10-min walk from Exit H, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order: 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (241)
台灣菜相信也是不少香港人嘅至愛‼️我哋都唔例外🤭最近在商場辦年貨後去搵地方醫肚,發現一間有水準台灣餐廳無論食物及服務也不錯👍餐廳位於商場地下位置,樓底高空間十足,裝修很有特色,天花以海洋設計,環境寬敞,半圓形座位帶住小朋友坐得很舒服!由於太肚餓關係我哋極速揀咗午市限定便當套餐:🥢招牌鹽酥雞賣相相當吸睛🤩跟平常一般見到嘅鹽酥雞size較大,每一舊都好有份量,外層炸至又香又酥脆,𥚃面每一啖肉質都保留鮮嫩多汁,配埋軟糯嘅白飯真係絕配喔!🥢滷水牛腱每碗有數塊牛腱,屬厚切非常有口感,肉質煙韌腍身都易入口,脂肪比例分布均勻,送飯一流!🥢糖心蛋魯肉飯飯面鋪滿了滿滿的滷肉粒,豬肉又香又腍身,而且超多醬汁!每一啖都食到醬汁及肉粒,配埋糖心蛋超滿足😋飯嘅份量亦十分多,超足料~飽肚又抵食!🥢芋泥牛乳 香滑芋泥同香濃牛乳非常搭配,口感豐厚值得一試👍🥢檸檬冬瓜茶清新檸檬🍋加入冬瓜茶,清熱解膩之選! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This food of the restaurant is good, especially the drink option. However, the staff attitude and service efficiency isreally a big concern as they are not willing to show empathy and respect to the customer. They ignore customer's needs at the entrance and just tell you to keep waiting and waiting until you are told to enter the restaurant. Instead, they are more willing to serve three to four guests, and they use very rude manner and intonation to talk to the customer, especially only one guest. In a return, they do not welcome you to the restaurant and fail to show a satisfactory service experience to the guest. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-05
食物有驚喜:花枝蝦油條 黑松露蛋餅不錯😋唯地方不太適合朋友聚餐久坐傾計。餐廳音樂聲很大,隔離枱應該同伙記熟,談話及笑聲完全大得可以蓋過隔離。本身伙記自己傾計都不會顧及顧客,希望能多加留意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-18
最愛呢間的^苦瓜牛乳^台灣出名的苦瓜飲品這裡都可以喝到了而且味道不會想像中咁苦,反而有苦瓜著帶的微甘甜,搭配牛乳非常順化有口感,健康的來又好飲木瓜牛奶都非常nice其它甜品都非常有新意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-09
星期六YOHO MALL晚上到處都full行了好多間也在等位神奇的見到地下的台北棧不等剛好想吃個湯麵呢其實裝潢好精緻的有些似cafe 好吸引到女生注目點了招牌牛肉麵旁邊有個牛油🧈要襯湯熱時放進去攪拌麵條我要粗身的口感相當之好很有咬感湯也做得不錯得濃郁之後還點了個菜這個就有些不合胃口了有點太硬其實餐廳還有提供甜品的特別想試一下鮮奶麻糬但實在太飽了要留待下一次總括來講食物體驗算是不錯牛肉麵很高分下次會回來呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)