Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay EPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (11)
Level1 2013-07-13
我是我第一次光顧這間咖啡店,但印象給我極度差劣,不會有第二次光顧的機會,原因是當我進入此店時選擇飲品時是沒有員工招呼及介紹給我,而我選擇一杯沙冰時看到有套餐買,當詢問收銀時(據我朋友說她是店鋪經理)怎樣配搭套餐 " 她竟然說有牌有套餐,自己睇啦 ",我當時真的上晒火,是否幫襯$46是太小,看不起我??可能我今天放假著短褲及拖鞋.結果件豬肉卷是內裏凍的.沙冰太甜.我個人覺得做飲食業食品的品質是重要.但員工招呼客人的態度是最重要.令度客人有賓至如歸就可以平衡產品不足的地方. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
因為團購關係,與友人到了這所店,這間店也是太細少了,只有一張檯,另外的是bar檯,我們只好坐bar檯,但食品和飲品根本不夠位置去罷放,而且門口位冷氣風太大令人不想坐久。我叫了hazulnut latte,我說要玻璃杯,想不到外型是外賣杯的,很感失望,而且太大杯了,意思太多奶,咖啡味一點也不濃,而且完全沒有hazulnut的味道,很差的咖啡,有幾好拉花也是沒有用吧。我叫了石板街蛋糕,很普通,而且不夠凍,所以扣哂分了。友人叫了cheese cake,味道一般吧,這個是凍的也可以接受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-05
I believe the name of this place Chillax is supposed to mean Chill and relax.However I probably went on a wrong day! It was really hot that day so I decided to go in for some drinks and dine there.When I went, there were not many people there. I wanted to sit at the table at the back because I was going to order food but there was someone there who I thought was a customer but it turned out to be their staff.I did not find this joint welcoming because they did not offer potential customers a decent table to dine.It was impossible to sit on the seats near the entrance because it was practically too hot and there was lovely Carbon dioxide coming off from the mini buses with their idling engines still on as well as toxic second hand smoke.There was a glass cabinet displaying the cakes, danishes and food.In the end I ordered a rice and a danish and sat on the bar table.When I was ordering the praline danish, I had to verbally make sure it was the square one because they put the labels the wrong way round and after I told them the labelling was the wrong way round, they still did not change it over (not that I care..).★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chicken masala rice:I really liked it but not many people ordered it because when it was in the cabinet, there was a lid which made it hard to see the contents, but I managed to get a glimpse of yellow rice and brown rice so I ordered it.This dish was very creative because it had yellow rice which reminded me of pilau rice.It also had my favourite yellow zucchini which had a great paste.Within the rice, there were cumin seeds too which added to the great flavour and masala sauce was great too, but there was not enough sauce to finish the rice.The major complaint was that it was not heated thoroughly and the rice and chicken in the middle was not hot enough. It was unbelievable having luke warm food on a hot day, perfect for food poisoning!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Praline danish:This was delicious but I was given just a fork which was useless because the base was really tough and after I asked them for a knife it was much easier, but the base was quite tough and hard to cut.The danish itself was delicious and the praline filling tasted similar to light caramel taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Green tea latte:I do not drink coffee so I ordered the green tea latte but after browsing the menu while I realised there was wild cherry tea which is probably even better. The best thing about the latte was that you could have a non sweetened version.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★As a wrap up, the food was great but it was extremely uncomfortable dining there, especially on the bar tables because of the hot air coming from the entrance and the cramped high stools coming from a skinny person. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-05-30
路過弼街,打算到金魚街購買寵物用品,但此店門前竟然有店員派發試飲。他所派發的是凍榛子拿鐵(ice hazelnut latte),但中午不太想喝咖啡,不過見門口員工在夏日炎炎的天氣下仍派發試飲,誠意充足。便決定入去光顧一下進入店內,見到有果醋,又突然想喝酸野。就決定買凍青梅果醋20oz 。店員細心問了一句:要不要跟餐?有吞拿魚卷,英式鬆餅或強糕之類的。最後決定要吞拿魚卷併凍青梅果醋。之後最意想不到的,我有一個小小請求,請店員幫我在吞拿魚卷上加上蕃茄汁再焗。他竟然應承了 很好的服務小時候已經很愛將醬汁搽在食物上之後再叮或焗不喜歡凍的醬汁與熱的食物分開。先說一下吞拿魚卷,切開卷裡每啖都是吞拿魚,而且溫度適中,不會燙口。可惜芝士不算太多。可能有考慮到芝士太"漏"令吞食魚味道被搶奪吧。慢慢吃著吞拿魚卷,喝一口酸酸的冰果醋,看著店外的小巴站。便有一番風味。店員服務很好,下次會再光臨! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-25
我早前在Groupon購買了Chillax 818的現金券,共有3張。光顧了3次才寫這次的食評,是因為第一次印象不好。(不是服務態度,店員服務是不錯的。)為了公平,我想最後才作結論。******第一次是在5月1日到此店吃下午茶。根據Openrice食客的介紹,我點了一杯綠茶拿鐵,$32。(不只是店內的佈置、盛載咖啡的紙杯、份量,連名字也很有台灣的感覺。)可惜,味道很一般。只嚐到綠茶的味道,且並不強烈。咖啡味道則非常淡。或是給微微的綠茶味蓋過了……另外點了一件石板街朱古力蛋糕,$21。味道不過不失。忌廉打得頗軟滑。蛋糕的質感有點粗糙但鬆軟。我覺得這可以接受,畢竟這不是mousse或芝士蛋糕,蛋糕不需要軟滑。******第二次是5月16日的一個晚上,與友人在此店吃晚餐。這次改嚐其他咖啡和食物。比上一次好一點。但始終期望過高,令自己有點失望。而且,如果沒有優惠券的話,價錢相對來說是貴的。這次我點了紐約芝士蛋糕($21)和朱古力Lamington($8)各一件。吃第一口紐約芝士蛋糕時,嚐到非常強烈的奶味!感覺會有點膩。然後,又吃到少許像蛋殼的脆東西。不過,繼續吃下去後,似乎奶味減輕了。是習慣了嗎?質感與平常吃到的紐約芝士蛋糕差不多。結結實實的。餅底不是脆,也不是鬆化。沒有甚麼特別感覺。至於朱古力Lamington,是我比較喜歡的。朱古力味剛好,如果可以再濃一點會更好。質感同樣結實,但不會有飽膩感。Lamington味道只有一款,如果可以再提供多一至兩款選擇會較好。另外,我想店子的冷櫃不夠冷,蛋糕都處於只是稍低於室温的温度。不知道這會否影響了客人吃蛋糕的口感呢?飲品方面,我點了絲滑泡沫咖啡($28)。咖啡味比之前喝過的綠茶拿鐵濃。也可以說如名字般滑。但嗅不到咖啡的香味。有朋友曾說過,有些做法是不會散發咖啡的香味,但並不代表咖啡不好。不知道這間店的做法是否如她所說……不過,雖然咖啡味濃度適中,但始終欠缺了甚麼,讓我覺得不夠好。可能一直在想著這小店帶點台灣咖啡店的感覺,但味道卻大相逕庭吧……至於友人點的蜂蜜柚子果醋($16),她說味道不錯。******第三次是在5月24日光顧晚餐。這次,我點了1件朱古力Lamington($8)、1條肉桂條($15)和1杯摩卡咖啡($32)。先說食物。上次已吃過朱古力Lamington,不錯,不多說了。肉桂條是微甜的。店員替我弄熱了,表面還很脆。雖然名字有肉桂,但我不太嚐到那味道。還好,我其實不太喜歡肉桂味。所以,這「肉桂」條很迎合我的口味。至於咖啡,其實印象普通。第二次那杯比第一次的好。但這次又令我失望了。除了第一口嚐到朱古力的甜味外,基本上之後都是淡淡的朱古力味。而咖啡又不明顯。我覺得我在喝一杯少甜朱古力……(雖然我不是專業食評家,但總能憑自己感覺說出我的味道吧。)而這次友人點了紅莓果醋($16),她說上一次的蜂蜜柚子果醋比較好。但沒有詳細說明兩者的分別。******另外,店子位於一有售賣臭豆腐的食店旁。第一次走進店中,沒有嗅到咖啡味,卻是飄著臭豆腐的味道。氣氛頓時被打破了……不過,第二次和第三次好像再也沒有這種體驗了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)