Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level6 2014-07-09
記得第一次幫襯 Creaminal Treats 是上年平安夜,當時店方創意地把每款 Cupcake 配上名字,給人無限驚喜!   早前再幫襯,發現有些新口味!我當然不容錯過!  最近,走到 PMQ,順道去 Creaminal Treats,怎料已結業! 起初,我還打算幫襯兩、三次,才一次過打第二篇食評!沒想到開業半年左右便結業!可能是位置不就腳所致吧!我每次由上環行到中環鴨巴甸街這條大約 45 度斜路,夏天走來!真是覺得自己拿苦來辛! 琳瑯滿目的 cupcake 當中,有好幾款新口味,最吸引我的 cupcake 非迷人的紫色 cupcake 莫屬! 就算我沒有叫飲品,女店員會送上一杯水!貼心的服務!  或可自行斟水!Blue Ambush $35Blueberry cake with cream cheese紫色忌廉的賣相好誘人!  自家製藍莓吉士忌廉混合忌廉芝士,有不少藍莓肉,真材實料!味道酸中帶微鹹!清香軟滑濕潤!  蛋糕部份略帶牛油味及鬆軟口感!甜度剛好!整體甜而不膩!食完好滿足! 真可惜!又少了一間特色 cupcake 店,希望店方會物色較為就腳的位置重開! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-28
吃完叉燒燒鵝飯,繼續踏上率性的趴走之旅,乘扶手電梯至士丹頓街,穿插於大街小巷。用眼睛、用腳步,去享受這一片繁華背後的獨特而靜寂的風景。約六點半了,是時候去Creaminal Treats 會合老爹他們了。話說小妹早前趴走中上環時,路過食友們曾介紹的Creaminal Treats 門口,念念不忘。是日,老爹和另一事各因私事出中環,故相約一聚,食件餅,飲杯嘢。Creaminal Treats 位於半山鴨巴甸街,是一間蠻具特色的杯子蛋糕咖啡店。店主把Criminal罪犯加以創造,富予其新的內涵,變成了Creaminal忌廉罪犯,把杯子蛋糕和吃甜品的罪惡感兩合為一,極具玩味和趣味﹗此外,店主還為每個Cupcake起了名字,給予其特定的罪犯角色,並把抽象概念圖象化,變成了小店的裝飾,配以昏暗燈光,紅磚古宅設計,徹頭徹尾地把小店塑造成罪犯大宅。小店除了十多款售價由$28-$35的杯子蛋糕外,還有咖啡、熱茶、milkshake、果汁及樽裝飲品等,售價由$23-$60不等。我們一行四人,要了三款杯子蛋糕Ms. Pink、The Italian和The Monster,每個二十三大元,價錢合理。Ms. Pink粉紅佳人樣子清新秀麗,不落俗套,平淡中有一份自然美。雲呢嗱雪糕鬆帶牛油香味,內藏鮮甜士多啤梨醬,配上幼滑而不甜膩的忌廉,簡單而美味,再以一薄切紅邊白心士多啤梨點綴,美艷而動人。三者中,最得小妹的芳心。The Italian意大利先生與意大利芝士餅頗有異曲同工之妙,咖啡蛋糕與馬拉沙酒Marsala結合為一,再以忌廉芝士糖霜在蛋糕上唧出唧花,最後灑上可可粉作裝飾。徒看賣相,頗有黑手黨那份懾人的霸氣。咬下一口,酒味不甚突出,咖啡蛋糕與芝士忌廉味道蠻匹配,誰也搶不了誰的風頭。The Monster怪獸先生真的蠻怪獸﹗朱古力蛋糕本身已偏甜膩,蛋糕內又隱藏香甜的朱古力醬,甜上加甜,唧上忌廉芝士糖霜後,最後以一塊曲奇餅點綴。曲奇餅一早已放於蛋糕上,故咬下未夠香脆可口,建議可效法Ms. Pink片士多啤梨,客人order後才加上,以確保其香脆度。友人甲要了朱古力Milkshake $42,味道如何就不得而知了。只是,杯子蛋糕配朱古力,不是會甜上加甜嗎?老爹要了Snapple 的檸檬茶$23,呷一口後,e起棚牙,向小妹扮鬼臉。唉,抵佢死﹗小妹和友人乙則要了Flat White $32,見褐色咖啡上有一團奶泡,還以為是拉花。凝望了片刻,發現自己自作多情了,患得患失。雖則Flat White並不一定會有拉花,但這杯Flat White的賣相無疑頗教小妹失望。呷一口,咖啡味淡,味道帶酸,加了一包咖啡糖,仍不是小妹杯coffee也。小結:小店的杯子蛋糕值得一試,但飲品就可免則免了…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-10
Cupcakes對我來說有一種莫名的吸引力,明明知道它不就是一個唧上糖霜忌廉的小蛋糕而已,但每次經過店鋪看見有售賣cupcake時,不知道為甚麼心情都會頓時變好的。最近,cupcake的熱潮又好像回來了!為於中上環一帶的Creaminal Treats算是一間較新的cupcake店,我超喜歡它的店名。店鋪的裝修也很貼切店名-牆上的量度高度表,配合店鋪特別提供讓客人可以寫上自己的名字、罪名等等的黑板,顧客就能夠十足十像囚犯般拍mugshot,超好玩!Cupcakes 的名稱都是根據店裡掛畫上的人物而改的,每位cupcake先生小姐各有特色,真的很難選擇。最後選了三個以不同味道的蛋糕作base的cupcake。這裡除了有cupcake之外,還有smoothies,果汁,咖啡茶供應,如果想省點卡路里的,這裡也有水讓客人自己斟來喝。蘋果汁雖然不是新鮮即榨的,但算是清香不過甜,配cupcake最好了!Mr. RV ($32)Red velvet往往是我的首選,深紅色的蛋糕是可可味,味道不算濃,但已足夠,不過我覺得蛋糕不夠鬆軟,還好cream cheese frosting 非常creamy和厚身,補救了這點。Mr. Italian ($32)這位義大利先生的身子是咖啡味蛋糕,而頭頂是cream cheese frosting,其實就是tiramisu味。他特別之處是蛋糕和frosting都下了 Marsala,所以有淡淡酒香。我是咖啡addict,因此認為蛋糕的espresso可以下得更重手。Ms. Karma ($32)我們倆的最愛,她是由 vanilla 蛋糕和焦糖忌廉組成,內裡還有 salted caramel。蛋糕比先前兩個濕潤,海鹽焦糖甜鹹調教得剛剛好,濃厚杰身襯托輕如浮雲的 cream,太好吃了。它令我回想起以前在一間在Elements的 cupcake店,那裏的cupcake 全部都有filling,那就是我開始喜歡上cupcake的時候,知道那店子結業我不知道多傷心!還好讓我遇上Ms. Karma!這裡的cupcake 不黏紙,蛋糕不鬆散,值得一讚!店員超友善,我和男朋友拍了又拍,mugshot牌改了又改也沒有嫌我們煩,更主動幫我們拍照呢!下次我經過一定會幫襯這店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The name CREAMINAL was really interesting so I just had to check it out.It is located on Aberdeen Road where Bologne used to be and right next to Levain.At first I thought it was solely a cake shop.Upon entering, I realized you can have the cakes there and they sell drinks too.The theme of the shop is really good, it reminds me of Sherlock Holmes and they have used the criminal theme applied to cakes which is why they are called CREAMINAL.On the walls, there are really nice illustrations of criminals merged into cupcakes.It would be good if all their cakes were named to match each criminal illustration on the wall because I couldn't find the one for S'more and Banoffee.So far there are eight official characters with illustrations: 1)Ms. White, a vanilla cupcake with buttercream frosting2)Dr. Black kills who dissects with a scalpel. A chocolate cupcake with choc ganache frosting3)Mr. RV, a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting4)Ms. Karma, a caramel cupcake with whipped cream!5)The Associate, a mocha cupcake with whipped cream frosting6)The Italian, a tiramisu cupcake with cream cheese frosting7)The Monster a Cookie & Cream cupcake8)Ms. Pink, a strawberry with whipped cream cupcakeAt the back, there is board with height markings where you can take mug shots which is cute.The toilets each have a female and male criminal picture too.There was a good American cake selection.I was having trouble deciding between the S'mores (marshmallow) and the The Pink (Strawberry and cream).In the end I got The Pink because I have tried S'mores at KISSES and The Pink was fresh strawberries and not artificial strawberry flavouring.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★THE PINK:I only had a cake because I just had a heavy lunch.The Pink is basically vanilla cake filled with fresh strawberries, frosted with whipped cream.Tried some of the cream on it's own first and it was sweet.Inside the cupcake, there was some fresh strawberries as stated but not that much but enough to give the cake an overall strawberry flavour.The cake was delicious with the whipped cream because it was just like having a Victoria sponge and strawberries and cream at the same time.The sweetness of the cake was not too sweet which was perfect.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-12-22
遇到對的人需要運氣,遇上好的cupcakes 也需要運氣。本來打算去另外一間cafe試試,但A提議去試試新開的cupcakes cafe。我試過sift 的cupcake,red velvet 好好味,但其他的cupcakes 有點過甜。在無心插柳底下,我們踏上意想不到的旅程,乘半山行人電梯到堅道,向右邊走一段路,再向下走那45度傾斜的山坡,終於到達了Creaminal 了!(連openrice本來沒有Creaminal的record..)Creaminal 是和Criminal 有差不多的意思吧,吃甜的東西總會有點guilty吧!聽店員的推薦,也因為我們都喜歡dark chocolate,所以選了少甜的Dr. Black。我喜歡它的iceing,很濃的chocolate,chocolate 要越dark 先越好味!店員也推薦了這個tiramisu 味的cupcake, icing 有濃濃的cheese味及一點點酒味,配上chocolate cake,比較light 一點。我點的latte, latte 的泡沫打得不錯,咖啡也夠苦,和cupcakes 很配。A 點的earl grey, 看起來很有心思,有syrup, 也有honey可以選。這店開了2個星期,所以沒有太多人,一次過滿足3個願望 ﹣ 1. 安靜, 2. 不用等, 3. 好味!另外,我覺得店員很有禮貌,希望他們可以保持水準。******************看來我今天的運氣不錯啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)