11-min walk from Exit B, Kowloon Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (53)
Level3 2023-07-27
早晨返工日日都經過呢間咖啡店。之前一直奇怪點解當隔離麪包店排哂長龍,而佢總係冇人幫襯。宜家知道了!店員姐姐由我落單到比咖啡我,全程黑面。叫杯black coffee好似打攪咗佢咁。等咖啡果陣見有張咩6月下午兩點到五點好似話有雙倍印花(好似係,宜家都七月廿幾號,我見過咗期,所以都冇太留意),咪知道間舖有印花咭囉。到我問個店員係咪有印花咭比客,個店員更黑面,仲要加多句潤返我話個offer過咗期,宜家冇。明知張poster過咗期,又唔拎走佢。係咪用嚟潤d問攞印花咭嘅客呢?不過,又真係唔使要印花咭喎,杯咖啡係ok, 但唔會再幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-20
其中一間偏愛嘅咖啡店🥰Coco有幾間分店,而呢度係位於九龍灣的外賣店。💼返工🏫返學時,值得一試!平時經過嘅時候,覺得裝修好似理髮店😹好奇入去一試,返唔到轉頭!☕️Caffe Latte (Large $39) 選了House Blend嘅豆,味道十分濃郁,不酸不苦,比例適中。牛奶順滑。🧊Caffe Latte (Iced $42) 選了偏nutty的Single Origin. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-08-07
咖啡真的是每天恩物呀,而coco真的是福地,無論上班地點搬到那裡都有間係附近,令打工仔可以在忙碌之中有一個抖氣的地方,可以差滿電再重新作戰 ,我和同事都會在LUNCH TIME 後到coco買一杯咖啡,可以和同事傾談和休息,。中午出去行一行就跌錢了哈哈~ 是日highlight一大一小flat white,咖啡香氣味道一流,跟沒highlight的是現在大熱天時同事們都會一起去買cold brew哈哈! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-30
It’s tired from daily workloads, can’t live without coffee!!! Attracted by this coffee shop when I am on the way back company that I can’t wait to have one!😋The latte art is really beautiful and refreshing, sprit up me form the heavy life.The coffee shop is multiple, they are selling coffee beans and cups too, really favor customers.❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-30
The Eastmark喺德福戲院再過一條天橋就到。未入門口已經聞到陣陣咖啡香,原來有間咖啡店叫CoCo Espresso,比d香味吸引住就決定嗌杯試下。You can reach The Eastmark by passing through the footbridge near MCL cinema near Telford Plaza. Before I reach the entrance of The Eastmark, I can smell the aroma of coffee. Then I noticed there is a coffee shop named “CoCo Espresso”. Being attracted by the aroma, I bought a cup of coffee.嗌左杯Caffe Mocha。Caffe Mocha有濃濃朱古力味,加左少少奶,咖啡嘅苦同奶嘅甜味互相平衡,微甜飲落又香又滑。I ordered a cup of Caffe Mocha. Caffe Mocha has a strong taste of chocolate. The sweetness of milk is balanced by the bitterness of coffee. Overall, Caffe Mocha tastes a little bit sweet, smells good and is smooth in texture. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)