1-min walk from Exit A1, Po Lam MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (33)
Level4 2024-09-08
上星期同朋友去行街,估唔到寶琳都開咗茶痴,即刻買返杯試下。佢嘅裝修以木為主題,感覺好文青,適合打卡。 日本開心果綿芝奶蓋京都宇治抹茶鮮奶茶痴最出名嘅就係開心果,叫咗杯有齊我最愛的開心果和抹茶嘅開心果綿芝奶蓋京都宇治抹茶鮮奶。💚💚 面層係開心果奶蓋,仲有好多開心果碎,味道好濃郁,但又唔會蓋過抹茶嘅味,兩者互相配合,味道豐富。٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و 粒粒西瓜蘆薈朋友就叫咗杯粒粒西瓜蘆薈,入面有好多西瓜果肉,爽甜有口感,消暑一流。🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-31
發現開心果天堂🤩#研磨開心果燕麥奶茶💚💚Fluffy Pistachio Oat Milk Tea加錢升級綿芝開心果奶蓋😗仲有燕麥奶/綠醇,同滿滿日本製開心果醬同開心果碎😍😍開心果奶蓋夠綿密🤗開心果味同芝士味都出🥰開心果碎多到飲到最尾都仲有呢~用咗燕麥奶熱量會比一般牛奶低啲😙茶味唔會好濃,因為開心果做主導🤪fafafoodie要求職員唔好冚個蓋俾我影相同可以大啖大啖品嚐開心果奶蓋😚職員好好👍🏻好配合HKD48+6#綠醇加開心果芝士綿芝奶蓋💚💚Pure green tea with fluffy pistachio 第一啖綠醇茶味清香~之後愈飲愈濃郁😌配上開心果綿芝奶蓋,多一份解膩感😉如果唔想咁heavy😗呢個係個好選擇喔😋HKD22+18CHICHA 茶痴上環/九龍灣/佐敦/中環/將軍澳#fafafoodie_將軍澳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇭🇰 Tsuen Kwan O 將軍澳|Chicha 茶痴Pistachio and Matcha fans alert! 🚨 There is a limited time ⏱️ pistachio matcha drinks at Chicha that you guys should give it a try! 😉 Here are my thoughts: 🍵 Fluffy Pistachio Oat Milk Tea 🥜This is hands down one of my favourite drinks! 😍 The pistachio tastes is so heavy 💪 with this drink and with the cheese 🧀 foam on top, it creates layers of unique taste! For pistachio lovers, this is definitely a must-try! 😄🧀 Fluffy Lugu Dong Ding Oolong ☕️If pistachio is not your cup of tea, this could be a worthy alternatives! 😋 This refreshing drinks combine the sweet fluffy taste of the cheese 🧀 and milk 🥛 with the Dong Ding oolong, perfect for those who would like some extra sweetness in their teas! 😆They also have other limited time offers like peaches 🍑 drinks, be sure to check it out! 🤩📍 Shop UG036, UG/F, UNY, MCP CENTRAL (Phase II), 8 Yan King Road, Po Lam, Tseung Kwan O💲Price per person: $50 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-18
於將軍澳新都城中心開了一間日式超市,超市內食市林立,其中一間是茶飲店 - 茶痴🧋新推出的開心果系列實在吸引,吃過午飯後便又忍不住買了來試 🧋日本開心果綿芝奶蓋茶(+$20)可自選茶底,選了招牌的白桃烏龍($37)去甜,開心果奶蓋非常濃厚,每啖都是咸甜濃郁的開心果,還有粒粒開心果仁碎!小編也建議選這種較清新的茶底,喝了整杯才不覺膩 🧋桃膠金絲皇菊冬蜜茶($38)這杯有清香的菊花🌼又有紅棗蜜那種清甜感(選了半糖,甜度適中)還能吃到粒粒桃膠的口感! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
《開心果控!足料茶飲🫖》———————————————-#茶痴 🍵 -💚 研磨開心果燕麥奶茶最近出咗呢個超熱門嘅系列,打卡一流📸上面有好多開心果碎碎,仲誇出淡淡嘅燕麥奶香🌾 低溫烘烤開心果研磨成幼滑天然既開心果醬,聽個名就知豐富啦🤣茶底同燕麥奶亦好夾~-🧡 綿芝四季春茶底香醇,招牌綿芝奶蓋零舍濃郁質感厚身,個芝士奶蓋好rich 唔太咸,飲落層次好豐富😋-⭐價錢參考:研磨開心果燕麥奶茶:$48綿芝四季春:$35🍌抵deal 指數:7/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)