6-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
This cookies brand is set up by artist, Nicholas Tse. Their cookies are themes as sweet, sour, spicy and bitter. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 19:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (36)
Bought these cookies for a gift and also bought one for our family. However, while the butter cookies taste nice, they are expensive for what you get. I'm glad that I bought them at Christmas fair for a special price because I will not buy them again. Also, there is so much unnecessary packaging! Cookies come in a metal container, but then inside are about 8 foil packages of 2 tiny cookies each...on a little plastic tray. As a celebrity, don't you think it is an opportunity for you to set an example and to be conscientious and thoughtful about everything you do? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-10-09
每逢佳節胖三斤,中秋佳節又點可以無月餅!今年買咗 鋒味盈月禮盒 ! 包裝以黑格金字做主色,夠晒型格!包裝型格固然重要,但最吸引我嘅巴馬火腿蓮蓉月餅,火腿磨到細碎完全融入蓮蓉之中,每一啖都食到兩種材料。火腿咸香同粒粒口感,配上蓮蓉嘅香甜軟滑,互相襯托,好味呀!本身以為明星效應,都唔敢期望太高。殊不知食落又真係好有驚喜,蓮蓉不太甜,所以唔會覺得”漏”. 唯一覺得美中不足係蛋黃略嫌少咗d!我一向食月餅都係為咗個蛋黃架咋!下次會再去買下d曲奇試下,聽朋友講都有一定水準架! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-08-28
名人效應味中曬伏...公司活動買左一盒來做醬品,點知變做大懲罰。獨立包裝係幾好,同事滿心歡喜見到公司買新野比大家試,仲覺得包裝甘搞笑謝廷鋒用檸檬圖案包裝檸檬曲奇餅。於是見甘靚大家開左包分享。入口冇初時特別,香呢就幾香,曲奇來講都幾白雪雪唔似焗爐焗過甘,咬落係少少硬,咬多兩下味道勁酸,口腔又好油,吞左仲好羶,好似羊油甘。男同事食完話有少少作嘔可能因為羶得太勁,女同事話好大陣膠味食左唔太舒服,等我仲有所期待會好味,到底老闆有冇試過自己啲貨咩味嫁? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-08-15
每年中秋佳節我都會預購月餅送禮自用,因自己比較愛吃新式月餅,所以從幾年前開始,【鋒味月曲奇】就成為了我中秋的佳伴,今年也不例外,我收到了這盒包裝超美的【鋒味月曲奇】!今年的鋒味月曲奇包裝沿用鋒味熊仔圖案,時尚可愛!每位共9個,內有茶味、牛油原味。原味的充滿牛油香,大口咬下,牛油的香滑感從口中滲出。內裡有粒粒蛋、蓮蓉,口感鬆脆,而且大大擺脫了傳統月餅的肥膩感。愛牛奶的朋友仔,有個鋒味小Tips給大家,建議大家沾一沾暖鮮奶一併吃,味道會更香滑!而茶味是我的至愛,外層是香濃的伯爵茶,內裡的餡料同是蓮蓉及蛋黃,餅身乾爽、鬆化,非常滋味!我最愛邊嘆茶邊吃月餅,滋味甚是呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-07
因為是謝霆鋒開的,所以對鋒味曲奇很感興趣,決定一試。四隻味之中,我最喜歡的是檸檬味,因為真的很酸! 味道很特別! 之後亦多次買了個別檸檬味的款式。而甜是牛油味,不會太油膩,不過味道較普通。而苦是朱古力味,也是很特別。不過可以更加苦。而辣味就當然是辣椒了,因為我本身是不吃辣,所以也覺得挺辣的。如果買這個四款口味的盒裝,謝霆鋒說過,建議先吃酸,再吃苦,然後辣,最後甜。因為酸是刺激味覺,到吃苦時會有一個大的對比,同樣, 辣之後吃甜,更能令味蕾嚐到兩個極端。試過這個次序後,沒有他說的那麼誇張呢 😂😂 整體而言,酸味真的很好吃!!!真的要試呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)