Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Review (31)
Level4 2012-04-20
4月真是一個叫人快樂的月份,因著清明節和耶穌復活,我們多了好幾天的公眾假期,喜歡旅遊的可以到外地輕鬆一下,否則的話也可留港消費。我倆則兩樣都做! 這一晚先在這商場的戲院看一套港產電影,過幾天便出發外遊~~ 是晚在電影前我們想先grab some snacks,看到水牌有這間7號牛仔店,小妹記得有朱古力飲品,所以上來看一看~ 原來持有當日該商場戲院的戲票可有85折優惠! 意外地省了十元八塊,真好! 看到廚櫃裡有我倆最喜愛的lemon tart和chocolate tart, 二話不說一人一個! 這兩款撻面都畫了不同的臉,很可愛! MP揀了心心眼的朱古力撻,來表示他對朱古力的愛情。我則要了個鬼馬臉的檸檬撻。非常讚的兩款小食! 質地很濃,朱古力的濃得化不開,可以媲美LMDC的出品。而我的檸檬撻也叫我吃到法國的味道,酸酸甜甜的吉士質地,飯前飯後皆適合!! 很可惜我倆未能拍下這兩個撻的texture... 至於我們的iced chocolate也是值得推介! 香濃的朱古力冰,吃到一粒粒的朱古力呢! 面頭的cream也很幼滑,與星記的無兩樣,更附上朱古力百力滋一條,是杯叫人非常滿足的朱古力飲品! 要把它記在心中,好讓下次早一點看完電影後可來坐下慢慢品嘗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-18
經常到 The One 睇戲,都會路過呢間cafe, 但始終都沒有衝動去試。今次又再經過,正想睇下有乜支裝飲品,卻被旁邊嘅檸檬 tart 吸引左!因本人特別喜愛食檸檬 tart !所以買了一個試!才$15 但當時只剩一個朱古力tart, 反而檸檬tart 就剩左六、七個!心諗:唔通麻麻???? D tart 上面個個都畫左唔同樣 ( 忘記拍照),店員仲主動問我想要邊個樣!我就揀左心形眼!對於想食甜品,但又唔想食大件蛋糕,咁'lou' 嘅我, 呢個就啱晒! 講番個 tart, 檸檬味好出, 酸酸地,一D都唔'lou'! 質地有D似new York cheese cake, 好滑。美中不足係 tart 皮好林!可能係我食慣Starbucks 嘅檸檬tart ,個D皮係硬而脆嘅!類似曲奇餅嘅感覺!所以食呢個嘅時候, 感覺硬係有D怪怪地!但整體以言我仍然覺得唔錯!下次有機會會試埋佢嘅咖啡,而呢個檸檬 tart 都會再 encore!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-04-08
聽說它的朱古力很好味, 今日心血來潮, ... 希望未關門。晚上十點幾,很多點舖已關門, 帶著碰碰運氣的心態, ... yes, 牛仔還在等我們呢!! yeah!! 一般愛熱飲的我都忍不住要了杯 iced banana chocolate 解渴, 仲有香濃朱古力味, 加上一絲絲的香蕉味淡淡滲出友人點的choco cake 朱古力在口中融化, 甜味適中, 中間鬆軟, 唯獨餅底太硬, 略欠新鮮 朋友仲點咗杯熱茶, 對佢讚不絶口,係 mighty leaf 靚茶 繁忙的商場內有這樣一間設計特別的咖啡店, 設計型格, 但如果多D梳化椅就更好 到打烊時間, 靚女長髮服務員過來收走我們的餐具, 我和朋友亦夠鐘離開, 服務員誤以為抯擾我們, 連忙解釋"您們可多坐一會" ... 多親切的服務! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-16
The One開幕咁耐,行過Cow Boy一樣多次,也被它的牛仔wooden裝修吸引,看食評也不少笑哈哈。終於有機會來吃,來容入牛仔之中。誰知,位子是坐得非常不舒適, (櫈與枱是同一高度,而且所謂”枱”,是一個木箱,腳撞箱+灣低身吃,so bad)。坐還坐,吃的怎也是試。Caramel coffee w/cappuccino (跟set+$18),拉花拉失敗。Cookies & cream chocolate$30。前者咖啡味也不重,而且很奶,和很不熱。chocolate也不夠朱古力味New York cheese cake $22,芝士味不香濃,有忌廉的滑,邊位略乾。很多人吃芝士蛋糕,但for me,質素很普通。Home made salad$28,海撒汁+芝士,整碟菜很夠味,很開胃。食物相是軟心烚蛋,實物是全熟蛋,美中不足。牛油果蛋沙律三文治,意大利包烘得脆。餡無乜牛油果,就是很普通的蛋沙律包。我給她因為食物一般,咖啡沒咖啡味,坐又坐得唔舒服 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-07-15
Round two for our chit-chat nightthe wooden chairs and table here are nicethe atmosphere is very comfortableeven we were actually in the passage of a busy shopping mallI Ordered the white orchardthe staff carefully put the teabag in a cup of super hot waterthen I let it brew for 4-5 minsthe smell was really great, and I found out it was actually peach flavour~the pouches is stitched with unbleached cottonand full of whole pieces of leafLeavesWhite tea, green tea, flower petals.AromaMelon and peach notes.ColourPale gold.TasteSweet, delicate white tea with notes of melon and peachI was really impressed by the strong smell and decided to buy more of it.the staff suggested me to buy a whole canthere are 10 pouches, mixed with 2 flavours, white orchard and Hojicha, only HKD75(single cup sells HKD19)Hoji-cha is made of organic Japanese bancha teaa mixture of pan-fired and slow roasted green tea leaves that yield a rich, nutty brewI remember it serves good with spicy and nutty foodsAlso pairs well with strong cheeses. An ideal tea to promote digestion and improve circulation.So without any hesitation, I bought the whole canand it was actually the last one in the shop continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)