Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
今日走咗去觀塘食lunch,突然間好想食四川菜,所以揀咗呢間:🖤涼拌皮蛋 $28皮蛋入口微涼,皮蛋糖心入口即溶,醬汁微辣微酸,仲落咗少少糖,整體口感不錯!🐷新鮮豬雜粉(三拼)$55豬粉腸洗得好乾淨,本身帶少少苦回甘味,質地有口感之餘唔會太煙靭!豬腰同豬潤都無腥味,豬腰帶柔嫩清爽口感,可以一食!🐃涼拌牛舌$38牛舌薄脆,加咗四川辣汁,味道非常惹味,上面加咗少許白芝麻,更香口!🍜蟲草花雞湯米線 $58花膠雞湯入面加咗紅棗同埋杞子仲有蟲草花,所以好滋補,一入口就飲到雞鹹香味,入面仲有小白菜同木耳,整體感覺豐富,雞煮前經過醃製,味道似係小菜當中嘅鹹香雞,雞肉都算幾嫩滑,不錯!✨呢間好抵食,米線份量勁多,搞到我又食唔晒啦,下次想食酸菜魚!ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶з
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每次嚟旺中行街都會叫呢個麻辣魚蛋($12/6粒)嚟食🌶️ 魚蛋嘅口感類似7仔個款,舖溝滿辣油同埋辣椒碎😍 係旺中呢個唔涼嘅環境食熱辣辣嘅魚蛋,加埋又麻又辣嘅痛覺,勁正😋🥵 但都請睇熱🙏🏻入面係冇乜味,所以記得咬開一半再點啲辣椒碎&油🤪
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Went to this shop with my sis as she was craving for their duck blood. .We ordered Mala Duck Blood and Mala Pig Skin. The duck blood was hotly-served and mouthful. It absorbed the mala sauce nicely, creating a savoury combination. The pig skin was chewy and soft. Although the chili sauce on top didn't reach the bottom of the dish, it still provided a good level of flavour..It only offered take-away service, and it was quite difficult to find a spot to enjoy the food in Argyle Centre.
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