8-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
每到年尾又係各大 Party 聚會時間推薦一間價格中等而視覺味覺同樣出色嘅中環小酒館 Cornerstone 由澳洲籍米芝蓮星級主廚 Shane Osborn 主理 👨🏼🍳餐廳大理石設計簡約、氣氛輕鬆店員同 Bartender都好 Nice面積唔大 人少少想傾偈就啱晒一段時間前食 以下價錢可能唔係最 Updated 🙈- 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚍 - ⋄ 𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙷𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚎 | $𝟸𝟶𝟾⋄ 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚞𝚜 | $𝟸𝟾𝟾⋄ 𝚆𝚊𝚐𝚢𝚞 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚠𝚒𝚌𝚑 | $𝟸𝟽𝟾⋄ 𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚗 𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘 | $𝟸𝟽𝟾⋄ 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚡 𝚊 𝚕𝚊 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎 | $𝟷𝟸𝟾⋄ 𝙾𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚞𝚜 𝙶𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚎 | $𝟷𝟷𝟾Chef Shane 着重可持續發展元素菜單上海鮮比肉類選擇多 調味都相對清爽無負擔菜式融入Fusion 食材香料繁多但每一種味道都好和諧 ☺️講究味覺平衡唔會互相搶戲八爪魚腿燒得恰到好處 外層焦香內裡保持柔軟和牛三文治係店內招牌雖然 Dinner Menu 無出現但都可以照嗌~Ciabatta + 大量新鮮火箭菜 + 半熟粉嫩和牛扒高質嘅食材只需要簡單嘅烹調 right 😎意大利飯充分吸收番茄同蝦湯嘅鮮味米粒飽滿係我鍾意嘅口感海蝦僅僅煮熟 鮮甜無比 🦐打卡咗兩間副線 Cornerstone 同 Moxie同行友人一致表示甜品超晒班至今記得後者嘅花椒朱古力 Mousse 有幾驚艷 🍫🤎酥脆泡芙夾住香芋奶油 + 花生脆糖 🥜傳統特色加上番枝同芒果點綴食材繁複但非常之夾 共同呈現熱帶風味 超好食 🤤另一款甜品更竟然用上糯米飯椰汁透出淡淡桂花香 加上金柚同香口嘅芝麻薄脆將本土食材用到極致 令人讚歎廚師嘅用心 🥰
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We gathered at this cozy restaurant to celebrate my friend's birthday. One of the main reasons we chose this spot was that my friend is a huge fan of Australian cuisine, and we were eager to try something different from the typical bistros in the area. By 1 PM, the place was bustling, with every table full—a testament to its popularity.seared yellowfin Tuna Finding tuna steak in Hong Kong isn’t very common, so I always jump at the chance to order it. This dish was cooked to perfection, showcasing a lovely pink hue that indicated its tenderness. While the flavor was a bit on the mild side, the texture was spot on, making it a delightful experience overall.Wagyu steak SandwichThis is an absolute must-try! The wagyu beef was incredibly tender—so much so that it practically melted in your mouth. The bun was equally impressive, perfectly complementing the richness of the beef. Without a doubt, this sandwich stands out as one of the best in town!Homemade SpaghettiThe homemade spaghetti was also a highlight. It was cooked to a perfect tenderness, while the fried mushrooms provided a delightful crunch and added a different texture to the dish. A definite thumbs up for this one! 👍🏼lamington CakeTo cap off the meal, we indulged in the lamington cake, which was the perfect sweet finale. Its refreshing flavor left us all satisfied and ready to come back for more.Overall, this restaurant exceeded our expectations and provided a memorable dining experience!
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📍 Cornerstone📍 中環蘇豪 𝗦𝗢𝗛𝗢, 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹 • 荷李活道49號鴻豐商業中心地舖〔 Follow me! ♥︎ 〕-位於荷里活道的《Cornerstone》是一家澳洲菜餐廳🇦🇺,更是得到米芝蓮認可的「MICHELIN Guide Restaurant」✨原來他們還是澳藉大廚Shane Osborn的米芝蓮一星餐廳 Arcane 的姐妹店!-菜單只有簡單一頁,道道菜都是經餐廳團隊精心設計餐廳支持可持續飲食,食材均來自本地及國外的獨立農場和供應商,值得支持❤️-主廚Neal最近就剛從澳洲回港,並以他的旅程體驗,為餐廳設計了數款新的季節菜式,例如這晚都有嚐的【水蜜桃沙律】、【Chicken Parmigiana】跟【Lamington蛋糕】等,後兩道都是澳洲的特色菜式呢~🦘-// Starters //✿ Grilled peach salad ($158)✿ Seared yellowfin tuna ($168).【燒水蜜桃沙律】整道就是為夏日而設的菜式🍑配上豆腐意式青醬、核桃、煙燻stracciatella水牛芝士,十分清新的一道另一道為【火炙黃鰭吞拿魚】配芝麻、芫茜、辣椒、手指檸檬等,味道微辣、惹味,亦同樣開胃•// Mains //✿ Chicken parmigiana ($198)✿ Pan fried barramundi ($248)【Chicken parmigiana】是一道經典的澳洲酒吧菜式,在雞胸肉外裹上薄薄一層麵包糠再炸香傳統做法會再放上芝士烤至融化;這裡的版本則放上了Mortadella意式火腿、Mozzarella水牛芝士,還配上了紅椒番茄杏仁醬,味道微辣、惹味另一道是【香煎盲鰽】,來自澳洲、支持sustainable farming的Humpty Doo Barramundi魚皮煎得香脆、肉質結質細嫩;配上茄子乳酪跟紅椒粒、青瓜粒等,口感蠻豐富~•// Sweets //✿ Coconut Lamingtons ($118)✿ Fresh strawberries on sablé ($128)兩道甜點都不是常見的甜品款式,很特別,又好吃,好愛!🥰第一道【Lamington蛋糕】是澳洲的國民甜點,很少出現在餐廳的甜品餐牌上,值得一試!在兩層濕潤蛋糕中間夾上芒果醬、外層蘸上朱古力醬、滾上椰絲,味道甜美~再配上熱情果跟斑蘭奶油,整體感覺好夏日!另一道【草莓甜點🍓】把鮮甜士多啤梨、薄荷、檸檬奶油、果醬等放在牛油餅上,也十分清新,令人吃不停口🥰•// Wine //✿ Margan Sémillon, Hunter Valley, Australia ($130/glass → $65/glass (Buy-1-get-1-free))逢星期一至五,這裡都有「澳洲葡萄酒買一送一」優惠我們點了一款【Sémillon】甜酒,味道真的蠻甜、果香味重、好易入口,跟我們這晚點的菜式都很搭!-〔 Follow me! ♥︎ 〕
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主廚最近去完澳洲西南部🇦🇺 受到當地盛產嘅新鮮食材啟發 推出咗新菜單✨ 自己超喜歡Grilled Peach Salad 燒水蜜桃沙律 🍑 配以加入豆腐嘅意式青醬 頗有質感😗 撈埋核桃同水牛芝士一齊食 鹹鹹甜甜咁幾滋味 主菜方面都十分唔錯 特別喺烤羊臀柳 肉質嫩滑 羊味又香👍🏽 而和牛三明治就改配咗韓式辣椒蛋黃醬🇰🇷 麵包則選用香口嘅Focaccia 但食完一啲都唔覺得膩另外招牌菜燒八爪魚口感夠哂軟腍🐙 配吞拿魚醬 自己幾鍾意攞佢蘸翠玉瓜食😎 📸 1️⃣ Roast Lamb Rump (HK$278) 🌟 2️⃣ Wagyu Steak Sandwich (HK$278) 3️⃣ Grilled Peach Salad (HK$158) 🌟 4️⃣ Grilled Fremantle Octopus (HK$278) 5️⃣ Seared Yellowfin Tuna (HK$168) 6️⃣ Coconut Lamingtons (HK$118) 7️⃣ Fresh Strawberries/ sable/ lemon chantilly/ mint/ pistachio (HK$128) 8️⃣ Focaccia/ olive oil/ balsamic (HK$38)
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米芝蓮一星餐廳Arcane 的姊妹店同為時榮獲米芝蓮推介餐廳Cornerstone走澳洲現代小酒館風格·情調輕鬆簡約是跟朋友聚會、小酌一杯的好地方最近逢週一至週三推出季節性晚市套餐每位港幣488元|另選配酒每位港幣288元・ꕺ Grillled Peach Salad水蜜桃先炙燒·質感更軟腍·伴以輕盈意式青醬香甜桃香而不膩口·食材組合有心思ꕺ Seared Yellowfin Tuna吞拿魚先輕輕炙燒·魚味濃郁而軟腍以手指檸、辣椒調味·酸辣層次令風味倍增ꕺ Chicken Parmigiana雞胸壓至薄身炸到金黃·酥脆而不乾身配搭酸甜紅椒杏仁醬、意式火腿、水牛芝士最好食法是一口咬下·絕對大滿足ꕺ Wagyu Steam sandwich 選用澳洲和牛· 香煎至完美5成熟牛肉粉嫩誘人·肉質細嫩帶有油香再以特式風味醬汁點綴· 惹味又加分ꕺ Strawberry Crumble bun夏日限定甜點·新鮮士多啤梨配上果醬充滿士多啤梨香甜·這個飯後我可以吃兩個ꕺCoconut Lamington, Pandan Chantilly, Passion Fruit澳洲傳統甜點·椰子朱古力蛋糕朱古力味濃郁配搭輕盈斑斕奶油可以平衡一下整體甜膩感
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