10-min walk from Exit A2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (81)
Level1 2025-02-02
Today, I have to deal with official business, so I will go to the office in Kwun Tong to handle business on February 2, 2025, during the New Year period. During this period, I suddenly wanted to eat Korean fried chicken, so I chose this one and went to the store. The time was about 7:30. There was only one cashier and two ladies in the store. The shorter lady at the cashier had a ponytail, and the ponytail was golden. As for the two aunties, they were responsible for preparing the food. Since I didn't understand the Chinese menu, I looked around in the store for a while and placed my order with the cashier using simple music. Unfortunately, the cashier's attitude was extremely bad. I will never thank you. Well, when I finished ordering a piece of fried chicken, she pointed her finger at the other side of the menu and asked me to choose a drink, without even the most basic courtesy. When I ordered one meal and wanted to order more after reading the sharing, I told her one more, please. Unfortunately, she, the cashier, didn't pay attention to me immediately and continued to pack the items I ordered online. After she finished packing, she slowly walked to the cashier. After collecting the money, she pointed at the location of my pants pocket with her finger. I didn't understand what she meant at all and I didn't understand why she couldn't communicate in simple English. After pointing for almost half a minute, I thought something was wrong. It turned out that she pointed at the carrying food pack I had ordered before and used the very impolite word "give", so I gave her the packed food. I waited for a while, and she suddenly threw the packaged food (plus the food she ordered for the second time) with great force on the packaging table. I didn't take it seriously, thinking that it wouldn't be so outrageous. It's not that excessive. As a result, I forgot to look at her, and the one she pointed at was my food.This time in a Korean restaurant, a very bad experience and a bastard who ruined this brand. We in Korea attach great importance to politeness. Why would you invite some crazy one who don't know what they are doing to serve the customers? This experience tells me that I will never visit this place in the future, nor I will never introduce it to our business friends who travel from Korea. Furthermore, one of the aunties kept coughing and never wore a mask. She is responsible for preparing the food. I believe the food also made her salivate a lot.Store owner, please tell me what the attitude of this crazy cashier woman is. Why did you employ her who ruined your business? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-26
最近我去左一間超人氣嘅韓國餐廳韓風嘅裝修,燈光昏昏的,加上K-Pop音樂,整個氣氛恰到好處。首先,我試左佢地嘅「蜂蜜焦糖有骨炸雞」。呢個雞翼真係太好味!外面炸得金黃酥脆,裡面又保持到多汁嘅口感。最重要係蜂蜜焦糖醬,甜甜地,match到炸雞嘅鹹香,完美結合,簡直係邪罪嘅享受!另外,order左「醬油豬手蛋蓋飯」豬手燉得軟嫩入味,搭配住香噴噴嘅白飯,飯面仲要有好滑嘅滑蛋,真係食唔停口,醬油嘅鹹香味道亦都令整體更加豐富,絕對是飯控嘅福音。最後,我仲order左「炸紫菜卷」。這個小食簡直係驚喜!外面脆脆的,裡面包住d米糕嘅食物,口感層次豐富。如果你都是韓國food lover的粉絲,絕對要黎試,食物質數好,價錢亦非常大眾化,下次我一定會再回來的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-25
呢間韓式炸雞店遍佈多區除咗炸雞之外仲有多款韓式主菜同小食觀塘呢間分店以外賣為主店內都有幾個座位可供享用單係炸雞都有好多款口味有辣有唔辣✨港式避風塘炸雞6件裝套餐可以揀有骨 / 無骨啖啖肉即叫即炸.每件都熱辣辣炸完嘅肉質依然保持嫩滑鍾意炸雞一定不能錯過配炸薯條.酸蘿蔔.飲品✨烤牛肉溏心蛋飯米飯上舖上 大大片烤牛肉配上泡菜.蘿蔔絲仲有菜同芝麻份量十足✨甜辣八爪魚香腸香腸製成八爪魚狀味道甜中帶點微辣下次可以再試其他口味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
閃亮芝士炸鷄套餐 炸鷄炸到金黃外皮又薄又脆入面嫩滑多汁無骨炸鷄 真係啖啖肉每一塊都灑滿香濃既芝士粉套餐可以配一款小食同飲品叫左炸薯條同可樂薯條係粗薯條,新鮮即炸仲會送埋酸蘿蔔醬油豬手蛋蓋飯賣相都幾吸引半熟滑蛋 野菜絲再搭配充滿醬汁的豬手口感好豐富  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-22
今日就同朋友去左觀塘既CHIMAC食炸雞, 餐廳除咗炸雞, 仲有唔少韓式主食同小食選擇韓式炸雞套餐炸雞可以選擇有骨或者無骨, 有唔同口味選擇, 仲有酸蘿蔔同炸薯條蜂蜜焦糖炸雞無骨炸雞啖啖肉, 外皮俾蜂蜜包住, 超級香脆, 味道鹹甜鹹甜, 肉質嫩滑炸薯條薯條新鮮即炸, 好香口韓式牛肉炒粉絲超香麻油味, 粉絲炒得好彈牙, 面頭仲有超多牛肉炸蟹餅咬落脆卜卜, 內餡好creamy, 香脆又綿密, 口感豐富粒粒蜜桃汁蜜桃清甜, 仲有d 果肉喺入邊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)