4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
18:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (33)
Level4 2023-01-04
呢度既選擇都頗多, 樣樣都好吸引有啲唔識揀😝Mushroom Salad 🥗 ($138)堆到成座山咁高既沙律既份量有啲俾佢震懾左, 本身諗住係一個好普既沙律, 點知食落幾有驚喜😍 沙律菜中間夾雜左好多大磨菇片同燒過既墨西哥辣椒, 所以食落辣辣地幾惹味😋Kataifi Shrimp 🍤 ($118) 炸到外脆內陣牙既大蝦有啲似港式既芋蝦, 配埋塊生菜同沙律醬一齊食超正🤤 Marinated Pork Taco🐷($50)有啲似港式叉燒既豬肉配上清甜既菠蘿同蕃茄, 食落酸酸甜甜同個豬好夾👍🏽Chicken Tinga Taco🐔 ($48) 嫩滑既雞肉配上醃洋蔥同牛油果味道夾得黎又幾有口感😎Duck Carnitas 🐤($50)鴨肉好腍身簡單地配左提子番茄汁已經好好食, 鴨肉既份量都幾多🤓呢度既環境幾舒服, 食物質素幾有驚喜, 係香港比較少有好食既Tacos😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-10-06
I wanna visit this resto for long time but every time I thought of it was Sunday and it closes on Sunday. Menu:Start with the starters:This is sashimi (sweet and a little sour sauce)Kataifi Shrimp with butter lettuces and pickled salsa~This one is good and quite crispy. Also, chips with guacamole and chorizo queso fundido~ I can see the guacamole is made by fresh avocado~I like this chorizo queso fundido but I think they can add more chorizo insides~ For some, it might be a little bit plain but the cheese is nice.Tacos: Crispy Fish with chipotle kewpie and salsa fresca~ I like this oneWagyu Beef with guacamole and shishito ~ this one is so so. Cant taste the Wagyu beef much, so not a recommended dish.The tacos in this resto is soft and not crispy one. (I prefer the crispy one)Tostadas:Tostadas here is crispy one.Chicken with egg tostadas. Not bad. Fried egg looks nice but its not crispy.Spicy Lobster with Yuzu Kewpie. Actually its not that spicy but it comes with many sauces.Mexican food is full of sauce, onions and chills. Mexican Coke from Mexico~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
走创意路线的墨西哥菜,整体调味偏重,造型吸睛的开放式taco让我种草很久。正好要来K Town拍花灯,就把Happy Friday的晚餐安排在了这家。·Market Fish Ceviche — 柚子柠檬汁腌鱼生好酸,还是平铺直叙的尖酸,柚子风味没什么存在感,腰果太大颗,虽然口感香脆,但跟生鱼片的柔嫩完全调不到一个频道。·Shrimp & Guacamole — 鲜弹的虾仁和牛油果泥一般都是不出错的搭配,但恰恰翻车在酱汁,竟然不是我以为的salsa,而是老干妈一样的辣椒油,整个taco的画风瞬间油腻起来。饼皮就跟受潮了一样干瘪,嚼劲无。·Spicy Lobster — 酱汁偏黏稠,辣度有点猛,不过也挺好接受,龙虾肉质饱满鲜弹,和牛油果的组合谁不爱呢,这是当晚最满意的一款。·Tostadas是炸玉米粉圆饼,虽然我不怎么吃炸物,但相比毫无生命力的软饼皮,它的酥脆口感还是很招人喜欢。·Chicken & Egg — 创意是好的,造型也出彩,但吃起来非常不便,要么只有眼睁睁地看着蛋黄流走,要么只有放弃吃相张大嘴巴一口闷。·鸡肉类似于照烧鸡肉,包裹在咸鲜酱汁下的肉质十分柔嫩,没想到鸡肉下面还抹了一层牛油果泥,目的是为了增加层次吧,但是牛油果重复率太高。·上菜速度巨慢,明明全场就我一位客人,从6点过吃到7点过结账离开都还没其它客人来,这生意也着实堪忧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
由於下午食左個超難食tea set (請參考其他食評),朋友覺得勁唔好意思,所以夜晚帶我黎堅尼地城食晚飯🥣首先要講反,卡幫妮一路麻麻地墨西哥菜,總係覺得冇咩選擇咁,不過朋友既然咁推薦,咁都去試試啦😂😂入到黎感覺唔錯,地方唔叫大,但都full full 地,waiter 都好nice ☺️☺️菜色名我唔係好記得,食左以下既野食😂我會係下面寫反我覺得好食既🔸呢個吞拿魚唔錯,可以叫🔸有海膽既Tacos 呢個推介,我朋友之前食過話一定要叫,入口好鮮味,同一般既tacos 好唔同🤤🤤🔸Chips (要晒全部醬) 好好味,醬好多選擇,總有隻你鐘意!🔸叫左兩杯酒都係好飲既如果想同朋友chill 一個晚上係不錯既選擇👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-04-24
見到評語好好咁,所以去完Golden Scene 睇戲就抱住期望拿拿臨跑過嚟食。Waitress 話呢度係墨西哥加日本菜,等我滿心歡喜以為有什麼新意思,點知上碟剩係得一個字「鹹」,仲係好鹹、好鹹、好鹹嗰隻,鹹味完全掩蓋所有食物的味道,食唔到燒蠔、龍蝦、和牛的味道,簡直浪費晒啲新鮮食材,就算係墨西哥菜都唔應該鹹到咁。呢餐真係完全唔對路,埋單差唔多成千蚊,性價比直迫負值,食完口喝到暈,成晚腦海只有一個想法,原來一千蚊真係可以買咗好多鹽嚟食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)