Restaurant: Coucou Hotpot‧Tea Break (K11 Art Mall)
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
5-min walk from Exit N4, East Tsim Sha Tsui / Exit D3, East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (12)
Revolutionising the industry by combining hotpot and tea shake, CouCou offers customers an authentic yet novel Taiwanese culinary experience with its signature Taiwanese spicy hotpot and Da Hong Pao bubble tea. With a modern oriental-inspired interior, CouCou has become a popular venue for family and friends to gather and bubble up wonderful moment. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:30
*Last order: 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Accessible Environment Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Coucou Hotpot‧Tea Break (K11 Art Mall)
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (250)
Level4 2024-09-27
想約朋友打邊爐好耐啦!今次就決定黎湊湊打邊爐,試吓佢哋最近推出嘅「鮮活海鮮巡禮」,依家做緊50%OFF象拔蚌$178!抵呀!鴛鴦鍋(昆布鰹魚湯 $138拼 台式招牌$138)昆布鰹魚湯味道十足!用咗昆布鰹魚熬製4小時而成!依家+$28仲可以有鮮活文蛤一份!招牌台式麻辣鍋,麻辣惹味,湯底有鴨血同豆腐,仲可以任添。華麗海鮮拼盤 擺盤好靚,有鮑魚、扇貝、蝦、鱔、文蛤,品質新鮮,尤其系鮑魚,口感彈牙又高質。美國牛肩胛肉 牛肉質地唔錯,油花分布均勻,肉質鮮嫩多汁,食落牛味濃郁。毛肚毛肚勁爽口!淥十五秒就食得,而且掛汁入味。貓爪蝦滑超可愛的貓爪造型真係打卡一流,食落彈牙,搭配火鍋湯底,口感有層次。新鮮白鱔片 白鱔片已經經過去骨,而且好新鮮,大大一盆,砌到好靚仔。皇帝菜 夠新鮮,食落嫩口冇渣,仲可以解油膩。雙柚愛玉茉莉(冰沙)雙柚愛玉茉香茶 嘢飲充滿台式特式,柚子味突出,爽口解膩。自助食物 $19/位多款醬料可以混醬,仲有任食生果、前菜、滷肉飯… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-26
湊湊呢個名聽咗好耐喇,成日聽朋友講好高質🤩今次就去到尖沙咀K11分店,環境都好有台式風味好有氣氛,lunch都食得咁豐富好正🤤✿ 臺式麻辣鍋/ 昆布鰹魚鍋(鴛鴦鍋)麻辣鍋有鴨血同豆腐,朋友表示好鍾意食❤️🤍辣到未至於好高,適合想食辣但係又唔太食得太辣嘅朋友🔥昆布鴛鴦鍋就清新,適合搭配各種食材。✿ 毛肚即牛柏葉🐮依家都好多川菜有毛肚,口感爽口,個人認為擺麻辣鍋湯底嗰邊幾match。✿ 美國特選級牛肩胛 打邊爐食牛肉最中意食牛肩胛,油脂分佈均勻🐮又不失牛肉味。✿ 新鮮白鱔片平時食日式串燒就食得多🍢打邊爐少食白鱔呢,白鱔新鮮吾腥,每一片亦新鮮🐟✿ 華麗海鮮拼盤(小)華麗海鮮拼盤到底有幾華麗✨有大蝦🦐帶子 蜆肉 鮑魚 白鱔,大蝦同鮑魚爽口彈牙,帶子鮮味十足,蜆肉肥美多汁🐚 ✿ 貓爪蝦滑蝦滑系貓爪外型好QQ🐱蝦滑蝦膠打得結實🦐✿ 雙柚愛玉茉香茶/ 雙柚愛玉茉莉冰沙餐廳新品,柚子比人感覺清新💛愛玉Q彈,一路飲野一路食好正😊茉莉茶清醇解膩。✿ 寶寶童樂餐最近餐廳推出寶寶童樂餐,小朋友都可以喺火鍋店佔一席位😁材料喺小朋友用餐黎講頗豐富,用上奶油水耕蔬菜🥬深海昆布柴魚🐟日本A4和牛🐮西班牙伊比利亞豬🐷基圍蝦🦐帶子 鱸魚片,和牛油脂多口感肥美,基圍蝦新鮮爽口,鱸魚片滑溜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-12
臺式麻辣鍋麻辣鍋唔會好辣, 更突顯濃郁嘅香料味, 涮肉一流。 鴨血滑嫩, 豆腐索哂汁好入味。 🥥清涼椰子雞鍋鍋底好清甜, 煮菜同海鮮食都一流, 雞肉留到最後先食都仲滑!🦐花好月圓海鮮拚盤 海鮮拚盤有蝦, 扇貝, 鮑魚, 蜆肉同鱔片。 海鮮質素都唔錯, 蜆肉鮮甜, 鮑魚爽口, 扇貝食落啖啖肉。🐧企鵝賞月 🌕提前訂座送嘅, 企鵝賞月造型得意又應節,企鵝仔係用墨魚漿整,食落爽口仲帶有墨魚嘅鮮甜味, 好好食。 月球都唔錯, 佢係飛魚籽墨魚滑嚟, 飛魚籽一粒粒咁令到佢更有層次感。 🐟新鮮白鱔片個人好鐘意呢道! 白鱔片幾新鮮, 肉質肥美又彈牙! 🐮美國特選級牛肩胛牛肩胛油脂分佈均勻, 口感幾嫩。🌟爽口牛黃喉幾爽脆, 鐘意呢個質感!🥬油麥菜油麥菜落椰子雞鍋煮嚟食好清甜。🥤雙柚愛玉茉香茶一飲就啖啖柚子, 愛玉幾Q, 配合埋茉莉茶整體感覺幾fresh❄️雙柚愛玉茉莉冰沙同上面嗰杯大致相同, 係茶同冰沙嘅分別。 呢度嘅冰沙好細緻, 飲落口感順滑。紅豆布甸布甸淡淡地配上紅豆啱啱好, 幾balance餐廳自助區除咗醬料, 仲有生果 (有芭樂, 西瓜同菠蘿) 、台式肉燥飯,另外仲有菠蘿桃沙冰refresh 返, 大滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-25
湊湊係我最鍾意食嘅打邊爐之一!雖然價格唔平,但質素都有返咁上下。去湊湊食飯,記得提前book位,如果唔係要排好耐。聖誕節諗唔到食咩,就book咗K11呢間湊湊。我喺地鐵站行過去,入口有少少難搵,要喺地面行過去會好啲。兩個人食叫咗一個湯底,三個餸已經好足夠!值得一提嘅係出邊任食嗰堆小食,芋泥地瓜球同麻辣魚皮都大讚!如果鍾意食麻辣鴨血豆腐,就算你唔係叫麻辣湯底,都可以問店員攞!我就好鍾意食佢個麻辣豆腐啦!兩個人用餐,叫咗一個牛小排一個大白菜一個黑松露蝦滑,湯底就叫酸菜白肉湯。全部食物都不過不失。店內仲會送一杯仔沙冰同埋最尾有甜品,今日就係送雪條。如果鍾意飲台式飲品,湊湊嘅台式飲品都不錯,有時又優惠券仲會有買一送一。總括嚟講都推薦俾大家!但唔使叫太多餸!因為任食嘅嘢都幾好味,三到四個已經好足夠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-23
裝修環境都好有格調, 臨近聖誕仲有好靚既聖誕樹同裝飾, 非常有氣氛. 見到餐廳依家做緊早鳥85折同夜貓8折優惠, 由朝到晚都有特別折扣, 同朋友慶祝聖誕又可以多個選擇!🍽️ 紅顏花膠雞鍋|台式麻辣鍋 叫咗個鴛鴦鍋可以試多款口味, 麻辣鍋湯底有豆腐同鴨血做配襯, 而且仲可以無限添加, 而麻辣湯底辣味唔會太重但麻香十足. 至於花膠雞鍋, 鍋底勁濃郁又杰身, 仲有啲小鮑魚係入面, 另外亦會附上花膠同竹笙, 湯底幾豐富.🍽️ 肉肉聖誕樹將牛肉鋪成聖誕樹咁, 好有心思又搶眼, 肉質亦都唔錯, 軟嫩唔韌, 有微微雪花, 肉味相對較濃郁.🍽️ 企鵝丸造型相當可愛, 食落好重墨魚味, 又夠彈牙, 睇得又食得.🍽️ 新鮮活撈蚵仔 份量都幾多, 碗入面都裝滿漲卜卜既蚵仔, 非常新鮮, 就算煮熟咗都唔會勁縮水, 仍然係漲卜卜.🍽️ 黑松露蝦滑 個蝦滑好足料, 舀起每一羹都係滿滿蝦肉, 口感亦都夠結實彈牙. 🍽️ 四川小酥肉除左火鍋料, 仲有啲小食可以叫, 出面亦有自助bar枱, 雞肉條亦炸得夠酥脆🍽️ 貴紀烏龍珍珠奶茶 做緊第2杯半價, 奶味濃郁, 入面有超多煙韌珍珠餐廳嚟緊將會推出Xmas Menu, 包間訂座仲會送鴨血, 而且可以比你拎埋返屋企食tim!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)