2-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
早前11月,得知上環新紀元廣,場2樓有間 <Peace Beast>,才發現對面有間新咖啡店 <Coffecially>!供應:咖啡、茶、Perrier、蛋白特飲、貝果、薄餅...等!設有堂食及外賣店內有好幾個座位,白色裝潢,心思佈置,以小植物綠化環境,增添生氣的清新咖啡店!牆上有關咖啡文化的海報,令人長知識!眼大大的男店主服務超好!先送上一杯熱水相當貼心!如點飲品會提供紙巾、糖!他見我手機差電中,提醒我店內有 USB 叉電線非常周到!Staycation 期間,我出去食早餐!我幫襯了兩次已經認得我,犀利啊!最近幫襯貝果套餐,如果 Like 店子 IG 可享8折優惠!   貝果套餐 $58全麥貝果分別有原味及全麥翻熱後的貝果外脆內帶煙韌,充滿麥粒,配上 cream cheese,完美健康的配搭!無糖可可牛奶咖啡 $48 打開杯蓋有心心拉花, 入口甘中帶苦,相對咖啡味夠濃郁!加入一包咖啡糖之後,質感濃厚挺身,口味層次不同了!似是一杯濃郁的熱朱古力!杏仁奶牛奶咖啡 $48表面的奶泡綿綿細膩, 水溫頗熱,把咖啡的甘香發揮得淋漓盡致,入口香醇的咖啡,輕滲杏仁奶的味道, 後者不會喧賓奪主,香滑度不遜色給牛奶,不用加糖也不錯喝! 喝後甘味徘徊!貝果套餐 $58原味貝果不論口味抑或口感也不及全麥貝果,相對比較不算特別!比利時無糖可可 $30無糖可可跟無加糖的咖啡的甘味口味與別不同!沒有糖的熱朱古力奶,濃郁可可香氣, 缺乏朱古力的香甜,無糖咖啡會嚐到微微的甘苦;無糖可可則是微苦!質感濃稠香滑!貝果套餐 $58抹茶貝果色澤翠綠,質感綿密!卻是不覺得有抹茶味!日本有機無糖牛奶抹茶 $40口味甘味醇厚,加入一包糖,口味變成甘中帶甜!香滑順喉! 薄餅套餐 $88 等15分鐘蕃茄芝士薄餅約 8吋 size,好有自家製風味!薄身的薄餅,表面口感略為煙韌,底部香脆,酸香及鹹味兼備! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-12-17
黎到上環想搵杯美味咖啡提下神見到呢間coffee shop開左一排就試試先原來有位靚仔店長在內即刻幫襯本人不喜太甜平時叫Mocha必走cream原來呢間體貼到可做到無糖添下次必定再黎試埋其他咖啡先得 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-09-13
成日鍾意上網搵下公司附近有咩新餐廳嘅我近來發現有間新開coffee shop,又算近公司,一於去睇睇間店冇座位,只提供外賣,一邊係店名,不過由於有燈光所以就咁影得唔清晰了牆上貼左飲品嘅價錢,價錢都同一般咖啡店差不多,不過有D人可能覺得貴三四蚊,咁我就覺得冇所謂,如果杯啡好飲店主亦好貼心提供手機充電服務,方便顧客喺飲咖啡充電時候,手機都可以充一充電,不過大家要自備充電線店舖另一邊就放左個易拉架,大大隻字寫住新張期間買一送一咁抵緊係要買啦(多左一杯可以益下同事XD)唔知個優惠去到幾時呢,有興趣嘅朋友一定要去幫襯下問左barista,買一送一可以搭配唔同款式飲品,太好了近來開始轉飲flat white,咁我緊係揀杯flate white la,free個杯就隨便叫左杯latte(做過非正式統計,公司鍾意飲咖啡嘅同事有唔少選擇latte)飲落味道都唔差,啡味都濃(雖然我好鍾意飲咖啡,但自問唔係專業人士,唔太識品評)有機會再試下其他飲品,支持小店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-08-24
返工經過見到呢一間新開張coffee shop : Coffecially, 啲嘢飲都幾多選擇,一於試吓。我叫咗Matcha Latte, 好夠抹茶味,又creamy, 仲可以無糖,啱晒我呢啲愛飲咖啡/茶類但又怕太甜之人。而且店主哥哥和職員態度誠懇,親切有禮(幾高大有型),又幾好傾。佢哋仲話而家有新開張promotion買一送一,好抵。唔駛下下只係局限於幫襯果幾間連鎖咖啡店,多個選擇嘛。下次會買埋早餐,橫掂就腳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A new coffee gem in Central / Sheung Wan : Yummy 😋😋 Liquid Black Gold ☕️☕️ (or with flat white milk 🥛🥛) A few days ago, I was walking around Central with a friend after we had lunch, and came upon a newly opened coffee shop with an enticing “buy one coffee, get one free coffee” ad. 🤩🤩🤑We are glad we found this new shop because the coffee was worth trying, and the young owner was friendly and knowledgeable about coffee.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻The green tea matcha latte 🍵was delicious 😋😋, with strong matcha taste. My friend had the macchiato☕️, which she must have enjoyed because she ordered an additional macchiato ☕️for takeaway to bring back to the office.The only suggestion we have is for the shop to change its name, Coffecially, 🧐which is not very catchy, and a bit confusing as to what the business actually sells.🤔Looking forward to the upcoming sandwich 🥯🥨🍩and dessert 🍦selections to pair with the very good coffee.☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)