6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level3 2019-08-27
Chez Shibata The perfect place for girlsWorking in central always allow me to bump into dessert or coffee heaven, as this area is full of surprises!Today my colleague brought me to a place decorated with pastel colors and floral elements. What a place for girls gathering!We found that there are different brands within the the store, when passing the entrance, there’s a bakery brand called Beat Bakery, and I just couldn’t help getting one cute sweet potato shaped bread! It looked so soft and yum!But what we were actually looking for was Chez Shibata, which mainly sells cake.So as a strawberry lover, i immediately chose a strawberry cake. This cream cake was later layered with sponge cake and whipping cream, and you might also find some diced strawberries too!The thing I liked the most was it wouldn’t be too sweet, just good enough to satisfy a sweet tooth! And the cream was really thick and smooth, which also made the cake GOLD! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-18
經常喺港島區嘅我最近又發現多一間唔錯既甜品店。成間店舖嘅裝潢行時尚品味路線,湖水綠同木色配搭得非常好,望落去令人感覺好舒服。加上好多花藝裝飾即刻增添一點夢幻感覺。講番甜品先,有好多款甜品選擇,每一款望落已經好精緻,睇落每款都好好食,真係唔知點揀好。最後好艱辛先揀咗三款。小紅帽櫻桃酒朱古力蛋糕外型好cute呀,上面有塊紅色朱古力,真係有啲似小紅帽哈哈哈。中間嘅朱古力蛋糕裡面融合左櫻桃酒,不過就冇咩酒味,主要係食到櫻桃淡淡的酸甜味,適當地中和左朱古力嘅甜味。心形野莓蛋糕名副其實係一個心形,旁邊擺咗幾粒野莓,食落都係酸酸甜甜唔會覺得好膩,中間仲有一層好似啫喱狀既moses。加埋個earl grey tea解下膩,環境又舒服,真係可以坐一個下午。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每個女仔一個月硬係有一兩日唔方便,硬係特別想食甜嘅嘢。為咗精神上鼓勵自己,我就同同事去咗公司附近嘅一間日本cafe食甜品。一行入去嘅時候仲以為自己去錯咗鋪頭,原來係間鋪分開咗做三部份,最出面嘅係賣麵包要行入去先至係Cafe。而cafe 既裝潢就非常之適合港女呃like打卡,有優雅嘅大理石枱面之外,亦都配襯左非常之浪漫嘅花束,配上各件精美嘅甜品,影起上黎就真係360度無死角。雖然同同事只係得兩個人,但係因為件件甜品睇落去都非常之精美,三心兩意揀咗好耐最後都係決定點晒最想試既三件黎食。我呢個士多啤梨狂人,當然係見到有士多啤梨嘅甜品就即刻心心眼啦!所以呢件半熟芝士蛋糕係第一件扑槌決定嘅,除咗係比士多啤梨吸引之外,佢嘅味道同口感都冇令我失望。半熟芝士蛋糕唔會話太甜,口感軟糯仲有少少濕潤,有士多啤梨嘅加持之下酸酸地,成件蛋糕又唔會話好膩,完全唔會話食完呢件就食唔到其餘嘅甜品。第二件食嘅呢就係呢件焦糖吉士棒棒,平時我都好怕啲甜品太甜,例如係買朱古力都會揀返海鹽味中和下甜度。除咗降低甜度之外,亦都令到成件甜品更加有層次。海鹽加埋吉士嘅配搭非常之出色,如果泡芙可以再脆口少少就更加完美啦。最後呢件小紅帽-櫻桃酒朱古力蛋糕呢就係同事點名話要嘅,佢話個甜品上面嗰個小紅帽好可愛喎。但我呢個人呢就好睇內涵嘅,呢件甜品吸引到我嘅係入邊嘅朱古力櫻桃酒餡料,加咗酒嘅甜品一向都無咁膩而且會有其特殊嘅香味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
唔講唔知道,原來中環有一間麵包、蛋糕同正餐於一身嘅休閒咖啡店,係有三個唔同品牌嘅店舖。今日就去咗take a break, 試試呢度嘅蛋糕。店員同我推薦一款比較多人選擇嘅蛋糕,草莓忌廉蛋糕。我一向對草莓情有獨鍾,以忌廉蛋糕都係我嘅favorite, 呢個combination深得我心。草莓忌廉蛋糕嘅造型別致,層次分明,四四方方非常美觀。忌廉都真係幾細滑,奶油香味濃郁。草莓甜美,海棉蛋糕軟身,係一件高質素嘅蛋糕。推薦比鍾意蛋糕嘅朋友,下次會再帶埋我嘅閨密黎茶聚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-07-30
行過中環,見到呢度好特別,粉色系甜品店Chez Shibata。環境寬敞,座位多,天花佈置花海,仲要係主打粉色系,好有少女feel,同姊妹黎食甜品影相正啊﹗呢度嘅蛋糕款式都算多,款款都係細細件,好精緻,選擇困難症下,我最後揀左呢兩款食~都幾有驚喜~小紅帽–櫻桃酒朱古力蛋糕 $42見佢寫住香港限定,所以揀左呢款!個樣細細件,精緻可愛,食落真係有驚喜。朱古力味超濃,蛋糕入面有紅桑子果醬和櫻桃酒,融入朱古力味,酸酸甜甜,口感層次豐富。鐘意朱古力的話,真係必食!半熟芝士蛋糕 $32向來鐘意芝士蛋糕,所以一定會試唔同甜品店的~呢款真係幾好味!芝士口感實在,食落好濃郁芝士味,甜度適中。最特別係餅底加左脆口果仁,同芝士夾得黎食完都不太膩,芝士迷必食﹗整體黎講,呢度環境唔錯真係~好岩同朋友傾計食野,坐幾耐都唔怕!而且感覺舒服,地方都幾大,仲有佈置上,岩哂我地女仔影相haha大家有興趣都可以黎食!甜品正~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)