Enjoy some of your favorite dishes at this delicious international buffet prepared by a very special cook, Chef Mickey.Chef Mickey will be available to meeting you every day during breakfast hours, on Sundays and public holidays during lunch hours, and on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and eves of public holidays during dinner hours. continue reading
Good For
Family Style Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Carving station Varity of seafood Varity of desserts Italian pizza Indian curry pots
Review (128)
Level3 2020-06-21
去完迪士尼玩一定要食埋個自助晚餐先走啦。見米奇廚師餐廳既buffet唔係太貴,於是就試下啦,呢度既自助晚餐有齊曬三文魚刺身,小龍蝦,甜品,仲有唔同種類既熟食,例如咖喱汁配印度薄餅,仲有埋水果最後可以解下膩添。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-19
星期日去咗好萊塢酒店的米奇廚師餐廳享用咗個下午成人自助餐。因為這家餐廳只有星期六日及公眾假期才有中午自助餐時段。價錢平過晚餐。午餐時段會有兩位迪士尼朋友米奇及米妮輪流同賓客合照。食物方面同晚間大致一樣。得出結果是最劃算是午間自助餐。一家大細搞小型節日派對就最合適。以下價錢全部要加10%服務費。自助餐用饍時間為兩小時。星期六及日及紅日有午餐自助餐時段。成人338,小童218。午餐時段跟晚餐時段美食大致一樣。好劃算。時間是正午十二時至下午四時十五分。標准用餐時間是兩小時。全時段四小時成人388,小童248。午餐時段會輪流出米奇及米妮卡通人物。一至四晚沒有卡通人物。六、日及公眾假期晚餐有米奇出場。星期五晚有唐老鴨出場。一至五晚餐時段由下午五時半至晚上十時正。一至四晚餐成人438,小童288。星期五晚成人488,小童308。星期六日及公眾假期晚餐時段為下午五時半至晚上十時半。星期六及日及紅日,成人558,小童368。晚上9時正,三間酒店的住客可享用Late dinner服務。Late dinner 服務是以特價享用自助晚餐。一至五收十時正,六日及紅日收十時半。星期一至四晚餐,成人438,小童288。星期五,成人488,小童308。一至四晚Late dinner,成人288,小童188。星期五晚 Late dinner 成人318,小童198。星期六日及公眾假期 Late dinner 成人368,小童248。個人建議如果是酒店住客,最好享用Late dinner服務。價錢最劃算。該餐廳支援現金,銀聯卡及微信支付。請注意Late dinner晚間特價自助餐只供香港廸士尼三間酒店之住客享用。如不是酒店住客,要付正價消費。個廚房屬半開放式。可以睇得好清楚廚師烹調過程。個場有賀年歌播放。服務員Ching及Momo笑容滿臉,細心問候,感覺好親切。個自助餐有日式,中菜,印度菜,西式及甜品。有供小孩自助的甜品區。我個人喜愛日式飯團,中式餃子,鴨胸肉。有牛,羊,豬排,三文魚,青口,長腳蟹供應。甜品有各式小蛋糕,水果及自助雪糕。本人食自助餐守則:1)早餐及晚餐不用吃。如食晚間自助餐,早餐及午餐不用吃。2)拿餸時每碟集中一個國藉菜式,好讓自己專心品嘗單一國藉美食。3)每碟餸只拿一點點,因如要品嘗多國美食,用留點配額給自己。4)吃不下不要拿太多,免得造成浪費食物。入枱後有兩張同迪士尼朋友合照卡。背後有寫上米奇及米妮出場時間。兩位朋友會輪流出場。合照卡只可以用一次。合照完畢後工作人員會派發 Photo Pass 卡。你可以用手機下載 photo pass app 觀看照片或要求攝影師用平板筆電去顠示照片。如有喜愛照片可以即場購買電子檔或硬照。第一碟菜我拿下兩個半滿的湯。蕃茄湯好濃郁,百份百新鮮蕃茄。椰子湯好重椰子味。凍蝦鮮甜。冷盤凍肉易入口。入口即溶。海鮮芒果木瓜沙律有半杯屬蟹肉,蟹肉混入新鮮水果,滋味無窮。第二碟我拿下長腳蟹及青口。長腳蟹在午餐時段無限供應。喜愛長腳蟹的朋友萬勿錯過。長腳蟹肉加入紅酒醬,更加鮮甜。青口屬上等食材。第三碟我拿下紐倫堡腸、pizza及炸蝦。紐倫堡腸加入薄荷啫喱就好滋味。Pizza芝士同烤肉比例恰到好處。個炸蝦加入他他醬後好食到飛起。我食得出屬即炸完成的炸蝦。第四碟我拿下小籠包、餃子、時菜、鴨胸肉及炒麵。小籠包及餃子足料。個炒麵彈牙。鴨胸肉上到自助餐大盤全部屬最靚肉質。大廚應記一功。第五碟我拿下日式飯團。飯團米粒清新入口,蟹肉及魚生都好新鮮。自助雪糕是雲呢拿雪糕好軟身。我個人DIY自加士多啤梨果醬馬上變上士多啤梨雪糕。迪士尼重視創作。一眾小朋友愛在軟雪糕上自行加工。最後一碟我拿下甜品。Mousse cake 及芒果奶凍造得好精緻。賣相滿分。這間餐廳也可以算是遛娃好去處,因為酒店有室內兒童遊戲室。有一間迪士尼商品店。提供樂園最新迪士尼商品。室外有個特大仿西方荷裡活影城的草地。有情侶打卡好地方。也有兒童遊玩設施。食完個下午自助餐,最好出外散步幫助消化。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-05
Nothing is more Christmas than spending our Christmas Eve dinner at Disney Hollywood Hotel Buffet. Although only with my beloved mother and boyfriend but can’t be more grateful to have dinner with the loved one. We chose Hollywood hotel instead of DisneylandHotel because of the price and the quality. We had been to Disneyland hotel buffet a few times, but other than the Disney Character Meet and Greet, the food quality are quite similar. And Hollywood Hotel buffet price range are more affordable, reasonable and we had Chef Mickey there to take pictures with. The starter and dessert are the best, the range of food are wide but not a big fan of the main courses, the Indian food didn’t seem popular around, the Chinese food was interested by the elderly and foreigner. And the kids are most interested in the dessert of course. Unfortunately the ice cream machine was broken and they can only provide the ice pop from the DisneyPark. The look of the dessert are really cute and Disney themed. The taste were pretty good too, and they had unlimited cold and hot drinks that you can get refill anytime. Personally I will go for this hotel than Disneyland hotel for buffet continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-12-13
literally not a big fan of disney hahahhaha but my friends are. We enjoyed a perfect buffet dinner in the Chef Mickey restaurant in the Hollywood hotel during the perfect time though Donald duck’s birthday. So in the middle of the buffet, Donald ducks came out to meet in greet with the faked cake. We took photo with him. And my friends are reall we took photo with him. And my friends we are really smart because they chose to get the food during the time that Donald ducks came out. There were not many seafood choices but all of them were fresh and I love the deserts that relate to Disney characters! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-12-04
仔仔生日最愛食米奇廚師餐廳的三文魚及長腳蟹的自助餐,打算訂週六自助晚餐,剛好因滿座改定自助午餐,才知道周未午餐也有牆腳蟹供應價錢還比晚餐便宜$210 ( 午餐388 vs 晚餐548 ),同時也有卡通人物拍照📷。記得上年週四過去食自助晚餐,價錢更貴又冇長腳蟹食 當時還以為轉餐牌現在才知長腳蟹只在週五六日供應,周未晚餐比 午餐多龍蝦及海螺 ,但長腳蟹 午餐也有。反正我家人均喜歡長腳蟹 不太食龍蝦 ,早知如此過去幾年我就只食周未午餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)