囂吧擁270度無遮擋空中露台,除了飽覽全維港景色外,亦可欣賞側面綠意盎然的九龍公園及西九龍景致。晚間兩岸璀璨的燈火,和熱鬧的氣氛, 在音樂和美酒的襯托下, 讓客人感受到東方之珠最華麗的一面。 continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (45)
Level3 2012-10-28
好靚的夜景. 坐在餐廳外面, 看著香港夜景, 確實一絕再加上而家既天氣, 秋高氣爽, 十分不錯7:30到達去到馬上order 野飲, 因為happy hour 到8點~跟住再狂叫串燒點知...落晒單, 個侍應返轉頭話個爐壞左......乜都冇...只可以叫小食..冇法啦..照叫...侍應介紹我地食一條唔知咩野既魚....咁諗住是但啦...點知一黎到..一睇:呢粒野叫一條魚??!?!?!?!? 玩我咩...得手指咁長...............賣成$80 定90 ...攪錯...仲有d 炸蠔..炸完都係腥..........完全覺得俾人呃..以後唔會再去!p.s. 3個人, 賣單要成7 舊水....... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-10-15
Went on a Sunday night after dinner so there was no happy hour. After reading the reviews and noting the name of this place I braced myself for bad service(yet still wanted to try this place out ), but was surprised when the staff were pretty accomodating to requests to move to seats with a better view and seemed generally nice and decent.My cocktail was weak and the price was nothing to shout about but I guess the whole appeal of the place was the atmosphere. Lovely night view of Tsim Sha Tsui, Iight breezes, and comfy sofa seats(there seem to be only a few of these around so lucky us). Great place to catch up with friends and also a nice backdrop for facebook photography Although I think the place could be better if it played a little music as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-28
Yesterday the girls and I went to this lovely bar after school to farewell Lily, who is soon leaving hk and off to LSE to be freshman again. I have always wanted to go to this bar in The One coz the view is just gorgeous and their cocktails look amazing. However what surprises me were actually the shots!I ordered Death by Chocolate($55 happyhour) which is supposed to be made out of chocolate, absolute vanilla and baileys which seems perfect combination to chocoholic and baileys lover like me. My cocktails was not as icy as I would have expected, though there is no hint of chocolate at all. To be fair I did tast a fair bit of vanilla, but the baileys' flavour was rather weak. It's more like a smoothy I would say. I enjoy baileys on rock more.And the food was fair. I tried the eel ($38). It was indeed delicious. So oily and flesh is crisp and rish in flavour. The scallop was nice too. It was just right, not dry at all. It tasted fresh and fab.Afterwards we shared some fries between us five. They are actually wedges with spice and salt, freshly fried. although I would prefer it to be crispier, but this is good enough.But the shots(@$35 happyhour) were absolutely amazing. Especially love B-52. Grand Marnier, Baileys and Kahlua, what a perfect mix for me! I just love the burning feel at the throat.It's so beautiful in the evening. Will miss you so much my dear. You were the first non-jupas student that I knew. We used to have exactly the same lessons (eventhough you skive all the time lol). But in fact I love you more than I imagine. I will never forget how poor your Chinese is, how you used to be hyper 24/7 lol, how we used to search on XXX's profile... (that's wat girls do, perfectly logical, right? lol) I really wish that you have chosen your right path. Best luck and Never. Ever. Forget. Us! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日約左兩個外地朋友去我經常光顧嘅cocky bar 飲嘢,因為我想佢地欣賞倒香港咁靚嘅夜景,所以一早打去訂位但佢已經話full晒,有冇可能,平時都唔係咁,唯有walk in。 九點鐘去到只得室內有位,我問帶位要等幾耐可以轉去露台,佢話不清楚因為預計唔到客人幾時埋單,但我每次去到都會比倒時間我(約半小時)。另外我望倒佢地本booking list其實重有好多空位囉! 佢都好好人特登安排我地坐窗邊位。我照樣叫左我最愛嘅mojito, 嗰waiter好好心機咁介紹左一杯士多啤利味同一杯朱古力味嘅cocktail 比我朋友,佢地都好鐘意。 等下等下差不多一個鐘,始終間住玻璃望維港係兩回事,我朋友又想抽煙。我追問帶位重要等幾耐,佢又係答返我不清楚客人幾時埋單,叫我耐心等候。我問佢露台有幾張枱空置左成一個鐘都冇人坐我可不可以坐,佢話有訂位10:30,我立刻火都黎埋,其實我地都唔會坐好耐,因為有下場,如果一入來就安排我坐外面,我係唔介意坐倒10:30比返張枱你。我問佢點解booking list 有咁多空位但都話full,佢話公司新安排,暫時取消還枱制度,所以不能接太多booking。 之後我問左一個比較熟慨waiter乜事,原來因為早前有人客因為要還枱嘅事complain,我立刻上open rice 查看,我覺得一間公司唔應該為左一啲唔準時還枱、冇誠信、為左一己私欲嘅野蠻客人去改變制度而令到其他客要無止境地等枱同冇得訂位。家家有求,你都希望下次人地會準時還枱到你出去坐。呢度有咁靚嘅露台夜景,我都希望人人都可以享用。我真係唔介意要還枱,但唔好要我無止境地等。 最終我同我朋友都被安排倒轉出露台坐,不過要趕下場,所以坐左十五分鐘就要同維港bye bye。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-18
約小學同學來飲野聚舊, 無疑問這裡環境一流, 我早到既關係岩岩一邊飲野一邊睇度日落真係好寫意.大家到齊後就點左多款串燒一邊食一邊傾計, 特別喜歡燒牛舌, 雞翼同冬姑燒得岩岩好再加上特製燒汁用左配酒味道一流.另外佢地吉列廣島蠔炸得金黃鬆脆, 而且不油膩, 咬落內裡多汁不用配任何醬汁已經好夠味道.整體上串燒食物真係做得唔錯, 多款既COCKTAIL都做得唔錯, 服務亦不是食評講得太差. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)