1-min walk from Exit H, Central MTR Station continue reading
This brand was founded in Milan, Italy in 1817. It serves traditional high-end Italian dishes and coffee. Besides, the Cova desserts are the signature items too. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 17:45
Public Holiday
08:00 - 17:45
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 17:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level1 2020-12-26
Lockdown一個人悶悶地,襯未到聖誕人流唔算多,一個人去享受下。服務員態度有善、食物水準高。麵包好味、龍蝦湯濃但唔會太膩、唔記得影頭盤😂,牛扒賣相唔止靚,仲好好味,煎得合度適中。雖然減肥中,都忍唔住食返件蛋糕🍰、嘆番杯cappuccino, 簡直人生享受。值得再試😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-25
COVa在尖沙咀路過過好幾次都沒進沒想到今天居然跟朋友一起吃了而且還那麼神心山長水很遠地過海嗯⋯⋯朋友點了個下午茶餐對 因為我們在下午茶時間去High Tea的聊一聊 就來了個三層高的英式下午茶高貴華麗 這可是在下從來都不會打算去吃的東西呢(一個人吃會立即三高?)那麼100%Make In HK的在下當然要相機食先一層 兩層 三層6粒 6粒 10粒(肥死) 幸好師傅的細心不是全都甜的這才能讓味雷好好休息到再更精緻細膩地去欣賞每一款甜品而在下也沒有全都吃因為甜品對在下而言 是一種眼慾口慾大概兩三粒就會被填滿就來說說在下努力吃下的幾顆 😂加汁蟹肉塔被混合的茄汁和蟹肉絲雖然只有一丁點卻足夠引出海鮮的鮮味全靠所有香草 香葉 柚皮和醬的配搭加上那薄薄的塔底讓它帶上甜品的風格小小餓肝塔未吃之前還以為是粟子呢所以進入口腔的一刻預料以外驚喜的感覺換醒了所有的神經哇~連變成甜品都能保持清新的口感入口即溶同時又隱隱逗留的味道口腔的錯覺讓大腦有著在吃原件䳘肝的亨受優美草莓塔由於朋友不愛吃草莓🍓那在下就不客氣了愛酸水果的我 要開心死了微酸和吉士醬加上塔底偷偷跟你說 有著弱弱的巧克力🍫香假設你閉上眼睛去品嘗這感覺就是在吉士海中躺在塔底小艇抱著超大顆草莓🍓 吹著微微的巧克力香氣微風這種感覺..你懂嗎?就是 我人已經深深陷入這幸福之中而且無法自拔了❤️還有這顆白朱朱在下沒吃 但希望能介紹一下因為店員也跑來特意跟我們說了這白朱朱的來頭是一位德國師傅親手制造的大概是可遇不可求所以這次吃上真有口褔呢(在下沒吃😅)還有其他的都交給朋友解決 在下不行了😅另外再加點一碗時日靚靚蔬菜🥬湯付送餐包一大大藍(太多了吧)最尾有點熱熱的進肚子 好舒服ですね終わりごちそうさまでした🎈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-24
Walking around in Central, and I would like to buy some cakes to home, after searching, I found that there was a Cova near me, so I went there and  randomly picked two chocolate cakes.The box is nice, and the cake are safe inside. I got one blueberry mousse and a chocolate cake. when I tried them, both of them are full of chocolate, I can taste the chocolate favor from every bite. The blueberry one has a fresh taste with the berries on top, and the other chocolate cake contains different layers of chocolate, which makes the chocolate dynamic. They are not too sweet, which is the best part of Cova.I will definitely go back to Cova and tried other types of cake. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-06
It was time for afternoon tea and I grabbed a piece of cake from Cova. Amongst all the attractive cakes, I picked this Chocolate Mousse.Chocolate Mousse at $45There were 3 layers of chocolate sponge cake layered with soft chocolate mousse, decorated with some seasonal fresh fruits on top, including 1 raspberry, 1 blackberry, 2 strawberry pieces, 2 blueberries and 2 red berries. It was really wise of them to put so many berries on top because eating the cake with the berries was great with the sweetness of the cake balanced by the slightly sour berries. The combo of chocolate sponge cake with chocolate mousse was not bad. And I had to admit it was not too sweet at all as a chocolate cake. However, I personally preferred something offering more complicated texture so I wouldn't pick this again next time.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同女朋友行完中環來置地廣場食dinner,見呢間餐廳人唔多環境夠靜適合傾計就試吓。呢間餐廳價錢中高,食簡單意粉燴飯計埋service charge都人均$200。不過勝在環境好適合拍拖,waiter服務態度禮貌友善,值得推薦。環境位於2樓商場內,沒得直接近距離望到室外景。比較清靜唔怕多人吵。裝修肆正,唔算太過好華但很有英式感覺。適合拍拖或商業午餐。餐前麵包新鮮加熱,附上少少餅乾好好食。麵包可以配上牛油或者橄欖油加黑醋一樣好食。最好既地方係免費加食。Crab Pasta蟹肉新鮮彈牙而分量充足。pasta做到好入味,但略嫌車厘茄既味唔夠入到去。Aquarello Risotto豬面頰燉到好嫩而多汁,意大利飯好入味。記住叫廚師煮軟啲,甘樣比較適合韓香港人口味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)