Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
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Review (3)
Level3 2012-06-08
今日叫左個晚市套餐($65)~包一碗芝士菠菜(Saab Paneer),一碗白飯,印度薄餅(naan),少少沙律同一罐飲品~個Saab Paneer好好食,菠菜蓉有濃香芝士味,裏面亦有唔少cottage cheese粒,naan夠薄同香脆,白飯係印度長飯,但係其實可有可無,不過唔食會唔夠飽,非常鍾意沙律有洋蔥~以小店簡陋嘅環境嚟講絕對唔平,但係年輕店主非常友善,而已食物係有誠意嘅~下次嚟會試雜菜卷,咖喱扁豆同咖喱角(Samosa)~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Was browsing at the new restaurants listed on OpenRice and this name just caught my attention.The name Chutney Mary just sounded so British for some reason so I made up my mind to go and try it.I googled Chutney Mary and indeed there were lots of branches in UK, Australia, Singapore and the US.However I was not sure if this branch is related to the other ones.Anyway got there and it was quite a small joint.Ordered chicken tikka and lamb kebabFor both dishes the portion of rice was huge and unfinishable!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Chicken tikka with curry sauce and riceThe chicken was tender and the curry sauce that came with it was very spicy.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Lamb seekb kebab with curry sauce and riceThe lamb was nicer than the chicken, the texture was strange like pate and velvety.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I wished I had looked at the other menu because there was more choice such as fish and vegetarian curries such as sag aloo and palak paneer. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-09
一條不出一分鈡便能從頭走到尾的宏安道,兩邊聚集了不少餐廳,港式茶記、西餐、越南菜,現在又多了這家印度咖喱快餐店,可謂種類豐富,選擇不少。 Chutney Mary的店面很窄小,主打咖喱快餐,座位只是兩排bar位,硬塞估計也只能坐下8人,還需都是身形纖瘦者。説明了是快餐店,應該是希望你外賣打包吧,但又有酒類供應,一時讓人有些迷惑了。主廚是一位印籍中年人,有點靦腆,英文不是非常好,點單由另一位印度年輕人負責。 說回咖喱,是日試了兩款:咖喱雞和咖喱羊。無論雞或者羊,每樣雖只得3件,但都是大塊啖啖肉,悶至酥軟,非常入味。羊肉不羶,很軟焾;雞肉都幾嫩。 最值得一提的是咖喱汁的香料。雞和羊的咖喱汁有少少不同,但師出同門,屬於同一派系,最大的特點是濃郁而溫和,且層次豐富。兩款咖喱汁都很濃稠,裏面的香料很豐富,吃起來味道又香又濃,但並不刺激,也不辛辣,反而很溫和,但具體有哪些香料就不得而知了,看墻上這張介紹香料的poster,非資深專家級怕是吃不出來的。可以嘗到新鮮的番茄蓉,使咖喱汁的味道多了一分清新。至於辣, 我指明要辣一點,所以多少都有點辣,但又不是非常辣。烤饼:新鮮出爐熱辣辣,餅身較薄,口感鬆軟,配咖喱再好不過。味道雖算不上出眾,但已足夠。追加了一杯Sweet Lassi,酸奶和水混合入攪拌機打勻,酸酸甜甜口感不差,但水沖淡了酸奶的原味,味不夠濃,淡了些。 小小的一閒印度快餐店,印籍主廚的手藝還真是不賴!沒去過印度,很難説咖喱是不是正宗,但咖喱汁的味道確實讓人印象深刻,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)