9-min walk from Exit B5, Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station continue reading
This brand was founded in 2021. The shop designs with Taiwanese simple style, such as having an IG-able flower wall. You can enjoy Taiwan night market food items under a relaxing vibe at indoor and outdoor seats. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
Other Info
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (70)
Level1 2024-05-15
喺附近返工食到冇乜嘢食去試吓。 我同幾個同事嗌咗個滷肉飯同埋牛肉米線 ,一致認為非常難食。我哋每個人食咗一啖就停晒手。仲見到後面佢哋廚房係一包包即食嘅食物倒出個碗度。 而我哋坐嗰張枱仲要係爛嘅。價錢亦都唔合理。 真心唔明點解呢度仲咁多正評 喺度留言幫大家避伏 🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-10
放假一個人過開牛頭角個邊 發現左一間台灣夜市主題嘅餐廳餐廳設有室內同埋室外 見到入邊有一道花海裝飾牆 就諗都冇諗衝左入去Set行腳架selfie 😂入到去嗌咗個炸雞燥肉飯套餐淨係套餐配菜已經好精彩香炸甜不辣,宜蘭香蔥餅有炸蕃薯條,椒鹽花枝丸鹽酥雞粒,地瓜QQ球個炸雞件 超級膽 ~仲有勁多滷肉大碗飯㫺到個肚腩仔 脹卜卜必定打卡一定要嗌佢個玫瑰泡泡浴用一個小浴缸裝住嘅 玫瑰花粉加奶蓋茶唔太甜~ 玫瑰花勁香 入口好香濃👍🏻👍🏻靚得黎都好好味~餐廳仲有好多台灣特色小食,同埋得意嘅精品想Chill嘅話坐室外一樣咁舒服而且價錢好親民🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻春禧小館 (牛頭角)牛頭角偉業街93號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-26
周 不 時 都 會 過 觀 塘 搵 朋 友 ,呢 次 就 去 咗 牛 頭 角 呢 間 台 灣 夜 請 餐 廳 「 春 禧 小 館 」。.門 口 已 經 好 大 個 打 卡 位 ,入 到 去 又 有 一 幅 花 牆,都 可 以 影 吓 相 。.我 哋 叫 咗 個 台 灣 風 味 夜 市 炸 雞 滷 肉 飯,炸 物 好 豐 富,個 滷 肉 飯 好 食 〜之 後 叫 咗 個 蕃 茄 湯 台 灣 麵 ,有 手 工 花 枝 丸 同 台 灣 貢 丸 ,餸 好 多 丸 好 味 😍 湯 底 都 o k ! .我 就 叫 咗 杯 芋 見 珍 珠 奶 茶 又 有 得 飲 又 有 芋 頭 食 ( 就 係 鍾 意 呢 啲 飽 肚 飲 品 🤣 ) 朋 友 叫 咗 個 玫 瑰 泡 泡 浴 🌹上 面 有 層 芝 士 奶 蓋 ,裝 喺 個 小 浴 缸 度 又 幾 c u t e ! .見 佢 哋 朝 早 就 開 ,早 餐 都 幾 抵 食!有 機 會 可 以 試 吓! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-23
週末又是我這個打卡控出動的時候了!今日到訪位於牛頭角的台式餐廳~春禧小館。由港鐵站步行不足十分鐘便到達春禧,餐廳屬半開放式,有户外用餐空間。今日天氣較熱,我們選擇了室內位置用膳。室內環境亦相當chill,感覺舒適,充滿度假feel。🍱台灣夜市風味炸雞滷肉飯套餐$88~這個套餐完全滿足了我想念台灣夜市小吃的慾望,有炸蕃薯條、椒鹽花枝丸、鹽酥雞粒,香炸甜不辣及地瓜QQ球。每款小食份量適中,啱晒想試多些款式又怕太飽的我們🤭炸雞扒酥香惹味,滷肉飯醬汁鮮味濃郁,滷肉肥而不膩。🦤冬瓜鴨腿湯飯$78~原隻鴨腿,配搭冬菇,冬瓜及薑片,味道清香又不帶羶味,鴨肉嫰滑,冬瓜清甜。🍍水果杯(跟餐加$2)~點了這麼多煎炸食物,看見只需加$2便可加購一份水果杯,當然不容錯過吧。水果杯內有橙、菠蘿,火龍果及車厘茄,感覺健康。🍹精選冷泡山楂洛神茶(跟餐加$2)~山楂洛神茶微酸解滯,最適合吃完煎炸食物後飲用。🛀玫瑰泡泡浴(跟餐加$22)~這款特飲完全是打卡必點,玫瑰奶泡以一個迷你浴缸盛載着,花茶則放於另一茶杯。味道清香之餘又帶點creamy,絕對是好睇又好飲,內外兼備。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-23
Crispy Salted Chicken Braised Pork Rice                                                     The succulent pieces of chicken were expertly seasoned with just the right amount of salt, imparting a crispy exterior that gave way to tender, juicy meat.Sweet Potato QQ Ball                                                   The Sweet Potato QQ Ball was a delightful surprise that added a touch of sweetness to our meal. These petite, golden-brown balls were crispy on the outside and delightfully soft on the inside, with a subtle hint of sweet potato flavor. Rose Bubble Bath                                               This delightful concoction was a blend of fragrant rose tea and chewy tapioca pearls, served over ice.         Winter Melon and Duck Leg Soup with Rice                                             The rich broth was infused with the delicate flavor of winter melon, complemented by tender pieces of duck leg and aromatic spices. Served with a side of fluffy rice, it was a wholesome meal in itself, perfect for a chilly evening.                                                 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)