Exit A2, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
10:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level3 2018-02-08
呢排,太古開咗好多新食店咩國家都有~ 而我情歸中菜同朋友去食好西,又想食中菜膽粗粗試呢間, 好博🤭一入到去,好多個侍應但冇人招呼埋位求其搵個位坐底再揀咗幾樣扒豆腐豆腐炸出嚟隻色好黑下勁恐佈!仲有一陣油”益”味味道都麻麻芥蘭唔知係咪太大條第一下咬落係爽嘅但係口腔有未熟透嘅感覺好生!蠔仔粥潮洲粥,身為潮州人會有期望但呢個世界真係希望越大,失望越。。。。。冇味! 見到好多餡,但。。。。。。。真係冇味!呢杯我覺得還可以最後埋單2xx 完全中伏的感覺! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-02-07
朋友揀了這店作為飯娶,想不到食物比我想像中好。這晚我們叫的都是手功菜,除了青瓜烙,其餘的菜要在家弄,非不花費一點功夫不可。我們是星期四晚去,人不太多,所以環境算很舒服,大家可以靜靜地閒話家常。整體服務亦不錯,當時我問了侍應生在農曆年是否仍有日常菜單供應,她不太清楚並說還是新年時再來電查詢比較好。沒想到幾分鐘後,她認真走來跟我說除了優惠餐牌外,平日的餐單照常。這晚味味菜都很好味,而價錢算ok, 4個人吃,都是百幾蚊,我們四人吃,三請一,三人每位付約$180。一定會再去吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-01-13
中午響太古揾野食真有難度,本來想食台灣野既,但大排長龍。之後去到越南野又要人齊先入得。所以去左翡翠小廚。午市餐牌有呢幾款!上次食過佢既魚香茄子好正!燒味又唔想成日食。但想試下新野既我就當然要叫其他啦。今日就叫左蒸排骨同埋金菇肥牛煲。碟排骨蒸得好靚,仲要係我最鍾意既軟骨。豆豉唔會過多,味道適中,唔會好似平時咁咁咸。非常欣賞,下次可以再叫。沙爹金菇肥牛好杰!無乜味!牛肉係普通既無牛味!配菜比較多。由於最近比較大食。所以再叫小食。避風塘茄子好味!但佢配既酸汁(或者係醋)就唔係幾配d 茄子。凈食好味d !XO醬炒腸粉就辣辣地!唔太燶,但有煎香既味。臨尾加個凈鴛鴦水餃雲吞!加$5可以有熱飲。欣賞佢響中午時份叫套餐包一杯特色野飲(有黑豆漿、杞子元肉雪耳)或咖啡茶。而且仲有茶供應(不另收費)加一服務費! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-01-08
今晚喺翡翠小廚叫咗兩款好似好家常便飯既餸,但係自己又唔會整嘅餸菜,登登登登…… 佢哋就係 👉金銀蛋白灼各式時蔬 同埋 山楂咕嚕肉✌。 由於屋企人少,好少keep 金銀蛋,要買又好似唔好意思買一兩隻咁, 所以好少喺屋企整,另外,咕嚕肉係步驟好多,比較煩覆,而且佢仲有山楂味唔係茄汁味,咁當然要試下啦!  因為相信咁樣做會比較清,但係亦都會有酸甜嘅味道,食咗之後,一如我所料,就係咁樣嘅感覺嘞! 而金銀蛋時蔬呢?呢個就當然係喜歡食菜嘅一個好選擇啦!貪佢有少少鹹嘅金銀蛋,唔洗成日都蒜蓉炒菜咁單調, 出街食梗係要咁食啦😂 我哋今晚兩個人食咗唔使200蚊,實在係經濟實惠 、好味抵食 、家常便飯、回味無窮 。另外見到佢掛起嘅燒味其實都好靚 ,我哋亦都外賣咗半隻,我聽日加几條菜,煮個飯又搞掂一餐。今晚比嘅錢唔多,但係已經有食又拎, 攪掂兩餐,食物質素仲好有保證添! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-11-02
lunch time ,my happy time to try new restaurant.order 2 dished . one is bean curd mushroom.pot and the other is bitter melon chicken.lunch set include about rice and drink.bitter melon no taste bitter.thank to the source and chicken is soft . and for veggies, bean curd and mushroom is nice match . the sauce taste similar to above dish, soy sauce is the base and added oyster sauce to enhance the favor.dim sum taste bad. instant custard bread,0 custard taste and filling taste mess.....and artificial.the steam chicken roll is very oily and still have frozen ice smell........... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)