4-min walk from Exit C2, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
Wed - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
17:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash JCB Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Chubby Papa’s Deli @chubbypapasdeli 📍:西環堅尼地城卑路乍街7-11號海都樓地下29號舖🚗:香港大學地鐵C2出口 步行7分鐘📞:+852 9103-4787💲:~HKD80-148/head for lunchFood quality✔️:Patty Melt總結:🥲近期真係超多餐廳執笠 呢間被MM吹奏過都頂唔順就知幾艱難🥲由美國🇺🇸老闆主理嘅美式三文治🥪店 大份重牛肉重芝士真係勁美式風格 其實我仲想試多幾次但發現佢呢個禮拜要執了….🥲試咗Patty Melt就係160g嘅牛漢堡加車打芝士🧀 真係啖啖肉味 成件事好重口味都好惹味 芝士都唔會蓋過牛味剛剛好🥲有個自助區可以自己拎水同加醬料🙏🏼 thank you for your two year’s service to our community, wish you all the best continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前睇到MM介紹呢間美式三文治 已經即刻bookmark左 今次出開港島一於就去試下!餐廳位於一條巷仔入面 位置有少少隱蔽🫢 Deli由有20年廚師經驗嘅美國人主理 即叫即製各款正宗美式三文治😋🍴Patty Melt ($118)兩塊牛奶麵包烘到金黃色 外脆內軟 中間夾住160g全牛肉漢堡、車打芝士同埋炒洋蔥☺️ 半溶嘅車打芝士呈拉絲狀態 十分邪惡!🤤漢堡肉味好濃 但略嫌唔夠juicy 焦糖化嘅洋蔥則為三文治增添左濕潤感😌 🍴Philly Cheese Steaks ($148)稍稍烘過嘅意大利長麵包中間放左180g牛肉肉眼同炒香左嘅洋蔥、磨菇、燈籠椒😋 肉眼切成一片片 加上肉質軟嫩 食落去一d都唔費勁 啖啖肉好正🫶🏻芝士方面 店主推介左provolone畀我地 呢款芝士味道比較清淡 帶d奶香 texture感覺似醬汁 同餡料好夾 果然係好推介!❤️自助吧仲有店主醃製嘅兩款辣椒 唔係好食得辣嘅我就無試到 不過聽講幾好食 中意食辣嘅朋友去到不妨試下🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-07-19
I am a huge cheesesteak fan and have tried cheesesteaks around the world including Philadelphia. Chubby papa cheesesteaks are one of the best and even better than some of the ones I tried in Philly including Geno’s (supposedly the inventor of cheesesteaks). Why? Cause they use good steaks and made to order and served piping hot. The one I had at Geno’s last year was cold and the provolone cheese didn’t even melt!!! Hands down this is the best cheesesteak ever in HK. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-13
美帝真係好邪惡……竟然創造出這麼邪惡的美式三文治🥪。這天身處西環一暗巷的Chubby Papa’s Deli,原本想order其招牌名物Philly Cheese Steaks三文治,但見到menu中有Patty Melt,想起曾在美國中西部嘗過令人印象難忘的同款東西,便轉軚吃之。簡單來說,Patty Melt就是三文治版的美式芝士漢堡,呢度啲出品味道好正宗,牛肉patties多汁,芝士grill得好香,邪惡感十足也。加埋厚切既French fries十分香口,同佢地自家醃製的酸瓜,以及免費附送的不同款式辣椒作配搭,太正斗了。值得一提的是呢間Deli嘅老闆是費城來的肥壯黑人男仕,感覺對客人愛理不理的,加上店內偏暗的燈光同不停播著的rap歌,整個組合變得好美國,當然價錢也像美國🇺🇸正宗deli般不便宜啦😎。不過,這裏的東西真的同我在美國吃過的差不多味道,所以應會再來幫襯,下次才試傳聞中的Philly Cheese Steaks三文治吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想減肥既朋友like & save完好碌走啦~(˘▾˘~)今次要介紹主打100%純正美國三文治既 @chubbypapasdeli 由美國人主理既後巷小店無花巧野 即叫即整 正宗美國份量 正宗美國整法.ᐟ‪‪‪.ᐟ‪‪‪◦ Patty Melt呢個我視為grilled cheese既升級版( ⌯'֊'⌯)烤多士有兩層cheddar cheese 中間夾住burger patties同焦糖洋蔥牛肉比我想像中乾少少 期望係再juicy啲但又甜又淋既洋蔥係加分位平衡左牛肉同芝士既heavy 無咁單調~◦ Reuben上次食完morty’s 不得不比較一下兩間既pastrami其實風格好唔同Morty’s係偏向軟熟多汁而呢間就肉味濃郁 食落都肉感重我中意前者 男朋友就中意後者 所以各有千秋既佢既份量就更更更巨型 我食到投左降( -᷄֊-᷅ )◦ Fries薯條都出色既 外層香脆 內裏軟綿綿仲食到薯味·͜-✿#lastbitematters#lastbitematters_kennedytown ✿ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)