Domon x da dolce is an expert in producing a series of appetizing Italian Gelato and mouth-watering snacks. continue reading
Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday: 11:00-23:00 (Ice-cream Section), Monday to Sunday: 12:00-22:30 (Ramen Section)
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Butter Ramen Meet Love Chilled Ramen Temptation Gelato Fondue Special Deluxe Ramen
Review (59)
Level4 2012-03-12
到這家餐廳晚飯,座位少, 開揚,好似周圍行街既人好多對眼望住你食野咁, 不過我選擇得都預左; 但座位坐得好唔舒服, 張小梳發我一邊有扶手, 另一邊冇, 但成個位既設計係要令人伸前成個身去食野, 好辛苦點左燒牛柳粒定食有日式蒸蛋, 但個蛋我未食就知唔好味, 因為太多水, 一惦隻匙落去就散晒, 水汪汪咁......成個蛋配料我一塊冬菇絲, 蝦仔都冇隻前菜係豆腐乾, 似中式既豆腐卜, 感覺有點怪面豉湯冇味, 好稀, 好似飲水咁主菜燒牛柳粒: 都有10多粒, 但粒粒都好韌, 咬唔開, 咬到好辛苦, 冇乜肉汁, 亦都冇乜肉味, 好難食配菜有棷菜絲沙律, 唔夠鮮甜.....成個定食, 冇樣野係好味....... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-01-25
今日收工同同事仔諗住去飲下野~於是我地就去左呢間啦~店員都幾nice~人唔多,即刻有位啦~我地諗左一陣,分別揀左草莓朱古力(熱)同濃情99店員貼心咁提我地,草莓朱古力係甜嘅,濃情99係唔甜~我地表示冇問題就落單~傾左一陣計,好快就有得飲~店員話驚一次過拎兩杯會整瀉,所以分開2次拎放完兩杯飲品仲睇下有冇瀉出黎~(好細心)草莓朱古力飲落去甜甜地~好香濃草莓味~^^濃情朱古力係朱古力99雪糕+朱古力熱飲,但黎到你係唔會睇到個雪糕嘅~飲落去好香濃嘅朱古力,又唔太甜,好好飲值得一讚係,佢地會好細心比埋杯熱茶你,等你飲完可以漱下口,沖下d甜味~但係,如果跟埋紙巾會更好~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-09-07
Passed by this restaurant several times and wonder if it's the same as the one in Whampoa, where I had very good experience several years ago. Many Japanese like the noodle there. It's a bit late, not hungry but the party in LKF delayed and still have an hour hanging around at Langham Place by myself. Just located by the escalator, open area, not very comfortable as many people passed by.Dinner set offers various choices of noodle and appetizers. I picked the salad and noodle with mushroom. Disappointed because I was thinking about the noodle I had in Whampoa long time ago....it's far below that standard. Hardly found little mushroom in the bowl, soup was rather salty, noodle was not too bad. At most, just a fast-food noodle chain. Salad was not nice as well...salad sauce was not kept cool enough. After a long day, really not a pleasant experience to have this dinnerNot sure if the Whampoa branch remains the quality it should be.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-08-19
晚飯時間 等左~20分鐘都算合理 坐低等埋朋友叫野食 要左2個dinner set1. 牛油拉麵+雞軟骨 牛油拉麵: 食左塊牛定豬 好韌 味道好一般 雞軟骨: 熱既 但唔脆 味道幾好2. 蟹肉拉麵 + 餃子 蟹肉拉麵: 有4條蟹腳 好甜 夠鮮味 意外既好味道 自分鍾意食梘水味較重既拉麵 呢到拉麵唔夠 餃子(3隻): 本身係蝦 佢話無哂 懶係優惠咁換左4隻普通餃子比我地 :/ 唔知道落漏左單定點 唔催佢都唔黎 :/ 餃子唔脆 腍身 啲涵食唔出咩味道 佢1人前但唔包野飲既 之前好似有 但佢用label姐住左 :/ 唔值. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-16
是夜和另一半晚餐在朗豪坊看戲. 之前先去吃個拉面打底.其實之前都有惠顧了2次, 感覺服務速度超級慢, 往往令人等得不耐煩.人不多, 不用等位.點了2碗土門拉面說真的吃了幾次, 我還是不懂欣賞他的湯底. 感覺偏咸, 實在不像是花了時間去做的湯頭.面是彈牙的~不錯.叉燒油脂平均也不太韌, 但只有一片感覺有點不夠.還有不少的芽菜, 昆布和竹荀, 還算豐富.另外點了2個小吃餃子看上去完全沒有煎一樣, 吃下去真的像蒸餃子比較多. 雖然皮薄肉也多, 但皮不脆像沒荏煎過一樣軟淋淋的...白白浪費了大好的餃子.燒多春魚只有小小的2條.....好像發育不良的. 多麼瘦小的多春魚, 滿可憐的. 也有點燒焦過頭.惠顧了幾次, 感覺最不值的是它的服務. 每一次惠顧, 無論是點菜, 等上菜或埋單的速度慢得令人發火而且侍應還是呆呆的.值得一提, 我每次來, 都一定會有蒼蠅伴著左右的, 衛生程度實在要改善. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)