Exit C3, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit E1, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (129)
Level4 2023-09-11
香港的日式蘋果批, 最出名的應該是Cocolo, Mille Mele及RAPL這三頭馬車, 現在一個蘋果批要三四十元並不便宜, 但Cocolo有時有蘋果批買一送一優惠, 所以三者來說算是最超值, 而且分店最多, 港九新界也有, 也是最積極的一家. 日式蘋果批就是強調酥皮外脆內鬆化以及蘋果餡和吉士醬的水準, Cocolo在三者來說算是平均, 沒有RAPL充滿牛油香的酥皮, 吃下去層次和鬆化到三者差不多, 來自青森縣的蘋果造成的蘋果餡, 起來較量其他兩者清爽, 不會有豐厚的吉士醬, 相對而言吃得最為舒服, 也較不膩, 但是其他酥類, 如朱古力卷就不太吸引, 還是集中吃蘋果批就好. The Japanese-style apple turnovers in Hong Kong are most famous at Cocolo, Mille Mele, and RAPL. Currently, an apple turnover costs around thirty to forty Hong Kong dollars, which is not cheap. However, Cocolo sometimes offers a buy-one-get-one-free promotion for their apple turnovers, making it the most cost-effective option among the three. Cocolo also has the most branches in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and New Territories, and they are the most proactive in expanding.Japanese-style apple turnovers emphasize a crispy and flaky pastry with a high-quality apple filling and custard sauce. Among the three options, Cocolo's apple turnovers are considered average. They don't have the buttery aroma that RAPL's pastry possesses, but the layers and texture are similar when eaten. The apple filling, made from apples from Aomori Prefecture, has a lighter taste compared to the other two options, and it doesn't have a rich custard sauce. Consequently, it is the most comfortable to eat and less likely to become overwhelming. However, other pastries like chocolate rolls are not as enticing, so it's best to focus on eating the apple turnovers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-30
今日去左朗豪坊shopping 🛍️想搵個地方揭下腳食個甜品 去到B2層見到呢間餅店見有個青森蘋果好吸引啊 就入去坐低買黎試下😋🥠 青森蘋果批 ($38)標明係人氣No.1 全人手製造 份量十足 有好多層既酥皮 一口咬落去酥皮非常鬆化 食完每一層鬆脆酥皮 入面係味道清甜又清新既青森蘋果肉每一啖蘋果蓉都有粒粒嘅蘋果肉 用料十足👍🏻製作相當好認真 食得非常滋味😋 絕對係必食之選🌟🍮 特濃雙層朱古力蛋糕 ($38)標明係🇯🇵日本直送朱古力味超級香濃 感覺有d似慕絲 唔會太甜☕️ 摩卡咖啡 ($32)除左蘋果批 甜品之外 仲有其他唔同飲品 很多選擇摩卡咖啡即製 口感香濃幼滑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-04-11
某日同朋友去high tea,入店鋪坐低見到張檯隔離有個同張檯一樣高嘅垃圾桶,因為地方細實在癡得太近,唯有移過去後門少少,有個職員開門時撞到個垃圾桶,當時佢望咗我同朋友一眼,我同朋友並冇任何唔好嘅表情,但佢似乎忘記個垃圾桶係佢地自己店鋪嘅野,跟住個職員就好似發脾氣咁,上飲品時將我杯熱飲匙羹冇用紙巾墊住,又帶少少力度地dum落個檯面,冇講野就走咗,到最後我都無掂過個匙羹,而且朋友杯飲品淡到無味,好似飲水咁,體驗真係一般,應該都唔會再去,希望個職員服務態度可以改善啦,唔好再咁對客人喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-12-27
環境:裝修簡約光猛,採日式木系裝修,除咗take and go,現場有幾張小枱子可供買完即刻享用.特色:主打日本直送🇯🇵,用青森縣蘋果、北海道黃油、和歌山直送的吉士醬製作嘅青森蘋果批,青森蘋果批咬下非常酥脆,搭配甜而不膩嘅青森縣蘋果蓉,好好食.//抹茶蒙布朗//光澤翠綠吸引,抹茶入口味道甘醇味香,裏面嗰一層忌廉餡料軟滑.//檸檬批//用咗新鮮檸檬製成,清新香氣十足,我勁鍾意食呢個,就算食多幾個都唔會覺得膩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
放工經過,聞到陣陣蘋果批既香味,按捺不住就買黎試試 😛酥批新鮮岀爐,香氣四溢,烘焙至金黃色青森蘋果批 🍎 🍏 ·日本直送🇯🇵·啖啖青森蘋果、鮮甜清香·北海道牛油、和歌山直送的吉士醬製作焦糖堅果奶油蛋糕每口都充滿焦糖味,奶油幼滑,蛋糕鬆軟,堅果香脆,口感十足,亦不會過甜𝘾𝙤𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙤 𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙮𝙤 𝘾𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 📍西貢海傍街9號鋪 📍元朗形點一期1087號鋪 📍朗豪坊B2層19號鋪 📍灣仔利東街地庫1樓B36號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)