加口感。🌟Sticky Toffee Pudding呢個拖肥布丁蛋糕係絕對絕對推介大家一定要試!忌廉芝士味雪糕放上熱蛋糕上,再淋上暖拖肥醬,甜美但唔膩,富有焦糖香同奶油香🧈。🌟Midnight Blossom👧🏻就叫咗杯Cocktail,呢杯Midnight Blossom估唔到顏色係幾深色,重花香易入口,用咗Gin但唔會重酒感👍🏻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-09
今日經過西營盤,見到呢一間新餐廳,見啲裝修都唔錯,好闊落,所以走去試吓!見過lunch Menu都幾多選擇,頭盤有湯或者沙律選擇,main就有牛扒、魚柳漢堡、幾款意粉、同埋三文魚扒,因為今日唔係好肚餓,所以冇嗌到牛扒,只係嗌咗三文魚扒,同埋蜆肉意粉。今日嘅湯係蔬菜湯,味道正常,跟住好快嚟咗個主菜,個三文魚扒,煎得比較熟,如果可以半熟啲就更加好,下面啲配菜都正常!反而個蜆肉意粉有啲驚喜!啲蜆肉啱啱熟,蜆肉也很好味!另外意粉吸收了蜆肉的鮮味,配合原來的白汁,真的好好味!這間店的意粉真的不錯!下次會試吓蟹肉天使麵! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-07
I’ve known fan Catch since their days in Kennedy Town, and I’ve also enjoyed meals at their Quarry Bay branch. Throughout the years, they have consistently maintained high-quality, delicious food that never disappoints. The staff are always friendly and attentive, which adds to the overall wonderful dining experience. The ambiance of the restaurant is inviting and pleasant, making it a great spot to relax and enjoy a meal.I particularly love their fish and chips and crab pasta—both are absolutely fantastic! Additionally, Catch is a great place to work outside of lunch hours. Just grab your laptop, order a coffee, and you can enjoy an hour or two away from the typical office setting. And let’s not forget about the dessert; it is diabolically delicious! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-16
平時都唔會去開西營盤,今次去嘅時間就想搵一間餐廳好好慢慢咁樣慢活一下,咁就唔覺意見到呢間啦本身都未有idea食咩,咁就問店員佢哋有啲乜嘢出名嘅食物係一定要食㗎啦,咁佢就推薦咗呢個蟹肉天使麵本身對於天使麵咁幼嘅細膩唔係幾鍾意,不過嗰日覺得佢夾埋個蟹肉麵都真係幾好味,好快就已經食晒同埋佢六點之後好似都會有taco放題所以如果係鍾意食嘅朋友都可以去吓另外就係餐廳環境非常之舒服如果用一日時間同朋友超chill下,都可以選擇啊另外食晒所有嘢之後店員都有禮貌地問我哋會唔會要多杯咖啡,喺嗰一刻真係有一種俾人照顧嘅感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)