2-min walk from Exit B, Wong Chuk Hang Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon.-Sat.:19:00-21:30 Sun.:Reservation Only(7-10Days earlier)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
Level4 2014-09-28
從食友口中,早早聽過Chef Eddy的大名,實在太高興有幸來拜訪他~搭上食友的順風車,來到陌生的黃竹坑,很好奇為何餐廳開在這兒的工業大廈 @_@上到樓,是私房菜的格局,燈光昏暗放置了一點燭光。地方頗大但疏落的只有三張大枱,還有一間VIP房~裝潢簡單,Chef Eddy說要將重點放在食物質素上,不作花巧裝修~「用心梁廚」的牌扁放在當眼處,相信就是Chef Eddy Leung本著的精神,凡事都要用心去做,一位優良的廚師最重要也是用心~看到Chef Eddy得過不少國際廚藝比賽的奬項,入行超過20年,擅長於歐陸Fusion菜~原來他曾於多家五星級酒店工作,亦曾任帝京酒店與美麗華酒店的行政總廚,從酒店跑出來,自立門戶,開設了幾家餐廳,做自己想做的菜~除了這家Chef Studio by Eddy的私房菜,還有位於中環的G7 Private Dining和蟹麵膳~Eddy說他將會開更多不同類型的,更目標創造一家平民米芝蓮餐廳!突然看到這幅小克的聾貓繪畫,發現Eddy也認識不少畫家~這個卡通真的畫得很像Chef Eddy,只是膚色黑了一點 XD廚房是開放式,讓客人可邊吃邊欣賞廚師們認真工作~是晚品嚐chef table,每位$880 +10%服務費 (免開瓶費) 今晚的菜式都交給Chef Eddy安排,他也先查問過我們有甚麼不吃 (我不吃的數不盡了 ^^") 大部份菜式都交由他的手下猛將負責,Chef Eddy親善地跟我們坐在一起聊天說地~自家製Focaccia意大利香草包先來點飯前麵包,未放入口已感到熱烘烘的香草麵包香,面層脆勁十足帶一點牛油香,內裡綿密卻超軟熟,然後就散發出強烈的香草味,還有些車厘茄和橄欖,口味清新~配有鷹嘴豆泥與黑醋,添加一份味覺層次,但我較喜歡不添加任何東西~好吃得一口一口停不了,吃下了四磚就要啓動自制功能了!美味指數 :9/10Hokkaido scallop carpaccio, Mafun uni & Pomelo & Yuzu vinaigrette北海道帶子刺身, 馬糞海膽 伴西柚與柚子醋薄切的北海道帶子,配上柚子醋、西柚粒與沙律菜的清新組合,輕柔的酸味帶出清新的鮮甜,添了少許萬字醬油吊味,味道更是鮮美~帶子刺身上放置了兩大片馬糞海膽,鮮甜豐腴,與帶子一併吃更是絶配!美味指數 :8.5/10Fresh Porcini Cappuccino 泡沫牛肝菌湯泡沫蘑菇湯喝過不少,用牛肝菌做的還是第一次喝~將牛肝菌打成漿再煮, Chef Eddy叫我們先將泡沫與湯混和才喝,入口稠密帶綿,牛肝菌味濃香無比,有很多細小的牛肝菌粒頗有嚼口。喝著完美的湯,忍不住拿多片麵包伴著吃~美味指數 :9/10Seared foirgras, sauté fresh chanterelle 香煎鵝肝我不愛吃內臟肉類,但Chef Eddy說這道菜一定要試,好吃得耳仔會動的!好吧,就試嚐一點~ 香煎鵝肝表面抹了一層小米糠,入口酥香陣陣,咀嚼下去,豐腴的脂香即湧出來,食友們都吃得非常陶醉~ (耳仔的確有一點反應 =p)美味指數 :9/10Fresh Termite Mushroom risotto雞樅菌意大利飯吃主菜前,先來個清新健康的意大飯~飯粒生熟的剛好煙韌,汁香滑而不帶膩,上面放著大大一條雞樅菌,煎香過清新菌香之中帶一點惹味~意大利飯混著小菇粒、火箭菜與大量黑木耳,我不愛吃黑木耳的,怕那種死硬無味的感覺,可是這個質感爽滑,跟飯一併吃,口感很有層次。美味指數 :9/10Grilled US prime rib eye steak, caramelized onion, rose mary potatoes, red wine jus肉眼牛扒點了medium,入口先是強烈的炭燒味,咬下去,肉汁即湧,肉味相當濃郁,配合味美的紅酒洋蔥汁,帶出更香濃的口味~唯肉質帶點兒韌,稍為過了火。美味指數 :8/10Garden Spaghetti有食友不吃肉,chef eddy貼心的安排一份田園意粉給她,eddy說這是他常做給自己吃的健康意粉~Al Dente 的意粉混著火箭菜與車厘茄,添了大量輕炸過的蒜粒,香勁十足,大喜歡~美味指數 :8.5/10Swiss Raclette cheese主菜過後,來一道滋味小吃,燒瑞士raclette芝士~我用刀叉來吃,細小片的放入口,芝味濃厚~表面燒得卜卜脆,焦度剛好,滲出少許油份,中間和底部是煙煙韌韌的,口感極好~可伴以酸瓜減低膩度,但我不愛吃酸瓜所以沒吃~滋味得有點邪惡,幸好薄薄的一小片不太過份 =P美味指數 :8.5/10Caramelized pineapple with coconut ice-cream自家製的椰子雪糕,入口香滑,椰香十足,甜度不高,很喜歡~伴以小粒焦糖汁菠蘿,添多一份誘人甜蜜~扣人心弦的甜美句號,為完美chef table作結!美味指數 :9/10跟Chef Eddy聊著,還發現他是個充滿愛心的良廚!每年一度,他會跟隨慈善團體到甘肅做義工,煮大鑊飯給山區居民吃。他的烹調書Cooking with Passion,亦是為慈善團體籌款~很敬佩這麼熱心、愛心的一位出眾廚師,期待再嚐他另外兩家餐廳的菜式! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
做什麼事 用心 就會有收獲這里 是用心梁廚的私家廚房Chef’s table每位HKD $880+ , 免開瓶費下班後趕來 落座 客氣的招呼一一問過大家的口味剩下的 只要安心交給他推薦兩道招牌菜Hokkaido scallop carpaccio, Mafun uni & pomelo & yuzu vinaigrette北海道帶子刺身薄切的北海道帶子爽甜 還有柚子醋的酸味吊鮮另外馬糞海膽 豐腴的入口即化少許的一簇沙律菜  添色 增香另外 Fresh Porcini cappuccino Eddy的又一創意作將牛肝菌煲熟  打成糊狀濃濃的菌香 帶著細膩還有略帶咬勁的菇爽嫩在口 暖意入心更多請關注我的blog和Fan Page吧  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-18
上一回到G7吃晚飯,是幾星期前的事!這一夜就到了Chef Eddy在黃竹坑的Studio晚餐!吃的不是他親自下廚的菜,而是一場由6位年輕廚師主理的晚餐!這個晚餐的特別之處是在於是夜所吃的菜單將會是幾位廚師用來出戰世界賽的菜色!這6位就是香港廚師協會派出的香港隊代表,相當具代表性呢!地點位於黃竹坑,雖然都在港島工作,但也不得不說,路程可不短,有趣的是當你走進店後就會發現,一點工廠大廈的影子也沒有,開放式廚房加上是夜開了好幾張長檯,熱鬧非常,這裡更設有一個廂房,也是我與友人belle坐的地方,同桌也有KC兄口中的熱血食友,真是聞名不如見面!開餐前先來熱身的麵包,自家搓的麵包與在G7吃過的同樣美味,所不同的是沾醬,在G7所吃的是慢煮蒜頭,這裡的則是魚醬,個人而言,魚醬是好吃,但更愛那慢煮蒜頭的香氣!前菜方面,一碟中有3個主題,也有分先後吃的次序:先來是牛油果芒果蝦凍批,芒果甜度相當高,加上香滑牛油果與蝦,是我會喜歡的組合!接著就是用紅菜頭漬三文魚佐以份子料理處理過的紅菜頭汁(鈣化了),面上再有青蘋果沙拉!三文魚味道出色,加上清新的沙拉,是一道相當開胃的前菜!焗蟹餅蟹味香濃,雖然配了一個疑似咖哩的醬汁,但說實在,不配的話更好,因為那個醬汁味道太濃,整體上不夠相襯….不過前菜而言水準是不錯的了!第2道菜是清雞湯,用杯子裝著,味道是濃烈的,不過個人稍覺味道重了一點,人大了不能太重口味吧!接著閒聊後又是吃主菜的時間,也是3個主題的!先是鬼佬鹵水牛面肉牛舌批!主菜中就數他有點亞洲色彩!接著就是慢煮燒羊柳,用蝦膠捲在羊柳外再做好酥面!那件羊柳火路很好,肉味濃郁口感鬆軟,相當精彩,美中不足是蝦膠沒有什麼味道,是扣分位!最後有芝士焗薯仔,炒雜菜及青豆蓉,那個青豆蓉相當濃和杰身,也是美味非常!最後當然少不了甜品,賣相不比幾間星店軟弱!蒸巧克力布甸有點像心太軟,味道不錯,杏仁脆糖雪糕用雞殼載著,那個蛋殼其實是可食用的白朱古力,杏仁脆糖酥脆非常,中看又中吃,焦糖啫喱帶點點焦香味,吃畢一口雪糕來一小件,焦糖啫喱,相當不錯!燴柑桔也不能少看的,不知道怎樣形容那個味道,但就真的很好吃!是夜有贊助,所以紅白酒都是免費的,是夜不宜飲太多,都是淺嚐幾口而已!這夜所吃的菜單,應該就是這麼的只此一次, 希望他們6位能代香港創出佳績!幾位廚師分別來自intercon,jockey club, disney等店,可以這樣組隊出菜,還真是難得!今夜雖在Chef Eddy的studio,吃的不是他做的菜,不過說實在也很喜歡這裡的裝潢,希望時間許可的話下回可以一試他親手下廚的菜,相信一定很精彩!這晚,也還真是辛苦了KC兄帶隊與飯局製作公司的安排,要安排一個飯局,要勞心勞力的也實在太多了吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-19
Date of visit : 1 Jun 2013 (Sat) 8 pm Average cost per head : $860 Corkage : free Food quality : 8.8/10 Environment : 8.3/10 Service : 8.5/10 Value-for-money : 8/10 Overall rating : 8.6/10There are quite a number of celebrity chefs in Hong Kong that deliver good food as well as cooking demonstrations on television, Eddy Leung is one of them. His private kitchen in Wong Chuk Hang reflects his cooking philosophy. With simple decoration; a Chinese calligraphy with wording用心梁廚 (cooking with a heart in English) framed on wall, plus an open kitchen where you can clearly see how your food is prepared. Before the dinner starts, Eddy will come to your table and brief you the dishes to be served. His menu will be changed every month with the season’s best ingredients. The dining hall and a private room can accommodate around 50 people at one time, depending on the crowd, the atmosphere can be casual rather than fine dining. Sat on an industrial building which is easily accessible from Causeway Bay by bus or taxi. Eddy has the freshest supply of herbs as they’re grown in the balcony of the studio. Eddy has just opened another dining outlet G7 in Central, have to give a try some time later.a) House Bread – 8.5/10 Home made focaccia was more airy than the usual ones and this one came with a crispy crust. Just encored for another round and have to leave room for main dishes.  b) Poached French White Asparagus with Hokkaido Sea Urchin and Hollandaise – 8.5/10 The white asparagus was only available for a short time in spring. This one from France was tender and juicy. The cloves of sea urchin was fresh though not as large as those from Canada.  c) 48-hour Double Boiled Tomato & Beef Consommé – 9/10 Unlike adding water on Bovril, consommé made from fresh ingredients was just another story. Took a day to prepare, the clear stock was soothing, with intense and balanced flavour of beef and tomato. The tiny cube of Wagyu cheek beef just melted in the mouth.  d) Homemade Scallop Wonton, Golden Schrencki Caviar, Flower Creme, - 9/10 Agreed to name it wonton (Chinese dumpling) rather than ravioli as the texture of the pasta sheets was more like wonton noodles with a springy chew. The scallop filling was of sashimi grade and slightly raw at the centre. I am not a big fan of caviar but this one of Russian farmed added a umami flavour to the whole dish. e) Lobster Gratin with Rice Roll – 8.5/10 With steamed rice rolls supplied by a factory in the same industrial building, the pasta served as a good base to absorb the sauce and lobster chunks sitting above it. The dish was seared with a gas gun to create a charcoal flavour. f) Homemade Sorbet – 8.5/10 This hibiscus flavoured sorbet did its job right in cleansing the palate. It's common to find hibiscus flowers in the wet market when it's in season. Like the haw that carries a sourness, hibiscus flowers are ideal as sorbet. g) Wood Smoked Pigeon, Truffle Risotto, Natural Jus – 9/10 Pigeon confit being pan fried and smoked was still able to keep it’s pinkish breast at the centre and crispy skin. Risotto was cooked just right, fresh truffle instead of truffle oil would add an extra 0.5 score for the dish (of course I know I was not in the right season to demand for that ). h) Piña Colada Ice Parfait, Mango Coulis – 8.5/10 This parfait with mango sauce was the finale of the dinner. The coconut and pineapple flavoured struck a good balance between them. Although I’s full at that moment, I could still manage to have a few more pieces of the parfait.06.2013 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-12-05
Highyl recommmended private kitchen.This place was recommended by a friend and sold partly on the "no corkage" policy. Not very salubrious location in a warehouse in Aberdeen so you have to be intending to find it but that makes it quite a "find" which is fun. Dining room large enough for about 30, a little noisy when we went as it was full, but just enough to be atmosphere without being too irritating. Eddy is the chef, on site for every meal, runs the open kitchen you can see from the dining room. Eddy came out and walked us through the menu, where the ingredients are from (he sources locally where he can and uses seasonal produce) and managed to up sell to us truffle egg starter - see below. Personal touch much appreciated.There is a set tasting menu for each evening. We had (i) scrambled egg and truffle (excellent - very very generous white truffle serving which we paid extra for); (ii) sushi scallop and sea urchin salad (very fresh ingredients, used Hokkaido sea urchin) which was finely balanced, tasty; (iii) cappuccino of seasonal vegetables which looked and tasted great; (iv) mussel and white wine broth which was long cooked and tasty (Eddy swapped one to a sous-vide cooked salmon on request due to an allergy one of us had and the salmon was beautiful, probably better than the mussels to the chagrin of the mussel-friendly crowd!); (v) beef tenderloin, foie gras, cooked to perfection, just beautiful tender meat; and a dessert which totally escapes me but was good. I suspect we had had too much wine by this point to fully appreciate it (or remember it).Overall, great food every course, no let downs. Service good all the way, and the no-corkage means it is a wine-heaven to eat out. Most other tables had bottles and bottles lined up. The card machine was down the night we were there but luckily we had cash galore on hand, probably worth taking enough just in case.Well worth the trip to Aberdeen, and take LOTS of your own wine. We budgeted a bottle a head. Venue works best for parties of 6-10. Not sure how often the menu changes so worth checking before going for a second time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)