Restaurant: | CHICKEN FACTORY (新達廣場) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
今日叫外賣等咗好耐問一句xx號有味? 俾個男店員西口西面態度非常之惡劣,今日見佢對住其他外賣員都態度惡劣!唔滿意咪唔好做囉😂不過呢間餐廳啲質素唔差呢個價錢算係咁😂
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今日懶懶散散,放工買外賣諗住快靚正,點知 😡😡😡😡喺 app 落好單到到取唔駛 10 分鐘,點知返到屋企打開,個半隻無骨海南雞原來係無跟飯嘅,咁你幅圖就唔好有碗飯喺度啦,好彩唔係好肚餓啫!碗紫菜湯又係凍嘅,想點呢?另一份烤雞仲過份,一食落口係凍嘅 😡😡😡😡 雖則天氣好熱,呢個唔係冷盤呀,凍冰冰點食呢?求其食咗隻脾當減肥餐 😡😡😡以前食過都無咁差,諗住今晚食吓啲香口嘢啦,點知難食到死,真係貼錢買難受,以後唔好再冒險 😭😭😭😭
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第一次認識哩間餐廳,性價比絕勝無誤!估唔到佢d 又熱又滑,入面仲好juicy ! 個雞油飯雖然飯粒質地太淋,但好香得雞油味,一啖接一啖!仲有個瑞士汁雞翼,入味又淋,好好食2個餐,全雞,有飯有飲品,都係$120!下午茶一流!推薦!
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皇牌烤雞餐 $68半隻雞牛肝菌汁烤雜菜白飯鮮製黑芝麻豆漿 餐加$2老公間中也會吃這裡的一人烤雞餐,自己則是第一次試,這次兩人吃一份皇牌烤雞餐,烤雞味道及口感也很好,加上牛肝菌汁,香濃惹味烤雜菜份量可以,有紅蘿蔔🥕、椰菜花🥦、豆角等,但烤得頗為過火了,部分焦到黑色吃不到。
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大多幫襯Chicken factory 都係外賣,今次就試下堂食。基本上真正比客人坐既都係得5個位,第6個位係比職員專用。店舖唔大,因為主打外賣,所以有位坐反而有啲驚喜🫢叫咗個Tea set :烤焗雞髀蘑菇飯 + 檸檬洛神花茶都講緊係$36, 件雞髀勁大件,烤得唔錯仲要加左少少辣粉,正!蘑菇飯睇落好少但食落又勁多。我點餐個陣另外加$12 配個烤雜菜,佢啲香料好正真係似啱啱燒烤完個種味,成個setting 好正同好抵。而支檸檬洛神花茶還好,係勝在夠大支心理上覺得佢好抵😂
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