Exit D1, Nam Cheong MTR Station/ Exit C1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station
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I don’t come to Sham Shui Po often, and I had a curry craving.I noticed there were a few curry places in the area and I decided to go with Curry Corner as I always enjoyed finding good value eats around the Dragon Centre Food court.For $48, I got a Butter Chicken set with both Biriyani rice and paratha (Indian style flakey bread almost like an Indian croissant) and it came with a side of green veg and a soup. I’m very particular about my curries and their sauce was very well balanced- not overly spiced and their chicken was tender and flavourful.Always happy to help a family business and the value was simply outstanding. 10/10 and I’ll definitely be back!!
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一心諗住嚟食我最鍾意嘅butter chicken, 點知中咗大伏叫咗嘢食後二十五分鐘都未有得攞,本身已經唔係幾開心。點知攞到之後開始食,成碟butter chicken都係骨碎,就算啲雞都全部啖啖好多骨碎我唔係話要啖啖肉先滿意,但點解連肉都得咁少呢。。。不過利申,個汁ok,印度薄餅ok,個湯都ok。只不過係啲雞真下下咬落去得骨無乜肉。。。成餐都食到好小心同精神緊張
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黎到西九想試下印度菜,food court剛好有一間印度菜餐廳,叫了個羊肉Briyani(可以說是印度香飯/印度咖啡炒飯),味道很不錯,50蚊睇落唔算平不過份量充足,飯十分香,辣度剛剛好,羊肉也極淋,不過食的時候要小心碎骨。Ordered lamb briyani and the taste was so good, the rice and spice mix perfectly and the lamb is so tender, but please be careful for the little bone left in the rice.
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意外地高質嘅西九龍中心印度小店喺西九龍中心意外地發現咗一間真係印度人老闆嘅印度小店即刻試下!點菜店員識得小小中文,都足夠溝通。點咗個最鍾意嘅Butter Masala Chicken,成個套餐都只係48蚊,仲可以包埋薄餅同飯,認真抵食雖然等嘅時間比較長,但真係望住佢哋兩個人即整,男嘅整薄餅,女嘅煮咖哩,即叫即整,好評!出到嚟充滿驚喜,我敢講拍得住重慶大廈嘅質素Butter Chicken甜得嚟又有小小蕃茄味,香滑可口,用嚟送飯同薄餅都一流!薄餅已經事先剪好咗一塊塊,入口麵粉味濃,十分好味!飯都係印度嘅長條飯,有啲似米粉剪碎咗,同平時食開嘅泰國米或者珍珠米好唔同,個人都係十分鍾意!除此之外,仲有小小菜同一個類似中湯嘅湯,都幾好味但Butter Chicken、薄餅同個飯都令我印象深刻又抵食又好味,值得過嚟呢度一試!
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同朋友喺北河街體育館行過去西九龍中心food court搵野食,上到去好多人、亦有好多餐廳揀。最吸引到卵地係呢間印度餐廳,老實講,餐牌上面好多樣餸都好似好好食咁! 因為想識啲平時少食嘅野食,最後揀咗Curry Corner嘅南印度餡餅($45),等咗5-10分鐘就有得食,啲份量有啲嚇人。第一下咬落個餡餅到就知幾足料,餡餅上面加咗層蛋,所以食落去更加滋味,同埋碟野附送醬汁、有薄荷醬嘅菜同湯,令味道唔會太膩。真係好抵食啊!下次再嚟會想試吓素食set,希望水準都係咁好。
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