Exit K, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level4 2019-10-06
係山區返工,講真,lunch遲左出去去,唔駛旨意落去食南記果d平野,公司近soho,唯有係附近搵食。行過聞到好香,勁肚餓既隊長於是就拉埋同事衝左入去!隊長見到有個叫Hong Kong U既包有菠蘿,好愛菠蘿既隊長二話不說就落order!嗱!如果趕時間/大班人就要諗諗,因為佢人手好少,得一個人煮,逐個包整係勁耐,不過佢逐個新鮮整就真係香噴噴!包面有芝麻同埋都輕輕煎過,幾香,份量都大份,除左主角漢堡扒,仲有煙肉、煎蛋、菠蘿,同埋鴨油薯條,先讚下塊漢堡扒同煙肉,漢堡扒好juicy,肉質都鬆軟,至於點解要讚塊煙肉呢?因為佢唔會煎到變肉乾,好怕食到呢種煙肉,同埋少一點肥羔,似食火腿多一點,食漢堡包肥、油就一定架啦,夾塊菠蘿感覺會好一點。至於鴨油薯條,比平時食既香好多,而且乾身唔油,食到停唔到口!如果唔係lunch time食,配埋啤酒更一流! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-24
星期五作為happy Friday 當然要由中午開始happy啦☺️ 約左家姐黎食burger 依間鋪頭星期五都仲有好多位 完全唔使等 可能因為個地方實在有啲遠~鋪頭細細 個格局都幾靚幾chill 作為星期五既lunch我覺得已經冇得彈🤣我嗌左個cheese burger 佢配埋薯條同沙律 個薯條係鴨油薯條 個名好似幾特別 不過食落又唔係太覺得有分別🙈沙律就幾新鮮唔錯😄個burger整體黎講一般 個包可以再脆啲 不過勝在料都幾足 味道都幾好☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-01
假日打算去大館行下,行行下又肚餓,周圍行下,原來都好多間餐廳嫁窩。經過呢間餐廳就打算入去chill下。。佢有十幾款手工啤。但神早流流又唔想飲酒,所以我點左個漢堡餐食,份量多到食唔哂。。。好滿足。。相信晚上過來飲杯手工啤都應該好正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-08
假日同朋友去行中環大館,行到累累地見隔離有間好似係飲手工啤嘅埋去睇睇,但最後係俾佢嘅食物香味吸引我地坐底😛我地兩個人淨係叫左一碟Mushroom Plasta 同 一份 Beacon &Cheese Burger.先講碟Plasta, 好creamy, 菇菇都俾好多,份量夠! 不過味道偏淡,可能重口味嘅朋友要自己另加鹽,但係我喜歡,唔會好似有好多味精嘅感覺。Burger 跟埋薯條同沙律菜,好大份,一個香港女仔我覺得食唔晒,薯條好新鮮,菜就一般,Burger片包烘得好香,件漢堡牛肉牛味夠,有肉汁,不過食嘅時候有d散開,但overall我都好滿意😚價錢來講中環soho區算係咁la, 唔算太貴下次可以試埋佢d手工啤🍻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-10-24
Found the promotion of this restaurant for burger combo set that come with salad, fries and drink.I have ordered Hong Kong U Burger with onion, slice of pineapple, bacon, meat is tasty and juicy. Thick Fries were much crunchy than others believed they did fries for second time, salad was great with avocado and balsamic vinegar. Location is great and that a place good to go with friends😀😀worth to try👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)