Opening Hours
09:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (46)
呢間餐廳開係石澳泳灘隔離,outdoor area望住個海,附近除咗幾間賣串燒同士多,無餐廳同佢爭到生意,估計十個客有十個都係貪呢點去食,但除咗呢個先天優勢,去呢間餐廳真係貼錢買難受,絕對無第二次!首先,一坐低揭本menu仲痴笠笠過茶記餐牌已經好扣分,但一睇啲食物價錢竟然係五星級酒店價😂酒水你收貴啲我都明,黃金地段呀嘛,但夠膽死收$170一個普通ikea熱狗我真係笑出聲,見到menu啲食物相同價錢,加埋我哋order嘅嘢食嘢飲嘅真實感受(杯pina colada啲渣多到以為嚼緊原枝甘蔗🙂)性價比之低,係香港你真係算數一數二 。其次,呢間餐廳嘅重頭戲當然係啲侍應嘅服務態度啦 。落單跟住本menu叫一份薯條with ketchup/ truffle mayo, 個侍應勁疑惑,皺晒眉頭問咩嘢truffle mayo, 我哋指住menu張相,佢就一面勁唔耐煩咁話😠:we don’t have truffle mayo, i have no ideas why they put it on the menu. 你份menu誤導啲客嗌錯野,話有呢樣嘢食但原來餐廳無,sorry都無聲都算,我哋又無份編寫你份menu,你炆憎啲客做乜😂?然後薯條送到上枱,除咗個裝住薯條嘅兜,侍應只放低咗一個裝住幾張餐巾嘅細玻璃杯,放係一隻細碟上面一齊上,然後就行開咗,成張枱係無其他碟同無餐具,咁我哋一行三人都assume咗隻碟係放呢個玻璃杯嘅,同埋都想每人有隻細碟,方便自己點啲茄汁同食得乾淨啲,唔好搞到成地碎,於是就有禮貌地請問侍應可唔可以麻煩俾三隻叉、三隻碟同茄汁我哋,你真係估個侍應唔到😀佢即刻起哂鋼,勁忟咁話呢到嘛有隻碟囉(指住個隻放住紙巾玻璃杯嘅碟),薯條以為你哋用手指食呀嘛!個個都咁食㗎啦!係google review見有五星review,點知中大伏,openrice嘅咁多篇劣評先係正常人嘅真實體驗,收酒店價,但嘢食難食、嘢飲難飲、侍應零服務,你個景有幾靚都唔會儲到回頭客啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-18
當天是年三十,打算提前慶祝情人節,所以餐廳不算多人,環境好靚,好似去左外國咁,餐廳服務員很有禮貌,食物很好,特別係條魚,真!係!好!好!食!充滿香料香氣,帶出魚味鮮甜.當日男朋友亦向我求婚,很難忘🥰多謝你亦多謝餐廳的配合睇完openrice唔明點解咁多差評,希望大家有機會都黎試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-16
Outdoor wooden tables full of stain or dunno what… two or three tables of westerners having their table covered with table cloth. When I ordered a cocktail ( with the price of 110) n ask for a table cloth, the servant said, if only a drink then you don’t deserve a table cloth.” I just left. It’s not just service problem, it’s abusive language.This kind of restaurant should not exist anymore. It’s humiliation of HK and the whole catering service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-06
From seafood platter ( $1420 HKD) to fish & chips ( $280 HKD), they are total crap.The overpoweringly fishy-smell shrimps and crabs from the platter were barely cooked and soaked in melted ice; Both the fish and chips from the fish & chips were over fried, dry and tasteless. The service was slow and unresponsive.What could go wrong went wrong (probably only besides my bottled Corona).One of the worst experience in my life, and I felt particularly bad as I brought my family there for birthday dinner. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-06-24
Don’t come to this restaurant. The staffs are worst , food are disgusting, never treat you like a customer. All people there are so horrible. And it cost you similar to a five star hotel price. Never had this kind of experience in Hong Kong before. That’s ridiculous !! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)