2791 7128
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
10:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
西貢飲西茶有名的colour brown 是第一次光顧。朋友請我試冰滴咖啡,我是不懂享受真正咖啡的人,要多奶的Macchiato會啱我,奶泡打得厚身幼滑有質感,完整的心形,喝到底拉花依然完全不變形,已經很開心了!碎蛋牛角包酥脆香口大牛角包夾著,,,冰凍白汁碎蛋生菜蕃茄,,,滋味講不盡美味說不完,,,冰滴咖啡
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這一間又是西貢較有名的coffee shop, 本想試試hand drip coffee, 因為價錢不算太貴,但還是被花茶咖啡所吸引,所以我選擇了薰衣草咖啡,沒想到原來是這樣的,是一個茶包和一杯espresso, 我首先分開嘗嘗味道,espresso味道有點淡,不太嘗到什麼味道,花茶沒有什麼特別,當將他們加上一起喝味道超級奇怪,因為將兩者的味道也沖淡了,我還加上了奶,味道更加奇怪,我想像不到如果再加糖,味道會怎樣,只是一樣又甜又沒有味道的飲品。
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有名的colour brown 已經不是第一次光顧。朋友初試Macchiato,奶泡打得厚身超亭身。加上完整的心形,喝到底拉花依然完全不變形,太誇了。。(如下圖)而我今次一定要正經地品嚐下House coffee,不點特色花茶咖啡。不單香濃,杯面那層咖啡泡厚又濃得誇張。不苦不酸,只有回甘,厲害。PS: 本來品質已經好評,加上職員女生的有禮溫柔,令整個環境分數大大提升。
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Color Brown is one of my favorite stops in Sai Kung. Excellent casual decor reminds me of back street cafes in San Francisco or Harajuku (Tokyo). The vibe is great (which is half of the cafe experience anyway), with resident dogs hanging out on the porch, lots of coffee brewing apparatuses strewn about, and no weird spending requirements or rules for guests. The coffee is great and reasonably priced (how do they make enough money to survive?). But the best part is how they have consistently put up with my little girls' antics when visiting over the last 3-4 years. It's not exactly a kid's place, but they try to make it as comfortable as possible for guests. Feels like how all F&B places should be in HK.
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行到累累地行經colour brown,聞到陣陣咖啡香~又見到門口放咗啲貓屎咖啡豆,舖內又有蒸餾緊既咖啡~幾得意就入左去試下~入面環境幾好~暗暗地~幾舒服~之後叫咗份tea set~有1件厚多士,另外再+20蚊,試杯特別啲既咖啡~E杯叫巴西山度士,味道比較淡,好易入口咖啡味唔太重,無酸味,覺得無咩特別~多士要等接近20分鐘先到勁多醬. . . 入面有蕃茄煙肉,材料不算豐富~只係多醬,所以令賣相比較吸引~食落包邊同個底都幾脆~唔錯~不過由於太多醬,令包面有點濕.. .同比較酸~不過餐廳服務一般,staff既禮貌程度麻麻. . .不過有機會可能會試多次,試下另一款咖啡~
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